
Reborn: A Journey Through Time and Power

MrGod789 · Urban
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32 Chs

Kabir's Triumph

The manager of the Star Night Club was able to hear their conversation. She didn't say much initially, choosing instead to observe the situation. Finally, she addressed Kabir directly.

"You tell me what your problem is," she demanded, her tone cool but authoritative. "Why are you creating a ruckus at the counter like this? Pay for the drinks and cover the damages quietly."

She paused, waiting for Kabir to respond. His reply left everyone stunned.

"I won't give a single penny for your cheap drinks. This club is pathetic, and the quality here is even worse."

The manager's face flushed with anger. No one had ever dared to insult her or the club in such a manner. She took a deep breath, trying to maintain her composure, but the fury in her eyes was unmistakable.

One of the younger bouncers, emboldened by the manager's silence, stepped forward. "Listen, you better pay for the damages and leave quietly. This is your final warning."

Kabir smirked, his eyes glinting with defiance. "And what if I don't? Are you going to throw me out?"

The bouncer's face reddened with anger, but before he could respond, the manager interjected. "Enough," she snapped. "I don't have time for this nonsense."

Turning to the group of bouncers around her, she issued a swift command. "Get him out of here. Now."

Without hesitation, twenty bouncers moved in to surround Kabir. Their presence was intimidating, and they were clearly prepared to use force if necessary.

Kabir's smirk widened as they closed in, his eyes never leaving the manager's. "Let's see you try," he taunted.

The air was thick with tension as the bouncers advanced, ready to drag Kabir out and enforce the manager's orders.

As the twenty bouncers closed in on Kabir, he remained seated, a smirk playing on his lips. His eyes glinted with confidence, betraying no hint of fear or concern.

In a sudden burst of movement, Kabir sprang into action. With lightning-fast reflexes, he dodged the first bouncer's punch, spinning around to deliver a powerful kick to the man's midsection. The bouncer stumbled backward, clutching his stomach in pain.

Before the other bouncers could react, Kabir leaped forward, launching a flurry of strikes and kicks with precision and speed. His movements were fluid and graceful, yet devastatingly effective as he incapacitated one bouncer after another.

With a swift sweep of his leg, Kabir knocked another bouncer off his feet, sending him crashing to the ground with a thud. He followed up with a series of quick punches, each blow landing with pinpoint accuracy, until the bouncer lay unconscious at his feet.

Meanwhile, the remaining bouncers attempted to surround Kabir, but he anticipated their movements with uncanny foresight. With a deft maneuver, he sidestepped their attacks, weaving effortlessly between them as if engaged in a deadly dance.

As the bouncers lunged at him from all sides, Kabir's movements became a blur of motion. He countered their every move with calculated precision, striking with lethal force while effortlessly evading their blows.

With a powerful sweep of his arm, Kabir sent two bouncers crashing into each other, their bodies colliding with bone-jarring force. He followed up with a devastating kick that sent another bouncer sprawling to the ground, his senses reeling from the impact.

Despite their numbers, the bouncers were no match for Kabir's skill and agility. With each passing moment, his confidence grew, fueling his determination to emerge victorious from the fray.

In a final, decisive move, Kabir delivered a series of lightning-fast strikes that incapacitated the remaining bouncers in a matter of seconds. As they lay scattered on the ground, defeated and dazed, Kabir stood tall, his chest heaving with exertion but his gaze unwavering.

With the threat neutralized, Kabir turned his attention back to the manager, a victorious smirk playing on his lips. The message was clear: no one could challenge him and emerge unscathed.

On the first floor of the Star Night Club, a group of boys and girls sat around a large table, looking down at the chaos below with a mix of fascination and excitement. The pulsating music and flashing lights provided a backdrop to their animated conversations, but their attention was focused on the scene unfolding below.

Among the group, a boy named Rahul stood up suddenly, his face alight with joy. "I won! Finally, I won the bet!" he shouted, raising his fists triumphantly. The others turned to look at him, some with amusement, others with frustration.

One of the boys, Vicky, glared at Rahul. "Your luck is really good today, that's the only reason you won," he said, annoyance clear in his voice.

Rahul, grinning from ear to ear, responded, "Vicky, today my luck was indeed good. So, tell me, how much money do I get?"

Vicky sighed and shook his head. "Alright, alright. You'll get your money. But seriously, who would have thought this guy would cause such a ruckus as soon as he showed up?"

Rahul chuckled, leaning back in his chair. "I told you, Kabir has always been like this. Ever since that accident four years ago, trouble follows him everywhere."

A boy from the group nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it was like this in college, and it's the same today."

Vicky's expression turned serious as he replied, "But think about it. Rani is the manager of this club, and the owner is even more terrifying. Who knows what will happen to poor Kabir now?"

Meanwhile, several girls in the group were staring at Kabir, whispering among themselves. "Why is he so handsome?" one of them asked. "Didn't he have an accident four years ago? How does he still look so good?"

Another girl, who was dressed in a stunning outfit with heavy makeup, leaned forward and said, "Kabir never looks bad. He has always had this aura about him."

As they talked, their eyes remained fixed on Kabir, who stood defiantly amidst the defeated bouncers. His presence was magnetic, drawing admiration and curiosity from everyone in the club.

As the conversation continued, it became apparent that the girl in the beautiful dress was none other than Vicky's girlfriend, Tanya. Vicky's expression shifted from surprise to anger as he processed her words. His girlfriend praising Kabir was a blow to his ego, especially considering his long-standing rivalry with Kabir since their university days.

Tanya's compliment to Kabir only served to fuel Vicky's resentment towards him. He couldn't understand why everyone seemed to be so enamored with Kabir, especially when he had always been a thorn in Vicky's side.

Half an hour earlier...

Vicky and his group had come to the club with the sole intention of partying and having a good time. However, when one of Vicky's friends pointed out the man causing a scene at the bar counter, Vicky's interest was piqued.

Initially, Vicky had made a bet with his friends just for fun, intrigued by the man's disruptive behavior. But as the situation escalated and the man's antics became more outrageous, Vicky found himself drawn into the spectacle.

Then, to Vicky's surprise and dismay, he realized that the man causing all the chaos was none other than Kabir himself. The very sight of Kabir reignited Vicky's competitive spirit, fueling a mixture of anger and excitement within him.

Vicky saw Rani approaching with her twenty bouncers and immediately recognized the gravity of the situation. He knew that the trouble Kabir had stirred up was one of the worst he had ever seen. Without wasting a moment, Vicky alerted his friends, pointing out the impending confrontation from a safe distance.

"Look over there," Vicky said, his voice a mix of excitement and vindication. "Rani is coming with her bouncers. Kabir is in for a world of trouble."

His friends, eager for the spectacle, looked on with anticipation. They were delighted at the prospect of seeing Kabir finally taken down a peg. "This is going to be good," one of them remarked, eyes gleaming with excitement.

Vicky couldn't hide his satisfaction. "There's no way Kabir can handle twenty bouncers. He's going to be in such a bad condition after this."

In contrast, Rahul, a newer addition to the group who didn't know much about Kabir, had placed a bet on Kabir to win. His confidence in Kabir's abilities seemed almost naive to the others.

"You're crazy, Rahul," one of Vicky's friends laughed. "Kabir doesn't stand a chance."

But Rahul stood firm, his faith unwavering. "You'll see. Kabir will win this battle very easily."

The rest of the group erupted in laughter, unable to believe that anyone could be so confident in Kabir's victory. Yet, as they watched the scene unfold, a sense of anticipation hung in the air, each of them eager to see who would be proven right.

When Vicky and his friends saw the twenty bouncers advancing on Kabir, they were certain he wouldn't stand a chance. But as the fight unfolded, their disbelief turned to shock.

**Present time...**

Vicky was seething with anger, muttering to himself, "Four years ago, I saw that car accident with my own eyes. He was in a coma since then. How did he come out of it and become such a good fighter?"

As he watched, Kabir stood amidst the chaos, his hair perfectly in place, surveying the scene with a calm demeanor. The bouncers lay scattered around him, defeated and groaning in pain.

Kabir smirked, looking at the fallen bouncers. "What, guys? I thought you were all very strong, but you turned out to be very weak."

Rani, watching from a distance, was furious. Her eyes blazed with anger as she struggled to understand Kabir's motives. What did he want? Why had he caused such a disruption in her club?

Her mind raced with questions, but one thing was clear: Kabir was not someone to be underestimated.

End of the chapter