
A New Daemonic Surge Part 2: Chosen of Plague & Change

[Quick Note: Here's the new Chapter hope ull enjoy, just wanted to ask who do u guys wants as the last Blood, Plague, Change, & Pleasure Elder Daemons? I've already selected the thirteen Elder Daemons for Carnage, I want to see who u guys want as the last Elder Daemon for the other Chaos Factions, send me a suggestion on the auxiliary chapter. Hope ull enjoy n have a good day/nite.]

(General POV)

Location the Warhammer 40k World-The Immaterium: Nethervoid, Castle Neo Oblivion

A couple of weeks later...

Laharl has left the bed chambers, leaving eleven very happy, sastified, and tired wives on the bed, while Chi was with their daughter in the Dark Jungle surrounding the castle.

He stretched his body, before walking over to the floor-rails to think of the last chosen candidates for the latest Elder Daemons of Plague and Change.

Taking a moment he remembers another iconic villain, that represents everything that Nurgle is, and that candidate for Nurgle is Judge Mortis, he is from Judge Dredd, utterly perfect for his brother the Plague God.

Mortis stood tall amongst regular humans, he had a body composed of old rotten bones, with a sheep's skull as a head, his fingers were long and twisted, he also had a short tail.

His clothing was a tattered and dirty Judges' uniform with a skeletal bat creature in place of an eagle above his left shoulder, and a rack of bones on the right, Mortis badge resembled a horse skull and his belt buckle had a winged human skull, among the dark judges, only him and Fire lack helmets of their own.

After the fall of Deadworld by their own hands, which caused Mortis fell into depression, without any soul to judge and kill, he started to constantly stare at the same stopped watch and lamenting the lack of anything left to do.

He grew a corpse 'garden' and worked on various projects like making "wine" out of ground-up remains to distract himself, from the lack of amusement, until finally happen, when aliens landed, Mortis attempted to gain their trust after learning of whole other worlds he could kill, he ended up gleefully slaughtering them and now waited, happily, for his chance to get off-world when more aliens came.

Mortis has one of the more warped personality of the Dark Judges, and of the four on Deadworld, amusing himself with grotesque experiments with the dead and manipulation of corpses, even creating a corpse garden to entertain himself, but during missions, he is usually all business, he has no issue with judging/murdering children, with a little guidance and actual restrains he can serve in several roles in Nurgle's Legion.

Such as another infector judging and killing billions in his brother's name, while also being a symbol for those infected with blight, and plague to follow the Decaying God.

A leader which can bring not only Plague Marines under his banner, but also be the bringer and organizer of the Maggotkin in their world.

Lastly he can be like a twisted necrotic, flesh carver and gardener spreading the Garden's reaches on other worlds, truly a multi-role servent for Papa Nurgle, that can rival Ku'gath Plaguefather, in many ways.

Now that has selected the suggested characters for two of his brothers, the Butcher and Makoto Shishio for Khorne, and King Gallon and Mortis for Nurgle, he can now focus hus thoughts on canidates for his youngest brother Tzeentch, there is a Zelos Orgos the Overlord of Stars, a unknown demon from the Disgaea Series, that he once faced in the infamous "Itemworld".

As to what "Overlords" are the strongest demons who lord over the populations of a Netherworld, it is implied in Makai Kingdom that for every Netherworld, there exists a corresponding Overlord, although their existence is not tied to their Netherworld, a low name Overlord from the demon race called Malchidael from the Baciel Rifle Demon line, which a huge horned behemoths, with three eyes and a power core in their central body, while they are small winged they're greatest strength and feature is that all of this demon race have a futuristic plasma cannon for a left hand, hence the nickname "Riffle Demons" but unlike many other monster classes in the Disgaea Series, these daemons are always portrayed as Demon Lord or Overlord level demons, perfect example would be in Disgaea 2: Curse Memories.

Zelos is 1K+ leveled boss that was taken out of the Itemworld, for being too broken to handle.

But being mentioned and once having a appearance on a Disgaea Game, there has to be a alternative world were he exist and he'd served as a deadly addition to Tzeentch's Elder Daemons.

Not only as a Overlord will he be a very powerful daemon, but access to all the "skills" of every riffle demons from the various games, plus with this demon turned into a Elder Daemon not only will Tzeentch obtain a power mid to close range monster, but the Star alignment of Disgaea Magic, from Star to Terra level, that will surely please Tzeentch and in the future he might also obtain the other eldritch demons of Disgaea/Makai into his legion like Big Eyes and Galatic Demons, but for now this obscure Overlord/Minor Boss will serve the Architect of Fate, perfectly.

Lastly for Tzeentch it was a quick and easy choice, it has to be the infamous, Loki Odinson from Marvel.

One of the greatest villains in the Marvel Universe, across multiple iterations challenging the likes of Marvel's greatest heroes from Thor to the Avengers.

Loki is depicted as the Asgardian God of Mischief, a cunning trickster, and a master of Asgardian magic and sorcery.

After learning of his true origin as a Frost Giant from Jotunheim, Loki grows jealous of Thor and frequently plots to take the throne of Asgard for himself, his schemes of conquest ultimately lead to many chaotic events, seeking power, glory, and recognition to surpass his "brother" Thor, and become king of not only Asgard but Midgard (Earth) as well.

While usually portrayed as a supervillain, Loki has also been an antihero at times, working with heroes if their goals align and if it benefits him, he is a textbook description of tzeentchian sorceror, a schemer that is cunning, smart, arrogant, power hungry, and very envious that craves to change his fate, the fate of being under Thor's shadow, to a tool for Odin to achieve his plans, a loser that always fails and should he break the script he was erased by the Time Berual.

Not only that the power, knowledge, and arcane mastery that Tzeentch can provide Loki, will earn his service, because he already did so before with Thanos, only this time he'll have an actual God, that will grant him all his heart's desires, which could eventually including the throne of Asgard, and all that was denied from him by the Allfather, and even fate in the Marvel world.

Loki with not only the Mind Stone Scepter in his possession, but also the arcane, eldritch knowledge and powers of Change, he'll rise up the rankings of the most powerful magic user/magical threat in the Marvel multiverse, even challenging the likes of Doctor Strange, Scarlet Witch, Dormanbu, and soo much more.

If Tzeentch wants to secure Loki's loyalty even further he can take also Lady Loki, and Sylvie Laufeydottir, from alternative timelines/universes and give them to Loki Odinson cause there is no one Loki loves more then himself...with a slight exception of his mother...plus he can be the perfect lord and master for the Disciples of Tzeentch in their world.

With everything though-out and the Dark One having chosen the best candidates for the current Gods of Chaos, he was ready to share his suggestion with his brothers, he contacted each one by one.

(Khorne/Blood God POV)

Location the Blood Lands-The Brass Citadel: The Gore Fortress, the Skull Thrones

It been a while, aside from waiting for the Changer to turn into an actual descent warrior, some good things has happened in the Blood Lands, and to me, as I reminisce alone on my throne, cause Valkia and Bellona were still tired...

Of the things that have occurred, first my Elder Daemons, Zsach and Kratos have brought a great bloodthirsty harvest of skulls, and plunge an entire world in unending war, it was done by the Spartans taking a nameless world and under Kratos' wives instructions they erected many statues and temples to myself, my wives, and my Elder Daemons, thus creating the world of Bloody Altar, dubbed Vei'Ein, which drew many warriors and berserkers onto it surface.

From Orkz to Eldar, many becoming the first Blood Eldars aka Garra'chi as I finally name my aspects of the fallen eldar, the strongest among them shall father the incubated unborn in Ymir.

Countless died and constantly fought in my name, bringing great joy to me and my wives...yes my wives, Bellona and I were married couple days ago.

It was amazing ceremony, which Valkia join since our wedding was more of Valkia, proving herself worthy of being my first bride, by fighting and killing near legion of my daemons in single combat.

Our wedding was held on Olympus, with my siblings invited...including Tzeentch...as my sisters-in-law, gowned my beloveds in a blood red wedding dress, with some armor over these dresses along with the skulls of worthy conquests.

While Valkia wore a more classical dress like the mortal human from the damned Anathema's world, while my sweet Bellona had toga over a wedding gown.

My older brother, Laharl Valboga, officiated our wedding and vows, we exchange our love, oaths, and promise to each other, with my brother being the Chaos God of Love & Oaths, binding us together forever, we celebrated together as a...family...for while then my wives, went to Scalpel for some reason and came back very happy and excited for some reason...which I learned to late that sister Scalpel, made a arousal and fertility booster and gave it to my wives...it was a long and physical honeymoon...hence them resting away now.

Another couple of occurrences were I came face to face with the weaker War God of the Eldar, Khaine, he was drawned to my new bloodworld, Vei'Ein, sending some devote followers to attack his new world of worship and corruption.

He struck eliminating both my direct and indirect followers, for the goal to destroy my new important world, but a present from my older brother, the Dark One, Laharl, he made an avatar for my exclusive use, it was a blank platinum coated humanoid that my brother said would not only be able to willstand all my divine power and wrath.

Upon adding my influence into the blank convince, it transformed to my desires...

This avatar I named the War Harbinger.

Once the dark powers of blood, anger, violence, and bloodshed surge into the War Harbinger, turning into a humanoid giant, equipped with a set of heavy brass, spiked armor, it has several black chains, dangling from the neck with gold coated skulls hooked on them, the pauldrons are upside down fanged skulls with curved horns and no lower jaws.

A daemonic skull face helmet with a set of long bull horns on the top the helmet, as a set of giant burning daemon wings on it's back, a long, torn dark red loincloth.

Capable of manifesting any weapon in existence on my command, a worthy weapon for my use, and I finally have a mean to directly join and lead battle across the Materium.

Such a gift was graciously accepted, and I've also promised my brother to never try to take his own avatar, the Infernal Destroyer, and thus calling our old wager to an end, thus ending it in a draw.

Regardless I'd used the War Harbinger to manifest into Realspace, and defend such an important world to me.

Once I'd appeared on Vei'Ein surface, all were sent into a extreme blood frenzy, turning on one another and killing each other in a wrathful insanity!!!

Only the most strongest of will were able to focus, and thus become my victims!!!

Harnessing the abilities of War Harbinger, I conjured several weapons using them all to battle and massacre all the strongest souls in worthy combat!!!

This drew Khaine's gaze as the weak Alderi God, manifested himself in a avatar as well challenging me, the God of Blood and Murder!!!!

Our duel lasted for months, straight without rest, but Khaine was limited in his manifestion on Realspace, in the end the burning, daemonic like manifestion of this lesser War God was...disappointing, in the end with a massive battleaxe, I smashed and chop onto the weak deity, as he curse and swore that he'll destroy me, I responded, "Good. Let the rage consume you!!! Show me your strength, and bloodlust, bring me a worthy challenge to me!!!" transforming my axe into a spear driving it straight into the heart of this lesser avatar!!!

Causing a fiery explosion which was a shame, I could collect a new skull but it was quite the interesting, and enjoyable battle, but after that it was a clear slaughter and grand festival of blood and skull...ahh such a great slaughter.

It was a great time for me and bloodshed, that's when I received a psychic call from my brother, Laharl...now what can the Dark Harbinger want with me now?

(Nurgle/Plague God POV)

Location the Plague Gardens-The Blighted Manor of Nurgle, The Withered Throne/Apothecary Chambers

Ahh it was wonderful to be back home with my dear family, as Aiikila was humming her insect like lullaby to our two sleeping girls, with Limos sleeping on my lap, and Eveline on her mother's chest.

They were soo adorable, and fully healed able to see clearly and without issue again...I still despise the damn Anathema for what he did to them, but for the sake of Chaos as a whole, I've restrained myself somewhat, and partially spared his beloved humans, but the gifts I've created most be shared and these poor mortals were the cause of new bacterial life from the viral pathogens, and more.

I'd was apart of my brother's wedding, celebrating Khorne, Valkia, and Bellona official wedding, it was soo delightful as we celebrated sich a lovely, and wonderful moment together.

I petted my daughter dirty grayish long hair, careful not to hit Limos' antlers, it has been a wonderful time, waiting for Tzeentch to become somewhat decent fighter, so we can continue, our conquest and do as the Primordial One demanded of them.

I'd did told my wife, Aiikila, about my new follower, and interest name Yuma Trollvile, I'd told her everything I'd learn about the poor girl, and she felt the same as I.

Such a woman, that is always meant to be a loving mother, tragically her life and destiny was snuffed out by fate...and most probably the weaker counterpart of my brother...I mentally sigh on that though...my lovely wife, suggested we bring her immediately to our fold.

Everything was rotting away soo delightfully on the Materium side, with Nyz collecting countless more souls in my name, also a poor farseer challenged my Reaper, after sensing him coming to the alderiworld that was being ravage by one pathogen created by first Elder Daemon, Ku'gath, I both impressed and proud at my phagemaker.

It was very virulent, and infected half of the billions of the world in a matter of days, only those that were strong psykers or haven't been in the first wave of infection were shamefully unaffected with such a glorious gift.

It was very sad, but returning to my original thoughts, that farseer was powerful enough to see Nyz and forced him to fully manifest, and then foolishly challenge him.

Nyz summoned his fellow Elder Daemons, Ku'gath Plaguefather, Tsathogga, the Glottkin, Skorpius to join him in the harvest of souls and festival of death, they lead legions of daemons, against the from my first daughter's own creations the Vile Ivies, to the latest calvary in my thralls, as Plaguebearers were mounted on Molluscoids (Plague Snails), and thus calling themselves Ooze Knights.

Thus turning another world into my thrall, and infecting its very core, these eldar that their soo called Mother Goddess, Isha...lovely name, but also weak compare to my dear Aiikila...but she didn't answer them, but we did.

Me and Aiikila answered their calls and pleads, requesting the pain and torment to cease, and thus they started to enter my service and worship, this was the birth of the Einphir, eldars that have rejected their old Gods and embrace, plague, sickness, and decay, I've even open a rift into the Warp, onto the chaosworld, Ymir, so they can settle and start producing and welcoming new young among the infants, still in their incubation period.

All and all it has gone very swimmingly for me and my family, as I felt Limos steer and get more comfortable on my knee, making me smile.

Just as I was about to tell my wife, that we should take the girls to their bed, I received a psychic call from Laharl, never has my brother failed to make things interesting, so I'd answer his call.

And like said to myself before, my brother didn't disappoint, not one bit seems that the Realm of Chaos was about to gain several new powerful daemonic entities, as I ended my call and told Aiikila that his brothers and him, were going to gain new Elder Daemons.

Her beautiful insect like pincers from her mouth, twitch and she smiled lovely, as she asked me to help her, tuck their girls in, I lightly chuckled.

We carefully moved the girls, as to not disturb them and we headed to their bedroom, soon I'll go to Olympus and gain my new Elder Daemons, but Laharl told me he has to contact Tzeentch first...

[PS: Top two most requested characters will be place in a pole for the final Elder Daemons 4 Blood, Plague, n Change also u can include for Slaanesh n Chaos Undivided, + Machine cause I've decided to make Vashtorr the Omniscia replacement/true God of the Adeptus Mechanicus, in secret so add ur technofiles characters in the list for the future Machine Elder Daemons, thank u n again good day/nite]