MC reborn as Chaos God before 40k is fleshed out as he rises as the first of now five Ruinous Powers the galaxy shall burn. Mature content, Evil MC Overpowered and a Harem of Oc Daemons
(General POV)
Location the Nethervoid, new Castle Neo Oblivion place of residence
Immediately after Laharl used two of his six now four Free Absolute Creations that intense bright light coated the entire white castle of the Nethervoid as the surge of massive warp-energies not only were reshaping and remodeling Castle Oblivion to the Chaos God of Carnage exact desires but also improving it to fit all he craved it to be with the Nethervoid itself cradling and assimilating the great surge of power and the light starts to deem revealing slowly the new Castle Oblivion.
Instead of a great white castle resembling the castle from KH2, the usage of the FACs drastically remodel and improve the castle in size, form, and power.
Now adorn with the colors of violet, maroon, grey, and black in swirling patterns over the massively expanded castle truly rivaling Khorne's Brass Citadel, Nurgle's Blighted Mansion, Tzeentch's Impossible Fortress, and Slaanesh's Palace in both majesty and horror as towers, spikes, along with daemon heads of carnage scattered all over the outer walls, spires, and spikes of the castle with the new obsidian statue holding up the Abyssal Watcher resembling a titanic quadropadeled daemon of thirteen horns, four pair of giant feathered wings, the frontal legs resembling more clawed hands while the back pair are fully draconian with three huge clawed toes, a cross between a evil dragon, daemon god, and great dark entity with a long great draconian tail that coils around the various spires and towers around the castle's rooftop next to the daemonic God statue were twenty six smaller statues all posed differently laying next to the body of the titanic one, and highly feminine with five resembling Chi Aahtahg, Kiira Blakenroze, Scalpel Bleedinhart, Jade Emerlhyde, and Cassandra Crimsontear while the other twenty one being faceless, bland but at same time beautiful these will resemble the other future Brides of Carnage, of the Dark One, Laharl.
On the spiked towers and spires scattered on the rooftop of the new Castle Oblivion, were fitted with literal daemon cannons taking some inspiration from Khorne these "Abyss Cannons" are meant to devastate large invasion forces from all matter of enemies but mainly focus on flying invaders be it mortal or daemonic while much of Laharl castle was protect around it, said castle was vulnerable or should be said was now not only the ever watching gaze of the Abyssal Watcher not only marking it the ultimate sentinal but weapon of mass destruction with it's raw Chaos Beams, but if the few forces that manage to power through the black jungles, Fallen Maria Temples, Hell Spires, and daemonic legions of Carnage will face extra firepower in the form of the Abyss Cannons.
All in all the newly christen Castle Neo Oblivion has gained more protections as those daemon heads also are able to attack alongside the Abyss Cannons by using tongue lashes, firing Chaos Bolts spheres of pure chaotic energy but also unleash devastating sonic wails that not only cause excruciating pain but also interrupt psychic channeling making it the last outer lines of defense fir those brave but foolish to attack the Dark One's own dwelling as the horrors within will end all no matter the strength, numbers, or bravery of the invaders.
Location within the Castle Neo Oblivion
The once marble white interiors have changed and been redesign as obsidian was added to the floors, walls, and special hooks holding blackish dark purple gothic styled torches with maroon colored flames. burgundy drapes connected from one column to another some of the wall from various levels of the still thirteen floors have burgundy colored silhouettes of daemons painted on them or had mosaics depicting one of the Daemon Queens, or the Elder Daemons, or of Laharl himself either in his base form or shadow cover depictions of his true form.
Not only that the essence of Carnage...Punishment...Ruin...Lust...and Chao overflowed from every corner of the castle as not only the daemonic power of the Immaterium was much denser within the castle grounds by design as another defense system against unwanted intruders as the density, abundance, and strength of the corruption inside Castle Neo Oblivion drastically weakening the invaders making easier picking for the daemon roaming the castle but also the various traps, and effects within each floor all the way leading to the final level, before the massive pair of white, black, violet, and now also maroon colored doors that gain newer additions to its designs such as more details on the titanic daemon on the top of the doors from it spikes on its face, his great maw filled with huge black and maroon colored sharp-teeth, a maroon colored jeweled orb in his chest and the four wings spread wide on his side, along with unfinished depictions of Scalpel, Jade, and Cassandra as well it seems it will be finished once they not only ascend as Daemon Queens but also Lesser Warp Deities married to the Dark God, and alongside Ba'al was now Mordred on the right door along with eleven unfinished silhouettes which will represent the Thirteen Elder Daemons of Carnage and passed this door one shall meet the Chaos God of Carnage, Laharl who was currently standing on the second level of the Throne Room overseeing and feeling the changes done on his home.
(Laharl/Chaos God POV)
Location the Castle Neo Oblivion/Throne Room
As the castle settled and was finishing its last changes such as the chambers connected to the throne room's second floor I felt the power that has greatly increased in not only my castle now named Neo Oblivion but also the Nethervoid itself just like when I merged Nauless with it the daemonic realm of Carnage has expanded again making oh so very pleased as I turned to my right seeing a open entrance just how I wanted leading to the next rooms...the dinning hall and kitchen I quickly checked on Jade's progress seeing that the battle has begun and my sweet adhuman beloved was already in the midst of a great slaughter choosing to kill personally on the ground level then on top of her super Mad Max style monster truck/death machine with a sharp-teeth smile the little Gobo Queen was causing absolute mayhem in my name which of course made me smile seeing things were going smoothly I decided to check it the first upgrade that I've given my personal area in the castle.
Walking toward the hallway that lead to the dinning hall I was pleased with the wine colored rug leading towards the maroon and gold encrusted door on the other side of the hallway with the FACs I designed these new chambers to be fit for Gods and I already knew what the kitchen looked like using my shattered memories of my previous life along with some added fantastical thing it was a state of the art kitchen with a fridge filled with all matter of meats both from the Earth and meats from xeno creatures that'll soon have the greatest pleasure to taste, along with a ever ripe and bountiful garden with all matter of herbs, spices, vegetables and fruits perfect for any kind of meal that I and my beloveds would craves while lost in my thoughts I've realized that I'm already before the door to the Dinning Hall while I need no food or drink in my future sister's words/believes "One should enjoy all the delights and pleasures of this world. Feast until one gourges and burst, enjoy all matter sensational morsels for all eternity is excess itself. " while I'm not a slave or better addict to one own sins I miss food, drinks, and sharing these little pleasures with all my loves is no greater excess and pleasure then that, as the door open allowing me passage.
Location the Throne Room/Dinning Hall
I entered the grandiose and massive dinning hall and I'll admit it was better than I imagined it, the floor was almost covered by a dark gothic designed rug with my symbol covered majority of its center, the rug itself was a mixture of burgundy and violet tones, the walls were adorned with dark art and daemonic styled armors wielding various type of weapons which are or better said will be renowned in the Materium when the Emperor creates the Astartes Legions, but what is drawing most my attention was the incredibly long oval shaped dinning table made from violet wood that can only be found in my own domain quite beautiful and elegant with a smooth finish as I touch the table and admire the craftsmanship and all around the table were twenty six chairs each possessing a special detail that once someone sits upon them it'll change to perfectly fit that individuals' style forever making that said chair their's looking up and away from the dinning table I see the other side of the dining room, the entrance to the kitchen and prep room all was better that what I could imagine...but I'll soon need to spawn special none combat orientated daemons to work as their kitchen staff but I'll do it after I ascend Jade.
Deciding that I've seen enough I turned around and left my new dinning hall to return to the throne room to finish watching Jade's moment of triumph even now I can feel Scalpel and Cassandra's powers drastically increasing along with their essence quickly changing into Daemon Queens this makes me excited and brings great joy as I leave through the door.
(General POV)
Location the Hivecity Darwzin battlefield
Jade and her Iron Kollarz Gobos have not only arrived to the hivecity before they were inside its limits the gobos unleashed hell upon the city from bullets, rockets, missiles, lasers, and explosives raining down destruction on the hivecity killing several citizens from the flying bullets and more or from the explosion and debris crashing down, these poor citizens that have yet evacuate from Darwzin with the Doom Seekers soaring through the skies ahead of the rest of the horde firing from their primary weapon a storm of bullets and laps-fire killing all targets or victims below as they were the first to enter the hivecity flying around to find more humans to kill as guardsmen futility to take down the high speed Doom Seekers above them as they enter deeper into Darwzin and soon the rest of the Iron Kollarz with the Havoc Queen herself, Jade Emerlhyde already jumped off from her giant battle truck right behind the rest of the Gobo-Horde armed with macabre weapons, and refitted heavy duty work/forging devices, or various firearms some even using worker gear or forging equipment while others were wearing skulls and had a eight-point marks painted on their clothing in between the numbers of dirty green skinned adhumans some having some violet tone in their skin and veins were the raging war-machines and vehicles being operated by crazy gobos, with Ravagers stomping their way to fight and kill the Kolbaline Guard and in front of this force of crazed Chaos-touched Gobos was her with her Hellslicer and Anarchy-blaster on each hand rushing in as she took aim with her daemonic shotgun and seeing Jade doing this the other gobos took aim with their own guns and started firing wildly which blew up/destroyed several covers and killed some human guardsmen seeing this the human General order the counterattack responding to his command laps-fire started flying across the shortening gaps between the two forces.
As the General drew his chainsword and charged alongside him came several troops some still shooting at the gobos while others with mauls, axes, sabers, or chainswords yelled eager for combats as this signal the advance for the other troops as tanks, baneblades, sentinels, and combat vehicles rush in at midst or behind the main force as the gobos responded roaring, yelling, and howling with excitement as the forces were steps away to clash, the General swinging down his chainsword while Jade responded with her buzzsaw as both weapons were caught in a death-lock both spinning, reving, and biting against the other while the rest of each of their forces finally clashed and with it the battle of Darwzin officially started.
Which led to now after nearly killing Kolbaline General with the chainsword by Jade taking aim with her shotgun but by some miracle the human dodged the shotgun blast but she did manage to get a guardsman in the back blowing a hole through the human's stomach which made the gobo laugh as she searched for her original opponent that she lost track of in the midst of the fighting but she didn't care as she drove her Hellslicer through the skull of another guardsman and shot a couple which were in close proximity to the Anarchy-blaster blast.
Enjoying the thrill of battle, mayhem and death all around her as her Iron Kollarz were slaughtering everyone in their way either by using their weapons or their Infernal Machines, speaking of death machine her beast the Roadbuster just ram a bunch of Sentinels straight against one of the larger metal towers smashing and impaling them to death causing those walkers to explode in a fiery burst, while Jade looked at her gals having the time of their lives unloading the Heavy Bolters ammo on the weakling tearing them apart, as they were riddled with holes and shredded in gore, smiling her twisted sharp-teeth smile she yelled at her drive to fire the rockets at the bigger groups of Guardsmen hearing her the Gobo-Driver put the huge truck in reverse turning it towards the enemy and with a smash of a red button huge rockets were fired from the Launcher, Jade watched as the rockets soar eradically across the smoke and crimson colored skies falling and once impacted caused several massive explosions furthering the great mood that Jade felt as she kept on madly laughing until she saw another squad charging towards her, with wicket smile Jade rushed forward in a sprint with her arms back holding onto her daemonic weapons seeing their Forge Boss rushing into another fight the gobos quickly followed behind eager for another bloodbath.
The once proud hivecity of Darwzin that in the past stood proud as the "Untouchable City" now in flames, running red with the blood of innocent people and adhumans alike waging the worse war to have ever befalling this city, as the gobos flood the streets and level of the techno gothic city with countless citizens running away in terror in a futile attempt of saving their lives and escaping the carnage down below in the ground level.
Sky Devils soar across the skies firing at everything especially the evacuation shuttles as to prevent the humans from ruining their fun by escaping, some reinforcements for the Iron Kollarz have enter Darwzin...from below using what once considered the hell and mausoleum into their greatest advantage for no other creature in Kolbaline knows the Underhive like a Gobo, bursting out the ground using big explosives that caused several buildings and towers to completely fall as more, and more gobos flood the hivecity following the call of Adrak'Maal and the Havoc Queen the gobos have used this tactic in many of their attacks now Darwzin was getting closer to its gruesome end.
As Skullheads, Ravagers, Sku Devils, and other kind of gobos came from the Underhive to storm the streets, buildings, and levels of Darwzin as Jade was butchering all the weak guardsmen that came at her to kill, and stop the second Gobo Rebellion all she thought of their delusions none of them were capable of killing her but her Hellslicer and Anarchy-blaster have a lot of things to say about those thoughts as blood sprayed and gushed everywhere from her slashes or driving her buzzsaw into the body of another victim, or blown to pieces from the shotgun blasts all in all the Havoc Queen wasn't just living up to her moniker but proving why she earned her title and throne as more came to fight and die by her dirty green colored hands.
The Kolbaline Guard focused all their man power and attention to killing Jade Emerlhyde in hopes of stopping the Iron Kollarz and sow disharmony and anarchy amongst their forces but what they didn't know was that these adhumans are affected by the powers of Chaos so regardless of their futile attempts to save themselves the slaughter, anarchy and carnage of Kolbaline will continue regardless of Jade leading Iron Kollarz or not.
This was everything Jade wanted power, pride, mayhem and freedom in all ways but most importantly true utter chaos as she continues killing countless with her boys and gals right beside she finally found the one she most wants the skull from the Kolbaline Guard leader, that human General that though he could kill her making let out a hardy laugh at the though as she charges straight at him and the two leaders once against are caught in a death-lock of their blades.
Both weapons grinding and trying to bite into the other as Jade tries once again to shot at her enemy he responds in a way that she didn't imagined he actually kneed her hard in the face, causing blood to spray a bit from her nose and knocking her, while stunned by her opponent's blow he tried to cut off her head only for Jade to respond in a brutal way by hitting the bastard with all the strength she could mustered in a swing with her daemonic shotgun hitting the ahole on the right side of his jaw not only did it bleed and hurt she saw as a couple of teeth were knocked out the General's mouth Jade wiped the blood off her nose feeling both pissed from the cheap shot and also excited for this human knew how to fight making her more eager to take and claim his skull for her collection chuckling to herself, readjusting her horned helmet she was ready for the next round.
Location the Castle Neo Oblivion/Throne Room
All the while as this battle raged on the Dark One, Laharl was watching from his domain within the Warp fully amused, entertained, and greatly pleased with the carnage Jade is causing soon she'll ascend but he is letting her enjoy her fight as all hell was loose, all around the two leaders as he watched as his beloved gobo shot a couple daemonic shells at the mortal only managing to survive the five shots by diving behind a broken/destroyed Ravager that was riddled with holes and smoking as he watched the human General armed himself with a laps-riffle and a shield ready to fight Jade once again as much as Laharl enjoyed the entertaining view he was also watching Jade closely he nearly lost Scalpel because of his carelessness he won't allow it to happen again as the fight resumed.
(Jade POV)
Location the Hiveworld, Kolbaline/Hivecity, Darwzin battlefield Gobos vs Kolbaline Guard
My Iron Kollarz were tearing thing up all-over Darwzin as I saw all my boys and gals rain destruction on the city from the ground or air, from on top of a Roller to the cockpit of a Ravager all that I can see was fire and flame...hear the screams of the human trying to escape with their lives, the whizzing of rocket soaring across the killing field this was beautiful karma their creations...slaves that they abused and opressed now are the very creatures they run from, plead for mercy but the Gobos of the Iron Kollarz didn't know the meaning this chaos, carnage, destruction man it was so much fun!
Especially with this gezer being such a good fight he survived my shotgun blasts all five of them by diving behind a wrecked Ravager, so I went to cut out his inners with my buzzsaw when the old man rushes out the wreckage to fight me as he shot me with a laps-riffle but my size and speed save me from getting laser to death while dodging the red lasers I spotted a grenade seems the Dark One was more than cheering for me it seems as I smiled and grabbed hold of the grenade I waited for the right moment to bust this old bastard a new arse!!!
As I saw him try to cover himself with some shield and probably reload his gun I made my move chugging the grenade then I whistled at the gezer and yelled "Heads up!!!!" making him peak from the side of his shield knowing he was watching me take careful aim as the grenade fell right into my line of sight and I pulled the trigger of my Anarchy-blaster when he saw where I was aiming and shooting it was to late he had to toss aside the laps-riffle and buckle himself behind the shield as a big kaboom happened engulfing him in the blast.
I covered my face with my large whelding gloved arm, as the blast pushed dust and crap towards as the wind calmed and the smoke clear I saw something that both shocked and made me happy that the fight was going for a third round...the old bastard actually managed to survive such a close grenade explosion...well almost his uniform was torn, ripped, burned and bloodied his right arm was crap dangling from his side as he threw away his hat, place the handle of his chainsword in his mouth as forcefully fix his right arm as my pointy gobo ears picked up on the sick crack of bones, fighting through the pain and screaming he could move his right arm again as the white haired human panted and looked at me with such killing intent I just smile as I strap my Anarchy-blaster on the side gripping my Hellslicer with both hand and only said "Let's bleed asshole!!!" yelling he charge at me and responded in kind as once again we clashed.
(General POV)
The Kolbaline Guard was loosing ground and numbers way too fast as the gobos aerial superiority and endless numbers swarming across the burning remains that once were Darwzin many decided to live on and deserted the battle while others kept on fighting a loosing battle as this mayhem occurred Jade and the Kolbaline Guard General were still in the middle of their fight since she decided to go full on melee against the old man and he was fighting like a wild beast both were covered in cuts ranging from shallow to seriously deep as they barely defended against the other's attack only wanting to kill the other.
But the end the power of Chaos augmenting her already great physical capabilities including both endurance and stamina that helped her overwhelm her greatest adversary she has faced by aiming low and stomping hard on the old man's left knee as bone broke and pierced out the other side of his leg as blood gushed out the brutal wound of the broken knee, the man scream but still pushed on hoping to kill Jade with a wide left slash of his chainsword.
Jade saw and reacted to the attack rising and angling her buzzsaw she used his own swing/strength to saw off his left arm from the elbow as blood sprayed out the stump that was his left arm he felt something brutally impale his right upper leg looking down as Jade stabbed his own chainsword into his leg and was reving it inside as blood, flesh, and bone were splattered everywhere from the chainsword bitting/eating into his leg the human General screamed in utter agony as Jade let go of the handle and with no legs to stand on he fell to the hard metallic ground and looked at soon to be killer...covered in both her own blood from the cut he managed to land and his own blood he could barely see patches of her dirty green colored skin from all the crimson blood she was bathed in...
She walked towards him stepping on his broken knee as he screamed again then Jade walked over him standing on his chest smiling her twisted mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth and her vile, crazed red eyes looked down upon the broken dying man ahe said "It was fun old man. Rest assured you'll not be lonely in the stomach of the Big Boss." she rised both her arms high, tightly gripping her weapon the old General said his final words "Kolbaline shall...prevail..." closing his eyes as Jade brought down her Hellslicer all three disk-saws spinning as the bit into his neck from the right and she saw off his head...
In the end as both forces were still fighting they heard a loud echoing yell turning their attention toward the origins of the yell and saw her, Jade Emerlhyde the Havoc Queen standing on top of the collapsed remains of a tower holding the bloody, decapitated head of the General on hee left rises arm signaling the Iron Kollarz victory and the utter crushed morale of the Guard as they retreated she yelled "Where are those bastards think their going?!!! Boys!!! Girls!!! Kill them!!!!" with her command the Iron Kollarz immediately gave chase as she looked to the Kolbaline sky and gave thanks, praise, and reverence to Laharl who not only free her but gave all she asked and more as a pillar of daemonic power fell on top of her covering her in violet light if Carnage.
Jade started to float within the pillar as the Havoc Queen of the Gobos was obtaining the ultimate praise daemonic ascension into a Daemon Queen, at last Ba'al prophesy was coming to fruition and Kolbaline was close to it final corruption and fall into the thrall of Carnage.