
Rebirth with the Rinnegan(Naruto Fanfiction)

Choosing to be reborn into the world of Naruto, a young man sets out on a journey for peace in his own way. Expect my take on a realistic depiction of this world with blood and all, NO HAREM. This isn't my main story just a side project I'm doing to relax so be aware of that. I don't own the Naruto brand/series or the cover art, if you own either and want this story/cover removed just speak up and it will be done.

keanu_eugene · Anime und Comics
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82 Chs

CHAPTER 72(Carrot And Stick)

Read auxiliary chapter World Info before starting the story.

Please read the author's notes. (Examples and explanation of moves and changes etc)

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Hoisting the Deva Path over his shoulder, Jin picks up the head of the corpse before taking a deep breath.

"Alright Nagato, the balls in your court now, don't be a dick..." he mutters before sprinting off toward Shikamaru's position.

Running through the destroyed area, Jin sees people crawling out of the rubble.

Leaf Ninja are digging through the debris to save who they can, a from forms on his face as he sees them pulling pieces of civilians out from beneath the rubble. It seems Katsuyu couldn't save everyone after all.

Arriving at Shikamaru's position, his friend and Shikakau are both staring out at the crater, frozen in place as they don't even notice his arrival.

"It's done," Jin's voice snaps them out of their state, both heads turn to see him holding the corpse.

His Monkey and Snake summons remain in the crater surrounded by Nagato's summons scattered about the floor, depowered as he destroyed the Animal Path.

"Are you sure?" Shikaku asks, his voice sterns as he glares at the corpse.

"I need to go deal with the main body, I'm leaving everything here to you, remove the rods from the other corpses," Jin commands as he looks at the older man.

"Sigh, alright, do you need backup?" the man asks, hesitation clear as day, knowing they wouldn't be of much help.

"No, he won't be a problem, Shikamaru," Jin's eyes turn toward his friend, "do me a favor and find Ino for me please, she should be with Tsunade, I'll hurry back," Jin's voice actually sounded worried, something very rare from the redhead.

"Yeah, got it, be careful," Shikamaru responds as he looks toward the ruble behind them.

"Always," Jin says before he rushes off toward the forest.

Seeing some leaf ninja tending to their wounds, Jin lands in front of the small squad to address them.

"It's fine now, go find Shikaku to organize search parties, he'll give you instructions," he says while pointing in the direction he just came from.

"I-Is that, Pain?" One of the men points to the corpse on his shoulder.

"Yeah, I dealt with him, sorry I wasn't in the village at the time," he gives the man a curt nod before racing off again.

'Right, that should get the word spread around about me and Shikaku...now for Nagato,' Jin thinks as he begins racing through the forest.

In a matter of Minutes, Jin tracks Konan's chakra signature, Nagato was suppressing his own currently, but Konan can't hide as well.

Taking out nine chakra papers from his item pouch, he flows chakra through them, a grim frown on his face as he watches them burn away.

'Just a means to an end, just keep going...' he reminds himself while arriving at the large paper tree.

Entering the tree, he sees Nagato looking decrepit with blood flowing from his nose, Konan stands beside the machine holding him as paper planes fly around the room, lethal to most shinobi.

Rinnegan meet Rinnegan as he and Nagato lock eyes.

"Now, we can talk, I brought your friend, sorry about the head..." Jin says as he takes careful steps toward the duo.

"That's far enough," Konan commands as all the paper planes stop moving, turning in the air to point toward Jin.

"Konan...if he wanted us dead, we would be...what do you want, Jin Satsujin..." Nagato's voice was barely there, his eyes tired.

"Did the paper angel show her face?" Jin gets to the point, his eyes flickering over to Konan.

Neither of them reacts as Konan answers," so that was you after all, you betrayed your village..." her voice was low, almost angry.

"That didn't answer my question angel," he gives her a small smile.

"...No, I kept hidden even now, nobody knows about me aside from the Akatsuki."

"That makes things easier, Nagato, I'm taking over for you," Jin states abruptly, putting all his attention onto the other man now.

"You wish to lead Akatsuki?"

"No, I wish to unite the world against it."

Nobody speaks as a tense minute passes, Konan narrows her eyes at Jin before Nagato responds.

"Why?" A simple question, the only one on his mind.

"Because your plan is good, but you lack foresight, something I have," dropping Yahiko's corpse to the floor Jin points at his Rinnegan," I was blessed with these and foresight of what would happen, after all, I saw your pain, that's why I brought Yahiko's body to you," Nagato's eyes widen.

"Then why not stop us, your village was destroyed..." Konan points out.

"Because you're right, they act in the interest of petty nationalism, they need to experience the same pain, I inflicted similar pain on the other villages on the way here, bombs in their hidden villages and capital cities, including the land of fire, to---," Jin's words are cut off as Nagato catches on.

"Unite them against a greater threat, force them to join hands against, Akatsuki."

"Exactly, I gave them the carrot years ago, I created Unity after all," He gives Konan a smug smile.

"In three years, I'll have a job for you. You told me something like that during that meeting, because you were the old man," she immediately realizes.

"THIS, is the job, the world stands against Akatsuki and Nagato is dying, I need you to be my Angel now..."

"Hide my face, so I could switch sides...it's all making more sense now," she murmurs quietly.

"I told you, I foresaw all of this, Unity is the carrot, neglected by villages prodding each other, daring each other for war. And you're the stick that just made us essential, you made us a necessity, one that will not support any warring nations. You wish for peace through understanding but that simply won't last, I will use your peace through understanding and create a longer-lasting PEACE THROUGH NECESSITY. I will force the civilian population of the great nations into an age of prosperity so great, that should their Daimyo ask for war, the people will revolt. Much like I caused in the stone not long ago."

They were both taken back by his plan, so young but so ambitious.

"What is your pain?" Nagato asks, not yet satisfied with leaving the world to Jin.

"I...I lived through a world that was destroyed by nationalism and greed, I survived, outlived EVERYONE, I want to live in a peaceful world now, but it seems I must make that world with my own hands, they have to get covered in blood one more time, so the children of the future don't experience the pain WE did," his voice was angry, confident, determined.

"The Angel, and the Prophet, it seems that God can rest not," Nagato says earning a look of shock from Konan.

"NAGATO! YOU CAN'T!" she was almost in tears at the sudden announcement, she didn't want to lose her only friend now.

"It's alright Konan, the Akatsuki were made for this, be the guardian angel this world needs," Nagato says before moving his sleepy eyes back toward Jin.

"There's one thing I need, actually..."

'Summoning Jutsu'

In a few plumes of smoke, five corpses appear laying between Jin and Nagato. Large seals cloaked in Senjutsu labeling them for all to see. Both Nagato and Konan immediately recognize all of these shinobi. Each having a seal matching them well.

HEAT ---Pakura of the Scorch Release.

BUBBLY---Fu(7 Tails)


ERUPT ---Roshi(4 Tails)

VENT ---Han(6 Tails)

"Victims of Nationalism and greed, I hope it's not too much to ask," Jin sees Konan gritting her teeth as she glares at him.

"Hmm, not your village? Not the people you hold dear that you lost in my assault, not your friends, not your loved ones?" Nagato couldn't help but ask, a bit surprised by this request.

"My friends are hurting, important people died, but the WORLD needs to share the same pain and suffering at the hands of Akatsuki, Konoha is no different, and we are all Konoha..." Jin's expression falls as he thinks about the sadness he felt when Ino mentioned her dad, quickly casting that feeling aside, he schools his expressions as Nagato clasps his hands together.

"Nagato, please..."

"Enough Konan...I cannot last to see peace to the world, this is the end of my path..."

He grits his teeth while focusing his chakra inward.

As the king of hell appears beside him, its jaw drops, and small motes of green chakra flow out. Five souls descend onto the bodies.

For barely a moment their eyes shoot open, before the seals on their bodies suppress them, putting them back to sleep.

"My Knights are finally assembled," Jin says as Nagato leans forward, bleeding from his mouth, Konan walks over and cups his face.

"We need to go Nagato, you...you're..." her voice cracks, unable to finish her thought.

"I know Konan, I know," he barely groans out as he looks up at Jin.

"I won't interrupt you, here, Angel," Jin throws a piece of paper to her which she easily catches, " put some blood on it, now."

With no argument she bites into her finger, touching the paper to see black seals spread across it.

"Now that will bring you straight to me, as a reverse summons, only you can use it now. When you're ready to enter your new role, ready to get away from all the bloodshed, use it...I'll be waiting, but try to lose those robes first," Jin gives her a small smile as he puts his hands together.

His Knights disappear, summoned back to his base.

"When the villages are stabilized I'll be leading a raid on the Akatsuki main base, don't be there," he says in a low voice before exiting the tree.

Minutes later, Jin is back in the village, he sees Nagato's Chimera Dog, Drill-Beaked Bird and Chameleon summons with their chakra rods removed, their contracts broken. His monkey summon animal sitting atop his snake nearby.

Arriving where Shikaku and Shikamaru are coordinating teams in search and rescue, Jin sees Ino off to the side crying, Inoichi's body laying in front of her.

Nobody pays him any mind as he walks toward her, all too busy trying to find pieces of their friends and family in the rubble, there would be time to mourn and celebrate later, now they had work to do.

"Ino..." he almost whispers as he sits beside her.

With no hesitation the girl turns and throws herself at him, wrapping him in a tight hug as she cries her heart out.

'For the greater good, right Jin,' he thinks to himself as he wordlessly hugs the bawling Kunoichi that he's grown to love. Unable to even console her.

Taking one more look around at all the dead and injured he grimaces. With a deep sigh, he can't help but repeat once more.

'This is all for the greater good,' a desperate bid to keep himself going...


I'm not feeling well so will edit the final arc later tonight and have it up tomorrow :/