

Bel's voice reverberated in Ossa's ethereal ears as his consciousness slowly returned.

"Hey, Ossa, why are..." Bel paused, noticing Ossa's gaze—a robotic and seemingly indifferent stare, unlike the Ossa she knew.

Her heart instantly sunk as she started to remove the dress she wore, believing that was the cause of Ossa's strange behavior.

"I won't wear it if you are not wearing some... So please... sniff!!... Sniff!!... Sniff!!... Please don't look at me like that," Bel gripped her dress tightly, tears welling up in her eyes, her silver undergarments exposed to the hot afternoon air.

[Huh... No... No... I can't have her behaving like this]

[Checking host for abnormality]

[Abnormality found]

[Soul not completely synchronized with mind]

[Speeding synchronization]


[Synchronization complete]