
Destruction of the Olympians Part 13: Foul Ascension

(Zeus POV)

Location the God of War World-The Boarders of Macedonia and Thessaly, Greece/Base of Mount Olympus

Me and Poisedon were fighting against Laharl Valboga, and the traitors Moros, and Oizys.

Then I felt an humongous quake, shaking the entirety of Greece as harpies, manticores, and other creatures screeched and flew away in droves away from whatever is happening.

Then a whirlpool emerged in the center of the Ocean, I turned to Poisedon and yelled at him, "Brother what is this madness!? Stop this now!!!" the I noticed Poisedon's confusion displayed on his face, if the God of Earth and Ocean wasn't the cause of this, then who?

The whirlpool was draining all the water to a hole...a hole in the earth, as a foul, unbearable stench along with this thick green, noxious cloud emerging from the center of the whirlpool.

It was utterly disgusting, as I saw that a shadow was forming from below...I then thought it was Hades that has come back to the battle, but quickly crushed that through.

That's when I saw them emerged from below...


(General POV)

Location the Fallen Kingdom of Hades, the Underworld/Within the Conquered Castle of the Underworld, Throne Chamber

Aiikila and Limos were enjoying themselves as mother and daughter, with the Great Unclean One, Rotigus Rainmaker taking charge of the purging and corrupting of the new castle of Nurgle, honestly Aiikila thinks that the Maggotking would repurpose the castle to be more attune to nature like the manor in the Garden.

But regardless with her beloved, Nurgle, would make a beautiful home for them all, as the Underworld shall become a excential part of their Garden.

That's when growing sound and intensity of small quakes was echoing across the Castle, which it can only mean that Nurgle was approaching their location.

After a short while, the sound of Nurgle's steps have grown closer and louder.

Eventually, Nurgle was been seen by all the nurglish daemons and they saw their Grandfather, dragging the broken and one armed Hades as his own Claws of Hades were wrapped around his beaten body tightly and held tight in the Plague God's hand.

Once he was in the throne chamber that previously belong to his beaten opponent and Persephone, he was not only greeted by all his daemons but his darling fiancee, Aiikila and his dearest daughter, Limos that rushed over to hug Nurgle.

Once they exchanged affection Aiikila kissed Nurgle maggots infested mouth as her insect mandibles and pincers caressed, Nurgle's lips, mouth and cheeks.

Which made Limos happy of seeing her parents expressed love to one another, as both her parents broke their kiss.

As they spoke to one another, as Nurgle was quite happy with the news of their victory, conquest, and ongoing corruption of the Underworld now he can focus on draining his prize from Hades...

Dropping the dethroned Lord of the Underworld, he grunting as he hit the castle floor Hades was badly sick and unconscious from his fight against Nurgle, as the Rot Lord prepared to drain Hades of another 33% of his overall power and another divinity.

With the Plague God sprouting his two upper parasite tentacles from his back, the tentacles stretched out and stood over the downed Hades before they coiled together, and thrust themselves straight into the chest of the former King of the Dead.

Hades gasped and spat out blood as the parasites torn into his body and once again he was utter uncomfortable and excruciating pain as the Plague God's tentacles were grasping onto his soul, and Hades began to thrash as much he could and scream in utter agony as he felt that once again a part of him was being torn out from him, as Nurgle started to glow in white, draining parts of Hades essence and divinity onto himself...


Location the Boarders of Macedonia and Thessaly, Greece/Base of Mount Olympus

Now as the foul green miasma came from within the hole bellow the whirlpool.

A figure was...thrown out the whirlpool, a completely bloody, beaten, one-armed, and chained up Hades, with a pale almost white complexion.

Next to emerge from below was the more powerful Nurgle...who has ascended from Mid-Low to Mid tier God rising from the vowels of the Underworld was an ever massive Nurgle that must have feasted on countless souls of the Underworld, plus with the added divine power and divinity he just absorbed it must have been more than enough for the "currently" youngest of Chaos Gods to ascend.

Nurgle as he made his grand reveal to his older brother and the Olympians present the first thing Laharl saw was that his brother, has grown three more parasite tentacles now in Nurgle's sacred mumber and three of these tentacles now have some bone sharp insect legs that reminded the Dark One of those predatory caterpillars upon seeing them on Nurgle's parasites.

Next Nurgle's antler have grown in length, size, and branches along with some very smaller spikes pertruding around the areas of his antlers, the spine, right arm, shoulders and thigh bone spikes of Nurgle have grown in size and amount.

His bone claws have grown larger and sharper oozing out more thick green slime along with yellow puss on his hands, as fleshy smaller tentacles started to sprout out the open sores, and scabs allover Nurgle's body.

Nurgle might have not changed much which was typical for the in-between ascension of low & high tiers, but it was clear Nurgle was much more stronger than before and once he made land...seafall...the hole to the Underworld was sealed up.

Laharl flew next to Nurgle, as the Dark Harbinger addressed his brother, "Congratulations Nurgle. Your not only stronger but the greatest God of Death and Plague, in existence take pride, little brother." this made Nurgle chuckle as he expressed his gratitude to his brother for the complement.

As Oizys and Moros joined them they prepared to continue the fight.

Location Macedonia-Corrupted Plains Battlefield, Chaos vs Olympians

The battle was raging on, especially the duel between the Amazon Queen of Themiscyra, Hippolyte and the Daemon Queen of Total Rampage, Ragna Kaalika.

As Ragna struck a brutal right hook to Hippolyte's face forcing the amazon back, as her brain was riddled a little by the blow, then as Hippolyte was regaining her senses and balance back she saw Ragna run straight towards her with her right fist drawn back, and high.

Hippolyte managed to see this and rised her shield in time, blocking the blow but not without being knocked back that the amazon dragged her feet against the ground.

But Ragna wasn't finished gathering her berserker aura from the battle, she channeled it all within herself and flowed it through her body, releasing all the stored energy through her eyes, as they're glowing neon red firing a powerful lasers from her eyes.

Ragna's eye-lasers struck against Hippolyte's shield sending her flying, as amazons cleared the way to avoid by Hippolyte's body, her golden shield started to turn blazing red and white searing into her arm, as she was under the pressure of Ragna's attack, with little choice to tank or escape the attack unscaved.

Hippolyte, she'd managed to spin to the right burning her back from the graced of the lasers, and threw the white hot shield at Ragna.

The shield spun quickly at Ragna cutting into the face of the Seventh Daemon Queen of Carnage, her blood was quickly burned by the shield's spinning edge.

Ragna immediately stopped her attack bending forward as she held her mouth, as her right hand has daemonic blood flowing through her fingers, Hippolyte hissed from the burn on her back, and watched as Ragna stood up straight and looked at Hippolyte.

The amazon queen, sensed that her opponent hostility has lessen as she started to her boisterous laughing, coming from Ragna, the Goddess of Rampage removed her right hand from her mouth, revealing the nasty split/slashed open and bleeding mouth of Ragna.

As Ragna laughed more, with a bloody smile on her cut mouth, and blood dripping down the wound, Ragna started to clap and she spoke to her, "Impressive!!! Hahaha!!! I've never been this hurt in a fight, I never do this but it would be a waste not offering this. Hippolyte of Themiscyra!!!! Would you offer yourself to Carnage? Serve as my bloody champion on countless battlefields across stars!!!! Cause total Rampage and Carnage in my name!!!!!" Hippolyte was shocked and disgusted by the Goddess' offer.

Hippolyte response was, "Never!!! I will never serve invaders!!!! For the honor, glory, and pride of Olympus, I Hippolyte of Themiscyra, stand against you!!!" Ragna shuke her head, and said, "Pity...such a waste. But at least I'll get a decent fight, from this."

The Rampaging Goddess, wiped her blood off her chin and cracked her knuckles, as she blasted forward punching the Amazon Queen across the face making her opponent spit up blood, and regenerate herself in the process as well, the battle between them was just getting started.

Cassandra and Crystallyl were up against Hera and her one armed guardian Argus, as Crystallyl tackled the marble made guardian taking it away from the Queen of Olympus' side and leaving, her sister Cassandra to deal with Hera as she wants.

Cassandra went on a aggressive offensive, slashing her swords in wide horizontal slashes or full quick crossing cuts, leaving Hera on the defensive as her opponent didn't relent.

Then the Goddess of Bloodstained Majestry spun to Hera's right and slashed her acrossz in her back-waist area, Hera fought back the erge to scream from the wound she'd suffered only to suffer more.

Cassandra channeled her power through her clawed golden-gauntlets bounded to her arms, causing her gauntlets to gold in a crimson and golden aura, once she gathered enough daemonic power through her arms Cassandra struck with a open palms at the Queen of the Gods.

Releasing all that gathered power causing a massive pulse/blast to Hera's back that blast destroyed the elegant, silk dress of Hera along with much of her back as blood gushed and cracked the Olympian Queen's, as blood started to spill from Hera's back, it also began to solidify into "blood gold" that not only caused excruciating pain, and weight on Hera's back.

Hera could no longer hold back the pain surging through her body.

She did something that is considered inconceivable for her, Hera, smashed the back of her head against Cassandra face hard.

Cassandra stepped back with a slight nose bleed, scoffing as she drew her blade and saw Hera stumble forward a bit before turning back, seeing her damned opponent whipping away her nose bleed, without a care in the world...looking back at Hera, who had an unsightly look as the soo called Queen of Olympus.

Cassandra compared Hera with a worthless, growling mutt, as Hera used her magic to form elegant magenta robes to sought her back pain and re-dressed herself.

Hera was overcome with rage and distain started to bark, roar, and curse at Cassandra, which made the Fifth Daemon Queen of Carnage, annoyed once again she thought that the soo called Queen of the Olympians was proving to nothing more that a rabid beast...soo...

Cassandra struck at a speed that Hera couldn't track or actually noticed if not for the pain she felt surging through her belly.

Hera was just impelled by Cassandra's longsword, she gasped as the blade piercing her belly was burning her with its crimson aura.

Dropping her long scepter, as she gripped onto the blade of Cassandra and try to yank it out of her body only for the Crimson Empress to pull back her blade, slashing Hera's hands as well causing more pain to surged through her.

The Queen of Olympus, fell to her knee bleeding badly from her stab wound on her belly, and also from her hands...but like before, her wounds and blood began to turn gold by the power of Cassandra, which made the blood gold shards and spikes forming on the body of Hera to stab and weigh down Goddess of Marriage.

Cassandra sighed in disappointment, cause the more she "fought" against this so called Goddess, shaking her head and sighing as she thought, "I'll bet Crystallyl, is enjoying her battle a lot more then me."

Speaking of Crystallyl, she was striking and chopping against Argus attacking brutally and unrelentlessly, cutting and shipping away on the magical marble and stone that compose Argus.

As the personal guard of Hera, with it being one armed, and covered in damages and frost, as Crystallyl's corrupted ice-axe was causing major damages to Argus' structure.

With a focus in her daemonic power, she caused frost to form around them then that same frost became razor-sharp icicles, with simple head motion a barrage of sharp icicles started to rain and onslaught of this ice attack.

Without the aid of Hera, all Argus was is a close range brute.

A barrage of icicles, was bombarding everywhere on the marble giant but Crystallyl didn't allow herself to lack in her onslaught.

Commanding her daemonic power to bend the remaining frost in the air, and the icicle shards on the ground, to drastically drop in temperature as ice formed and held Argus in place, as Crystallyl tackled Argus with a powerful shoulder charge...that impact was soo powerful, that it broke off the legs of Argus with Crystallyl mounting her wounded and broken prey.

Rising her Skadi, high above her head she swung down with all her strength and splited the central face of the Argus.

Caerus was using all his divine power to aid Lady Hestia, when suddenly he felt a murderous aura approaching him.

Turning around he saw the Blood God, standing tall, strong, and menacing before he could respond Khorne grabbed him by the wings and tore them off his back.

Caerus screamed in pain as he fell to the ground, bleeding profusely and heavily from the torn wings.

Khorne landed beside the wounded handsome Olympian of Fortune, he stood up quickly filled with fear at the sight of the War God, that was standing before him.

With absolute bloodlust, overflowing from the God that was standing there Caerus was trembling in fear, whimpering in fright, soo Caerus started running away.

When Khorne saw the wounded Olympian run away like a coward, he became infuriated, thinking that possibly this Lesser God could provide a small amount of entertainment or least a partial challenge...but instead he watched this scum, run away like a coward.

Khorne made his Chains of Wrath, stretch out and coil around Caerus legs, immediately crushing and burning the legs that the chains have wrapped around the lower limbs of the Fortune God, Caerus screamed in agony, as his legs were destroyed and they pulled him back to the Lord of Murder & Battle.

Once in Khorne's clutches he released his chains, he grabbed Caerus by his wavy hair and pulled him up, as he started beating the God of Luck to the bloody pulp punching, kicking, and stomping, the Olympian over and over.

Caerus at the end of his brutal beaten, Khorne decided to end the coward, forcing the Olympian onto his badly wounds and was behead by Khorne, the God of Fortune's headless body laid fell to the earth, bleeding torrent of Godblood onto the corrupted battlefield.

Khorne claimed another God skull, picking it up Caerus' head from the ground and inspected the beaten face of the dead God, while it wasn't as impressive as Ares' head, he could turned it into a special chalice to drink ambrossia later...Khorne banished as he left to go to Mount Olympus and be fortunate enough to face Zeus or Poisedon before his brother ends them.

Cause regardless of the many opponents he faced in this war, aside from Bellona no Olympian has proven a worthy challenge for the newly crowned Chaos God of Battlelust, he commanded his daemons to continue fighting and killing everything...except the amazons, since he saw potential in them...regardless they did as he commanded and the Blood God started to make his way to Thessaly boarder, back to Olympus to see if either Zeus or Poisedon can prove a worthy challenge.

Location the Boarders of Macedonia and Thessaly, Greece/Base of Mount Olympus

Poisedon struck first rushing at the two Chaos God brothers, attacking with his golden and coral covered triton.

Delivering a rapid barrage of thrust at the two, only for Nurgle to smile walking in front of Laharl and taking all of Poisedon's attacks...which were completely ineffective against the Rot Lord.

Shocked that his attacks weren't hurting the Plague God's body, Poisedon decided to try aiming at Nurgle's head only for the Plague God to summon his chain flail, Phthisis.

With unbelievable force, he swung his flail striking at the face and upper body of the Sea God cracking pieces of his skull and bones from the blows, as well as infected his opponent with two of his most vile pandemics.

Poisedon was launched back into his precious Sea, going under and bleeding onto the seawater while Zeus was actually annoyed by Poisedon's weakness as well as Hades that was floating at the side.

Next to the King of the Gods, sensed the approaching new threat in the form of the Chaos God, Khorne.

Laharl immediately noticed that Khorne has become much stronger than before, and he has obtain a new God Artifact for his own, he also noticed that Khorne has a chain of his own.

Zeus struck first firing a lightning blast at Khorne, that immediately activated his Angra Stone forming his hellfire shield, rising up his left hand allowing the magical lightning to hit the hellfire shield, blocking and absorbing, all the magical attack without any issue and empowering the Blood God.

Then Moros blasted a wave of wicket black energy, this pulse spread and rushed towards Zeus that he had to turned into a golden eagle to fly away from the attack dealt by the God of Doom.

Soo Oizys struck using her dark mist, that shrouded Zeus not allowing him any escape and in the darkness it was the Dark One's domain, Laharl rised his left claw and bended the dark that surrounded the eagle state Zeus, stabbing and blasting the Eagle-Zeus everywhere Zeus screeched in pain as Laharl was attacking him everywhere.

The onslaught forced him back into his main form, as Moros attacked again sending his own dark powers into the dark mass causing constant damage to the Master of Greece.

Laharl smiled at the suffering that greatest ass of all the Gods in Mythology.

The Dark One, heard Nurgle laughing at the display he watching and then as Khorne was walking closer to the mountain of the Greek Gods, when from below a triton burst out the surface of the Ocean.

That triton came and pierce below the waves and impale the left lower serpent of the Arch-Daemon, stabbing from the lower jaw of the serpent and through out the right eye of said serpent, causing it and Laharl unbelievable pain, that pain caused the Dark One to retract his power and release Zeus.

As Poisedon resurface from the depths still bleeding from the head wounds of Nurgle's previous blow he was pushing in deeper, to try stab at Laharl's side.

The Sea God, had returned to the battle, and two serpents bit down at Poisedon's shoulders and pulled out the Lord of Atlantis, and Laharl punched the Sea God by the stomach causing excruciating pain, sending flying away and lose his grip on his triton, as Poisedon skipped and the triton was still pierced in Serpent's head.

Laharl rised the still stabbed and bleeding serpent, freeing the triton from his serpent's head tossing it straight at Poisedon stabbing the skipping Olympian, in pain and enrage as three of four hiss in anger and intimidation...