MC reborn as Chaos God before 40k is fleshed out as he rises as the first of now five Ruinous Powers the galaxy shall burn. Mature content, Evil MC Overpowered and a Harem of Oc Daemons
[Quick Note: Since most of the Alderi or Craftworld Eldar Units only appear in lore after the Birth of Slaanesh/Fall of the Eldar, I've can't use majority of their roster. So, to make these battles, they aren't totally one-sided. I have to create many OC units that some will resemble modern units, and ect I'll replace them once their in 30-Millenia and I can use Autarchs, Phoniex Lords, Wraitconstructs, ect...]
(General POV)
Location the Materium, Eldar Space (Multiple Eldar Worlds)
Since the utter destruction of Vakken Prime, by the fleet of the Eldar Prince, Alaeden fired upon the fast, corrupting planet that was under the claim of the Chaos God, Khorne.
When this genocide occurred, both Khorne and his wife Valkia felt the massacre and destruction from their domain, engaging these dark gods to unimaginable heights.
This great cowardly for of slaughter and warfare cause the Blood God so much rage that it effected a large amount of Materium belonging to the Alderi.
His rage cause many, many Warpstorms across the Eldar Empire, hundred of worlds owned by the Eldar were covered by red, scarlet, brass swirling vortex of Chaos, emanating great amount of Blood and Rage that was driving many weaker minds of the xenos to fall into the rage, and blood corruption of Khorne.
But with this surge of warp-energies upon this unsuspecting worlds, that have yet to witness the true horrors of the Warp, fates worse then death await as the laughter of unnatural creatures could be heard growing closer, and closer upon these planets.
Location Eldar World/Wagxin 4
On a planet name Wagxin 4, that was under the cover of a massive Warpstorm that was disrupt all their tech and psychic communications with the other worlds of the Alderi Empire, was the first to within the neverborn of blood...
The Warp twisted the veil around reality as swirling scarlet vortexes began appearing all around the planet.
And from those vortexes, came the crimson colored, rage fueled neverborn of the Blood God, legions of khornate daemons swarmed notably Wagxin 4 but many other roaring bloodletter, bloodcrushers, blood heralds, blood valkyries, flesh hounds, juggernauts, and skull cannons emerged all desiring one thing...blood.Blood.
Alderi warriors tasked to defend these worlds from invaders soon came in contact with the khornate daemons.
As commanders and nobles try to keep the order and peace amongst their troops, eldar psykers were forced into more commanding roles along their superior using their psychic might to calm their fellow eldar, and to push back the Great Rage as several eldar that have fallen to the infection either praised these monsters or wished to cut down by them, this meant their psychic forces were pretty much indisposed in this battle.
The Seers commanded their rangers armed with long riffles to start attacking the enemy, and as commanded the rangers started firing upon the charging bloodletters and bloodcrushers leading the assault alongside the Heralds supporting their white armored Banshees all rushing in to meet the enemy head on with their Ghostsword at their side, since all their gear and weaponry is made from wraithbone solidify psychic materials, it can harm and banish daemons.
Rangers shots hit blasting apart and killing blood daemons that came in their sights, but the Juggernauts litteral beasts of metal and rage resist the shots and guide the bloodletters through.
Banshees were either fast enough to cut down a lesser daemon or were impale by a hellblade or razor-sharp horn of a beast of Khorne for their bodies to be gored and stampled
Some of these Eldar she-warriors clashing ghostsword against hellblade as they fought more enemies came seeking their lives and blood.
As the lesser daemons and beasts of Khorne engage the Banshees, packs of Flesh Hounds jumped some banshees tearing and ripping into their flesh with their powerful fangs and claws.
While some of the she-eldars managed to cut those these daemonic hounds of the Blood God, their speed and pack mentality still overwhelmed them, as they watched another of their sister drive her blade into the drake skinned hounds, only for another to jump her from the side, bitting down hard and deeply onto her neck driving the blood gurgling banshee to the soil.
Along this, the bloodletters were cutting down more eldar warriors than they could them, when one banshee was amidst of combat, or cutting down a lesser daemon of Khorne, another appeared to finish what their brethren begun, but the strongest and most skilled the Blood Heralds, high daemons of blood, where rarely banished unless a ranger managed to get a lucky shot amidst all the fighting.
The heralds were massacrering the banshees, slashing and stabbing their victims apart aiming especially at the mightiest of these xeno warriors to claim their skulls, as even in the middle of all the brutal battling the Heralds took a moment to behead the banshee some even displayed their newest trophy and offering to the Blood God in the air grasped by their dark claws.
Then came the juggernauts their brute force added to their charge, complete broke, and tore many brave banshees into gorery messes.
But just when things were looking grim for the dwelling numbers of banshees, reinforcements came to aid them.
Troops came from Storm Guardians, Guardian Defenders, and Shining Cavaliers [Pre-Shining Spear OC Units] all came rushing in to join the battle.
The Guardians
their various firearms from Shuriken Pistols to Shuriken Catapults firing upon the lesser daemons, tearing them apart with volley of shots.
This enraged the daemons as their opponents once again cowardly fighting them from range, so in response, many of the bloodletters and flesh hounds turned their attention to the eldar infantry rushing towards them which resulted in some casualties for the blood daemons but they were still charging in, seeking the blood and skulls they craved.
While the Storm Guardians ready to unleash another barrage of projectiles along with Defender bretheren, several unfortunate among them were...brutality cut down by a blazing greataxe driven into various spots of their bretheren bodies, skulls, necks, and chests.
This happened because of the Blood Valkyries, which were currently flying towards the Guardian Troops.
The Blood Valkyries were hungry for battle, thirsty for blood, and eager to please their mother and Goddess, Valkia.
Having soared through the red turning blue skies of Wagxin 4, as they spotted the mortal xeno cowards firing from afar and refusing to engage their fellow daemons of rage, in close combat this insult shan't remain as the winged daemonic war-maidens focused their rage upon them, watching from above as the lesser daemons, and hounds of Khorne rush the eldar troops.
Once in range, the brass armored she-daemons, several of the blood valkyries threw their hellaxes at their prey, many of the infernal greataxes hitting their mark and killing the targets of the she-daemons.
Now, with both the Bloodletters and the Blood Valkyries forces quickly approaching them from two fronts, the guardians were about to be overwhelmed and slaughter should they face two strong forces at the same time.
So, the commanding storm guardians with some psychic ability and training quickly contacted the main force requesting support from the rangers as they fallback to a more favorable location.
Even with the Warpstorm providing some difficulty for the eldar to have full use of their psyker powers, the more strongest in power and fortitude were still able to use some of their psyker powers, sorcery, and communication between themselves and this allowed the Seer to hear the psychic message relayed to him, and he quickly order the rangers to focus their fire on their winged enemy.
Just as ordered, the riffle armed eldar turned the sights on the Blood Valkyries.
Once they had the winged she-daemons in their sights, they fired hitting some of the soaring daughters of the Gorequeen, some were fortunate that the rounds hit their daemonic brass armors, while others were hit in fatal area dropping dead as they were fading away as they fell to the dark earth banishing back into the realm of Khorne.
The highest ranking amongst the blood valkyries was wearing a heavier set of daemonic armor, even her wings were slightly armored at the edge of the daemonic wings, armed with twin hellaxes, which currently was leading the rest of her sister to a slaughter, the first amongst them to toss her a hellaxe that was within the chest of one of her victims, before she or her sisters could land to engage their prey in close combat, some of her sisters were shot dead, other were protected by their armors, while she was hit in the center of her left wing causing her to fall.
The commanding blood valkyrie crashed hard on the grey soil as she struggled to stand she roared as the Storm Guardians along the Guardian Defenders unleash a hail of shots at her, forcing the Blood Valkyrie to guard, while greatly damaged she was still living as she roared and rushed forward, ripping out a discarded hellaxe once again dual wielding, seeing her the other daughters of Valkia either landed following their leader or hasten their flight speed to slaughter the enemy, as the eldar were falling back, running away from them only to stop for a moment to shot them and their now combine force of Flesh Hounds.
While this battle was happening along with the bloodletters clashing against the banshees, the Shining Cavaliers were fighting against the juggernauts and bloodcrushers.
These eldars are the shining cavaliers armed with sharp, long laser lances, while mounted high-speed moving hovercraft called Air-drivers, they are filled with honor desiring to engage the enemy in lightning fast strikes as shown.
Thrusting forward impaling the great beast of brass and bloodlust using the speed of their vehicles to enhance the thrusting power of their lances, allowing them to penetrate litteral brass armored flesh of the juggernauts.
Several Juggernauts were stabbed in fatal spots ranging from the eyes, mouth, and sides killing several of these daemons as their burning blood pooled on the earth, and their bodies fade back into the Warp.
Seeing this calvary has excited the bloodcrushers to see these eldars as worthy opponents to fight and kill.
Both calvary forces were clashing as the daemons of Khorne prevent the fast moving Shining Cavaliers from providing support to their allies as the Juggernauts rammed them from one side, and the Bloodcrushers from another along with the bloodletters riders attacking the Eldar drivers with their hellblades it was constant aggressive attacks leaving them with little to no option than to fight for their lives.
This same horror was happening to many worlds of Alderi, enraging Khorne and Valkia enough to unleash their full wrath upon the Eldar.
While the sector with the greatest amount of Khorne corruption was now filled with legions of khornate daemons led by Skarbrand himself as they await the coming army of the Prince, Alaeden that was getting constant requests of aid from many world under attack by horrific monster that seem to emerge from the Realm of Souls itself.
Too far to provide aid the only foolish hope that Alaeden believes is that they discover and stop whatever is the source of the "Great Rage" in the singularity.
(Khorne POV)
Location the Warp, the Blood Lands, the Brass Citadel/the Skull Thrones
Yes, I and my wife can feel it permeating the worlds of those space elves as Valkia calls those mortals.
Bloodshed, slaughter, battle, and rage is consuming the souls of the accursed eldars.
Their souls taken or give to me as I watch hundred of eldar world fall to my wrath, I felt a gentle grip to my right arm, turning my head to see my beloved Valkia is squeezing my arm and resting her beautiful head on my shoulder as she spoke to me, "Beloved. Look as these xeno filth pray to their weak Gods and struggle against our legions. As our vengeance and retribution is closing nearer as another Eldar life ceases, and another skull is added to our thrones." chuckle lightly, as well as agreeing with my queen.
We watched the battle and wars waged on these pitiful world, I felt my power growing as more eldar fall to the blade or my influence, seeing as what once hundreds turned into thousands of corrupted Eldar have completely fallen to my control and worship.
Joining my daemonic legions, betraying their former kin to sastify not only my desires for more bloodshed, and skull, but their own need for battle and blood.
As I close my eyes for a second to revel in this feeling as these once cowardly wizards and sorcerers as my beloved Valkia calls Psykers, forsake their powers and embrace the rage and the blade.
My armies were greatly swelling not only are more daemons being spawn along side my wife's daughters adding to the ranks, but also the xenos my new Chaos Eldar, and also the Blood Megaorkz Warbosses slowly spreading my corruption onto the rest of their Waagh, my power will surpass my elder brother at last.
Skarbrand awaited that eldar fleet in the sector's largest planet of Etra, along with the massive legions of daemons I also gave him command of my Warp Spawn Champion, Scyla Anfingrimm.
Opening my eyes and feeling some eagerness and anger, I better be given a victory along with that Eldar Prince's skull less Skarbrand feel my wrath instead of these Eldar!
As Valkia felt my growing anger, and also felt it not focused on the Eldar as my grip on my throne's armrests she reached out with her hand and turned my head to look into the inferno that are her eyes and spoke to me in a soothing sadistic voice, "Freight not my husband. I feel your eagerness to claim the skull of that Space Elf. But trust that the blood will flow and our spawn will not rest until all those responsible for insulting us are dead." hearing this calmed me.
As I reached out my left hand and caressed my beloved wife's face, willing my helmet to expose my mouth, I slowly approached my wife's lips, and we kissed as blood and fire dripped from our lips.
We broke our kiss as she licked the burning blood off my sharp-teeth, and I wiped away the blood on her face, we readjusted ourselves on our thrones, only for Valkia to wrap her arm with mine, and once again rest her head on my shoulder we continued to watch the Chaos unfold on the eldar.
(Laharl/Chaos God POV)
Location the Nethervoid, Castle Neo Oblivion/Throne Room
I'm quite impressed with my brother, he and my new sister-in-law Valkia were devastating the Alderi Empire, while lore before the 30k timeline is screwy, and up for speculation aside from Slaanesh which the space elves are responsible for birthing it was not clear which of my brothers was the first to encounter, and fight the Alderi.
As I take a sip from my favorite Ambrossia filled chalice, some things have happened on my side, my wives returned from their "ladies' night" slaughtering Kolbaline Guard and meet their newest sisters, while Ruu quickly won my other wives heart because of cuteness, Ragna took some time but it was clear that she bounded with Jade as Ragna challenged her older sisters, which resulted with Jade punching Ragna and Ragna returning the gesture as they challenged one another with a glare but in the end they laughed and both expressed that they liked one another.
Looking to my side, I look at the two sharing some "large" drinks of Ambrossia, laughing and joking with one another I smile, all my loves were enjoying themselves doing their own thing around the Throne Room, Dinning Hall, or Bed Chambers.
Stretching my arms, I took another sip of ambrossia as now Thraakhi has become the daemon homeworld of the gobos, already building a mad max style city, dedicated to my and Jade worship as they call me Adrak'Maal they named Jade "Akkalshi Um Adrak'Maal" which means the "Havoc Wife Queen of Ruinmaker of Infidel and Lord of Us" serving as another source of worship, and power for us.
Not only that, the Gobos will reproduce and multiply as they'll take care of Stigeon and protect my Living Forge, as well as creating all my new weapons, war-machines, and infernal machines.
And as Scalpel requested, Kolbaline has become her's and her Flesh Horrors' daemon world I bent the Warp moving Kolbaline closer to Nethervoid, as Cassandra was content with her army if Chaos Guardsmen roam and worship us within the Nethervoid itself.
All was progressing well, and I should be thankful to Khorne as he provided me with a easier method to attack and corrupt multiple I grin I started manipulating the warp-energies and Chaos to do as I desire...
(General POV)
Location the Materium-Space, Western Regions of Eldar Space, Alderi Empire
While many worlds of the Alderi Empire in the Northern Region were suffering from Blood Warpstorms, and khornate daemons.
Several worlds in the western border region are one of those worlds included in this region is Ymir, a white, grey, blue colored planet of rock, snow, ice, and cold.
It was peaceful, not worried as they were far away from the Great Rage, and the monsters that came from the Realm of Souls when...
These worlds began to shake, and many psykers and psychic aligned eldar began suffering intense headaches along with having visions of shadows reaching out for them and outside in the sea of black and stars multiple Warpstorms of violet, purples, black, and maroon as the various swirling vortexes are not from the Blood Lands of Khorne, but of the Nethervoid of Laharl which meant that the Eldar were not only facing the Blood God's wrath and legions, but also the Carnage God's devastation and legion as well.
This is the first encounter of the Eldar with Dark Gods, and it shall be one devastating and bloody struggle...