

Stump!! Crack!! He was once again hit by jackalopes, his sternum broken.

" No, I don't think so, they are strong but not as strong as the Vulkey or the Sonic ware bats, " Ossa thought to himself, once again grabbing onto the creature's forelimbs.

Like before the creature easily slipped away, as illusive as the wind.

" I'm sure of it, that's wind, " Ossa exclaimed, as he felt the wind in the jackalope's fur as it pulled its legs away easily, due to the wind that prevented him from holding on to its fur.

Ossa was a skeleton and thus did not feel like beings of flesh and blood but employed the mana that exists in all things to identify a physical feeling.

When in fire, he would not scream ' hot! ' as he has no sensory cells, he would just say, 'Oh fire' as he would be able to pick up the mana from the fire without looking at it.

Neat right?!