
Reborn And Became A Wendigo

In a realm of magic and myth your typical average nobody get reborn in but there's catch, You see our mc won't be going around saving some damsel in distress. Watch as how a certain skill which is more like a curse take over the mc mind and body and warp it into a unholy abomination that is detested by the gods. A new god will rise, The god of Carrion and rot "Tis is I Who shall devour the Gods, men, women and even children shall not escape my maw as I shall become the end of all". (first few chapters are beyond garbage as I am writing this lil story as a hobby)

Drakonos_Drake · Fantasie
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24 Chs

Further Concerns

I regained my conscious

I felt I was eating something

I opened my eyes to find out I was in the process of eating a troll but somehow it seemed smaller or I was bigger?

The more I ate I stronger I felt and I could feel myself growing even bigger.

Previously I reached the peak strength a lesser Wendigo could reach and didn't grew any stronger but now I don't even know what's the limit of a true wendigo.

After devouring the troll I roamed around to find a watering hole and began to examine myself.

What stared back at me was a beast standing 5 meter tall, having a deer skull for a head with a pair of antlers also sprouting from it. My feet were now complete hooves and my goat like legs looked more muscular then a troll's leg.

My entire body was covered in black fur only excluding my skull, chest and abdomen. My hands were also hairless with reddish skin and possessed horrifying claws which were pitch black and my ears were that of a deer.


[Name: Cho'gath ]

[Race: Wendigo ]

[Gender: none ]

[Age: 17 ]

[Traits: Supernaturally enhanced body, Nightvision, regeneration, monstrous body, aura of oppression, minor fire resistance, acid resistance, evil spirit, deal of the damned, frost resistance, temperature tolerance, mimicry, dark magic, minor shapeshifting]

[Titles: Cannibal, curious, traitor, cruel ]

[Strength: Monstrous ]

[Endurance: Monstrous ]

[Dexterity: Supernaturally fast ]

[Mind: Very high ]


A lot of my traits were upgraded and traits like my hoove like feet or my claws were compiled under monstrous body. I gained various resistances but my aquired skills section had completely disappeared and the system told me that true wendigos only gain new traits or upgrade the ones that they already posses and the one I possessed earlier are still with me but aren't visible. Sometimes the system goes beyond my understanding but currently I have some interesting new traits.

If I am killed my spirit will leave my body and I can try to possesses someone else and turn them into a wendigo and take over their body. Its sounds op but its actually not as system told me that further information regarding that can only be obtained if I grow even stronger.

I have finally attained magic more like dark magic, it feels like a tingling sensation.

I tried to focus my mana into my hand and a dark purplish flame appeared in my hand, I experimented more and found out I can make lightning bolts out of it and can also channel my mana ito the my surrounding like if I channeled my mana into a little spider it'll mutate and grow stronger. But if I channel excessive mana the creature will die.

My mind stat has reached very high to controlling mana is actually easy for me like I already knew how to use it all along.

Now on to the next part

My deal of the damned is another name of my pact which can now function properly and will now impose restrictions on my servants if they tried to backstab me. Hmm hey system how many pacts can I make?

[Host has a total of 13 slots which can be increased when the host becomes even stronger out of which 12 slots are available]

Only 12?

Did any of my servant even survived my frenzy?

[Servant chika is still alive and well though she's now disfigured for life but her limbs are still intact. Host can reinforce the pact with her if it comes in physical contact with her]

Yea she won't come in physical contact with me ever again so technically all that effort to get minor shapeshifting went to waste. =[

But I don't care much anymore because as the system warned me earlier that i'll become a emotionless monster and I became exactly that. I don't feel guilt for what i've done nor do I pity the puny goblins. All that matters is flesh that I can devour.

System now name the creature who's magical pressure is giving me deja'vu

[Host experienced magical pressure from a Hecatonchires]

Oh no......

I need to get out of this region.

There are giants in this world who mostly don't grow past 50 meters but those that do through evolution are called as titans which are occasionally mistaken for a small mountain but a Hecatonchires is a variant of the titans possessing 100 arms and 50 heads usually reaching 435 meters in height and those are the small ones. They can destroy entire mountains and topple empires and are highly respected my giants and titans alike. But there is legend that was passed on for generations in this region, that once dragons and giants went to war which lasted around 300 years.

Growing tired of constant war the giants asked for help from a Hecatonchires who turned the tide and the dragons were getting squashed like flies.

The dragons decided to wake up Yuram an elder dragon from his slumber and begged for help, he agreed and decided to confront the Hecatonchires in a duel to determine the victor.

Yuram won an imprisoned the Hecatonchires under a mountain who before being imprisoned swore to lay waste to the entire region.

After the dragons claimed victory Yuram himself confronted the giants and resolved the whole conflict by talks which earned him great respect from the giants and dragons who then went on to became allies and even great friends, now many giants and dragons occasionally challange each other into a friendly duel and exchange treasures and gifts incalculable in value by mortal standards.

Now the seal of Yuram grows weak and he's not present in this continent to reinforce it as another legend states that he was called to resolve another conflict between the titans and the krakens.

This world is extremely big and some creatures can reach titanic sizes and when these creatures are enraged no one even dares to imagine how much destruction follows afterwards. There are beings compared to which the titans or the dragons can be considered little snack.

Yes you read it right

A 500 meter large dragon can be treated as a little snack so try to imagine the scale we have to reach to even comprehend such concepts.

But on to the current maters, I don't wanna be squashed under the Hecatonchires so i need to grow even stronger before even trying to escape as the forest is surrounded by four empires

The human in the north, the dwarfs in the east, the elves in the south and the orks in the west.

I need to go west to reach the iron valley after which the another forest is present where I will be safe from the Hecatonchires rampage.

As I started my journey I found a small human army stationed near the ork previously camp which I massacred.

More nuggets
