
A New Daemonic Surge Part 6: The Ronin & the Judge

(General POV)

Location the Warhammer 40k World-The Neutral Space: Infinity Fountain Resting Place

Now Omen was in the service of the Dark One and settling his rivalry with Jago at the moment before he joins the Carnage Legion.

Now it was time for Khorne to collect Shishio Makoto his second Elder Daemon for this summoning, and then it'll be Nurgle's turn was after him to collect his final turn, and Eighth Elder Daemon of his legion, a very famous and dark character from the world of Judge Dredd, his name is Judge Mortis of the Dark Judges, a mortal enemy of Dredd and mass murderer with the power of decay in his command, once more the Infinity Fountain activated and showed a secret meeting in a alternative version of the Earth, from the world of Samurai X.

Location Samurai X World: Earth, Japan: Secret Meeting Place

Makoto was in the base of the Juppongatana, with Seta Sojiro being the closest to Makoto, Komagata Yumi his lover and most closest confident aside from Sojiro.

Along with the other members of Jūppongatana, Sadojima Hōji the All-knowledgable and marksman of the group, Uonuma Usui the blind swordsman, Yūkyūzan Anji a master martial artist and Buddhist, Sawagejō Chō the sword hunter which is obsessed with collecting all possible sword he can, Kariwa Henya the bat-like assassin, Honjō Kamatari the affeminated spy and scythe-master, Iwanbo the Round Demon a behemoth of a man, Fuji the Destroying Yang and shortest Saizuchi the Destroying Yin.

The Juppongatana is a group of extremely skilled fighters and warriors, they are considered as some of the most powerful in all of the nation of Japan in the era of the Meiji, and as the most powerful within the ranks of Shishio's militia.

Despite the tendency to rank the fighters in groups like this, none of the Jūppongatana have an official rank, although they agree in some points which are that Sojiro was the strongest and that Iwanbo was the weakest.

Ultimately, the Jūppongatana weren't just enforcers and commanding elites, each one of the Jūppongatana has a different skill and fighting style, all of which is centered around the ideas of wielding a "sword" of some sort, either literally or metaphorically.

But in modern era of Japan, they were killers and monsters that don't belong in this more civilized age of the Land of the Rising Sun, being ostracized by society and betrayed in one way or another, so Makoto gathered this like mind planned to have the Ten Swords burn down Kyōto through real the use of a steel-plated battleship, name Rengoku (Purgatory) that Hōji had purchased for him to attack Tokyo.

But seems their plans might be at risk with the infamous Battosai, Himura Kenshin, and his companions were after them and trying to stop Makoto's plans to destroy Tokyo, and reignite the age of the strong, for Makoto is a warrior and a true believer of the survival of the strongest, and also that the weak exist for the benefit of the strong.

As he was overlooking all his followers with Yumi sitting elegantly right beside him, he smoked from his pipe, as this meeting discusses their plans not only for the upcoming attack, but also how to deal with Kenshin and little friends.

While they discuss this, their meeting place started to shake frightening Yumi, and caused some panic from everyone except Sojiro that kept his smiling face, and Makoto with a cool, and menacing face plastered.

He stood up and just told them in cold sounding voice, filled with authority and threat, "Shut it!! Let's just leave..." walking calmly towards the exit with Yumi and Sojiro following him.

Then they sensed killer instinct emanating from the entrance of this Japanese structure, as red armored Samurai with glowing red eyes started coming into the room, with various weapon with eery silence and clear bloodlust emanating from all of them.

Drawing their katanas, onos, yaris, and naginatas for battle, immediately Hōji took aim and shot at one of red samurai, blowing through his skull gushing out blood from the bullet hole on the helmet, but the "man" didn't fall dead.

This shocked everyone since all of Hōji's are commonly fatal wounds, Makoto drew his main blade and walked calmly forward with a sadistic, but happy and excited smile on his burned, bandage covered face.

One of the invaders immediately the closest enemy, he swung his blade using his most favored techniques, [Ichi no Hiken: Homura Dama/First Secret Sword: Blazing Soul] this technique, creates sparks from the frictions between the blade and sheath, to ignite the human fats, this results is being simultaneously burned and slashed, even if the opponent dodges the actual blade, the flame extends the range and effect of the swing, this slash not only cleave his first victim in half, and causing the two halves to burst in "hellish" flames.

Seeing that one of these "warriors" was able to die, gave the other members of the Juppongatana have hope, and follow behind their leader Shishio Makoto, Yumi staying out of danger but still she has a Tanto hidden in her kimono sleeve should she need it, Sojiro immediately used his [Shukuchi] technique, moving in such speed that no human eye can perceive, cutting down these invaders, soon enough the other fought as well.

Makoto felt that he was back in a glorious battlefield, leading a group of warrior in a great battle and a bloody massacre together they slaughter these silent, nameless enemies.

But for every one they strucked down, two more emerged from the doorway, this eventually was tiring out the members of Jūppongatana, with exception of Makoto he was loving every moment of the bloodshed.

Even when he suffered a few cuts from his enemies, he barely noticed the pain of those cuts, as he cut, burn, and pierce dead all that caught his sight in battle.

All his followers were inspired by their leader's brutality and skill, with exception of Yumi and Sojiro none have truly witnessed an all out fighting Makoto...even Usui that once was a self proclaimed rival of Makoto, has never been able to make this ronin go all-out like he is doing now.

As he beheaded another red samurai, igniting the decapitated head and upper body of his latest victim, he turned to the others and gave them a simple but direct order, "Fight...or die by my blade..."

The ones that reacted first was Usui slashing his blade at all that he could sense near him, as a chain belonging to Kamatari smashed into another and he...she...swung his scythe and cleave another enemy.

This threat revigorated everyone, but also impressed the Dark God that was watching everything, it was exactly as his brother said, Makoto Shishio was a true bloody warrior in everyway, and a commander regardless if he admits it or not.

So the Blood God, starts to flow more of his ruinous power and influence into the room, and into these warriors especially Makoto, the effects were immediate.

The Juppongatana all started to get more excited in the sight of blood, as well as getting a thrilling surge of battle lust, even the normally calm Yumi started to feel the bloodlust, battle hunger, and thrill for combat, pulling out her tanto from her sleeve and rushed a samurai that was fighting against Anji stabbing the red samurai into the stomach.

Splashing blood on herself as she pulled out the blade, and started stabbing her target over, over, and over even causing the silent samurai to trip and she kept stabbing her victim.

Yumi and the other were to distracted with the battle and desire for blood that they didn't noticed, a samurai coming toward Yumi for the kill.

All were distracted with exception of Makoto, when the enemy got close to her he struck, using his [Mugenjin Senkū/Infinity Blade Whirling Air] technique which involves him running at his target, while he drags his blade along the ground to create friction, he rammed into Yumi's would be attack, delivering multiple flaming slashes, and ending the combination with a spiraling uppercut flamming slash, killing his target and setting him entirely on fire.

This was all great entertainment for the Lord of Skulls, as the fighting continues he commanded his construct to focus their attention on mostly Makoto, one last push into the abyss of wrath, violence and bloodlust.

Just as the Blood God, instructed his soulless husks changed at Makoto more then the other, a large number armed with various weapons, rushed at the burned ronin, seeing the danger imminent he drew his wakizashi as well and ready himself for combat.

Makoto started swinging, blocking, slashing and burning all that were standing against him, all those deaths were feeding his hunger for more battle, and triggering his warrior spirit that has always been held oppressively down by this vile, civilized society/era.

Every wound that he suffered from the growing number of enemies, were numb to the ronin, as he and his followers were fighting harder and more ruthless than before, with the power of the Blood God growing within their souls and beings.

That's when the last couple of opponents of Makoto were cut and burned down, but before he could turn to fight in another area in the room, the bodies of those he has slain started to move and steer even, while they burn from Makoto's fire.

Shocked that they're witnessing actual "yokai" Makoto was attack again, when he felt a heated grip on his left wrist, along with his ankle and waist by these yokai samurai, Makoto began to struggle more and more dismembered burning bodies were piling up onto him, seeing him in danger his subordinates tried to help their leader, Makoto, but were blocked by more red yokai samurai.

As the flames and blood started to consume Makoto he screamed believing that he was about to be burned once again...only for the pain to never come.

The flames and his body for the first time in years, they didn't hurt, or feel hot as Makoto was still shocked about all of this, he realized he was once again on a battlefield.

Countless of men waging war against each other, from samurai to foreign warriors that he has only heard rumors of existing outside of Japan, it was a battle unlike anything that Makoto has ever witnessed before, then he notice the red skies, the bloodsoaked desolate, crimson ground, and then red creatures...daemons, started to join in the brutality.

This is exactly how the world should be...how warriors should be, always fighting, always testing their strength and mettle, that when he heard him, War himself, the Lord of War and Skulls, the God of Blood & Murder, the Bloodstained King of Violence, Khorne.

Khorne has appeared before the ronin, and without needing words presented the mortal man with two blades, emanating bloodlust and power of a unimaginable level.

Khorne was offering a choice to become strong, almighty, and reclaim the lost honor of a warrior, without words Makoto felt that this is what the Blood God is offering, and he has to do was accept it and embrace the dark powers of Blood and Wrath.

Without a ounce of doubt Makoto placed his hands on the handles of the blades, as the daemonic force of Hellfire coated him and burn away all his flesh, humanity, mortality away replacing it with the chaotic, ruinous powers of the Immaterium, quickly ascending him into not only daemonhood, but to the rank of Elder Daemon, he gained knowledge that he never knew existed...of various worlds, endless victims to kill and opponents to fight, skulls to collect for his dark master and soo much more.

As a daemonic, horned silhouette was formed in the flames, wielding two Japanese swords in his hands, as he and flames faded away, returning to his former homeworld...

Back in the world of Samurai X, all were shocked that their leader was killed in such a manner in front of them, as a surge of intensity of the flames, along with sensations of Rage, Bloodlust, and Battle-hunger permeated the spot where Makoto is.

After all the rage and bloodlust subceased and the flames around Makoto faded away, it revealed a whole new being.

Standing tall and powerful with the flames of Hell itself coating his shoulders, neck, and waist his kimono now blood red in color, his fingertips have become sharp blackish claws, not only that he was now wearing a crimson, brass, daemonic samurai armor fitting the newly ascended Eighth Elder Daemon of Blood.

A red kabuto armor, with holes for a pair of orange, sharp curved horns pertruding through his helmet, a red and brass spiked sode armor on his right shoulder with some skulls impaled on it, some of those skull have the the mark of Khorne.

A pair of red and brass kote-gauntlets, black colored uwa-ori tied over his new red and brass studded samurai fauld. (if someone knows what samurai waist-armor is call tell me.)

Lastly Makoto, he has some brass haidate on his thighs, and red with brass spiked suneate on his shins.

Standing with power and massive amount of malice, bloodlust, and battle hunger emanating from the daemonically ascended Shishio Makoto, in his hands were his new daemonic katanas, on his right claw was a longer Ō-katana with a trail of serrated sharp-teeth on the blades frontal edge, a red colored habaki and brass tsuba, the handle is made from a red daemonic material wrapped in a special same made from fallen human victims, and lastly the tsuka-ito is a mixture of red, black, and brass wrapping.

Lastly the other hand held his new wakizashi, with the blade made from red daemonic brass from the Blood Lands itself.

All the members of the Juppongatana, were shocked and mesmerized by the new appearance, in one spin of his new daemonic blades, he disappeared in a ashy flash and all the hundreds of samurai were then each cut, and set ablaze.

Falling apart dead and burning from Makoto's slaughter, reappearing in front of his followers, with Yumi blushing and flushed from the new form of her beloved, as the flames seems to be as one with him, dancing to his will.

Makoto walked over to his lover and followers that have some small influence of the Blood God on them all, pointing his O-katana at them he said in a cold voice, "Embrace the will of the Blood God." as the hellish flames, and blood from all around the room surge fort and covered all the members of the Juppongatana, enlightening and corrupting these warriors in the glory of Khorne, just as he himself did moments ago.

With this the first new mortal warriors of the Blades of Khorne from the Warp, began to fall and turn into the loyal servents of Khorne, with all that finished, the hellfire swirl and burn everything to ash leaving nothing behind, but the new Blades of Khorne and the Eighth Elder Daemon of Blood disappeared into the Immaterium, unto the grasp of their new Dark God.

Location the Judge Dredd World-Megacity One: Psi-Division Precinct/The Dark Judges Special Containment Cell-Chamber

In four high-tech cylinder, special psi-containers designed to imprison Megacity One's greatest threat and vicious killers, the Dark Judges, Death, Fear, Fire, and Mortis.

The Dark Judges are dark and twisted parody of the Judges as their know in Megacity One.

To them, all crime is committed by the living and therefore life itself is a crime, they originated as a cabal of human Judges based around the sociopathic Judge Sidney De'Ath and used their position to murder thousands 'legally' before gaining supernatural power.

After many years of genocide, they finally wiped out every living being in their homeworld turning into what is known now as Deadworld and now they turned their attention to Megacity One.

Their latest deed cause in the death over a million civilians, until their mortal enemy and nuisance Joseph Dredd aka Judge Dredd interfered with their depencing of justice of Megacity One, for life...as they say, "The Crime is life. The judgement for life is death." Dredd defeated and recaptured them, after destroying their latest physical forms.

Mortis the Dark Judge of Decay and Withering, one of the more warped of the four of Dark Judges, he was responsible for the discovering of various world through pure coincidence.

After the fall of Deadworld, Mortis fell into depression, staring at the same stopped watch and lamenting the lack of anything left to do, Mortis, he grew a corpse "garden" and worked on various projects, like making "wine" out of ground-up remains to distract himself.

When he uncovered the multiverse, was when aliens landed on Deadworld, seeing a opportunity Mortis attempted to deceive these aliens, and eventually gained their trust after learning not only of whole other worlds and travel through them granting him and his fellow Dark Judges with endless worlds to judge and purge.

Once he obtained everything he needed from these ignorant aliens, he killed them, as he gleefully slaughtering them all, and now waited, happily, for his chance to get off-world when more aliens came.

It was Death that first crossover to Megacity One, only to fail and be imprisoned inside the mind of psi-judge name Cassandra Anderson, it took them three to set Death free and start their first purge of Megacity One, only for their first encounter against Dredd to end in their first defeat...or Death's cause second defeat...ever.

Since then they have returned to terrorize Megacity One, in the important crusade of justice, eradicating the sinners of Megacity One from the vile crime of life, but everytime Dredd has foiled all their attempts to purge this world which has lead to now, after Death managed to evade capture for while he has joined them in containment as well.

During this a small fly baring the three rings of the Decaying God, has buzzed into the chamber, heading directly at Mortis' containment unit.

Upon landing on the side of the technological cylinder, a link was established between the specter of Mortis and the true embodiment of death, decay, and rot, Papa Nurgle.

Mortis' spiritual form was pulled into a blighted, corpse ridden plains, that pale to compare to his former corpse-garden, the rotting, awful smell were calming and welcoming to Mortis, then billions of mutated, oozing worms, maggots, and flies started to emerge from the corpses all around of Mortis, they squirm and crawl towards him.

Embracing Mortis with adoration and care for him, something both foreign and liked by the judge of decay, reaching down and caressing these creatures of rot.

Then a deep, elderly sounding laughter started echoing across this Plains of Corpses, as the corpses' diseases, rot, puss, and discharge started to amass into a giant, tumorous entity.

This entity made Pustula, a obese, boil and pus-ridden monster and member of the "Sisters of Death" as simple, unimportant pimple in comparison.

The entity introduced himself as Papa Nurgle, the Chaos God of Plague and Death, that has come for him as parasites like tentacles emerged from the flesh construct of Nurgle, and they reach out to Mortis, embracing him and he showed Mortis that were much more worlds, beside the ones connected to his tiny universe.

Nurgle showed him more, the cycle of life & death, along with the fixing the broken line of thought of total genocide, instead he can kill those that stand against decay, and rebirth.

He offered him never ending rot, he'll never suffer like Death did to him when they ended their former homeworld, he accepted and started transforming into a Elder Daemon of Nurgle.

Back in Containment Cell-Chamber, the psi-container of Mortis was starting to break apart, as it was sparking, bursting out streams of energy and steam, benting and shaking, as Mortis psychic power was overloading the containing unit.

Alarms blare and sounded allover the judge precinct, causing many psi-judges to rush toward the Containment Cell-Chamber.

When the judges arrive Mortis' containment unit exploded in great force, causing all the judges to block their faces from the flying debris from the container, as the smoke cleared they expected the spectral sheep skulled form of Mortis.

But instead Mortis stood in his tall, withered form with a stained, slime, viscera covered greenish black judge uniform, with wet, oozing, rotted flesh and innards hanging from him, his usual sheep skull-head sprouted a pair of rotting, puss dripping sharp antlers, some flesh and puss was now connected to his skull-head.

His usual withered greenish, ghoulish skin now was more diseased and sore covered with open infected wounds of his claws and feet, his thick knee-guards resemble nurglish, rusted green, thick armor like the Maggotkin, the right kneeguard baring the symbol of the Fly.

The his left shoulder pauldron that is normally a skeletal bat creature was replaced with a plague fly that has attached itself to Mortis uniform, the right pauldron remained a rack of bones flesh hanging from the ribs, and his badge remained the same only more withered, and rusted.

Mortis was clearly changed and the smell of unbearable decaying corpses permeated from Morstis, as plague flies started to emerge from the empty eye and nose-holes.

Gasping for air like diseased lungs, every breathe released green miasma of foolness, the judges got over their shock but then they started feeling nauseous, some of these humans began to puke uncontrollably.

Those that were able resist the nauseous aura and smell of Mortis, pointed their Lawgiver machine pistols at him.

They order him to surrender, only for Mortis to laugh, opening his mouth a vomiting vile filled with maggots and infected pieces of organs mixed in the spew, upon touching anything living they started to rot drastically and die, as the maggots began to borrow into either still living or dead bodies that were vomit on.

Mortis slowly walked over the barely living, and rotting judges and using his necrotic touch, drastically increasing the rot and death of these souls.

All host for his lovely pets, and his touch was also affecting the metallic surface of the group, rapidly rotting and rusting away at Mortis empowered decaying touch.

As he reached down to allow his new pets to burst out the corpses and climb back into his arm and borrow into his new daemonic body, that's when he heard the psychic whispers of his former "companion" Fire, Death and Fear.

They demanded Mortis to release them, making Mortis laugh at the delusional thoughts of these fools, that think that they have a rite to command him, the Eighth Elder Daemon of Plague.

Rising his withered, diseased claws to channel the power of the Plague God, offering the souls of Death, Fear, and Fire as they belong to the Dark God of Death.

They scream and beg for mercy from Mortis, as miasma burst throughout the chamber, destroying and withering everything, as the specters of the Dark Judge were pulled into a rift into the Plague Gardens of Papa Nurgle, as they're pulled into the loving embrace of Nurgle, Mortis also started to walk toward the rift, leaving Megacity One...for now.

[Quick Note: Hello Overlord_Bloodfallen here, to tell you that the next chapter will be the final of these summoning chapters. And comes with something extra, the Kislev saga will continue soon with war against the Daughters of the Hag faction. There is still sometime before the rise of Slaanesh, and think also the appearance of subhuman/adhumans, since the Necrons, Nids, Tau, and Dark Eldars are after Slaanesh birth and the Horus Heresy. Soo I have some time for more Old World arcs and more. Regardless enjoy the chapter, n have a great Thanksgiving every1!!!]