
Rebirth: The Saint And The Dragon Lord

Weasley Grant was a young man with big dreams but a weak body. Dying an early death ,he awakens as a baby in an unfamiliar world. he sets out to fulfil his dreams with his new body and strength, rising above demons, gods and monsters to engrave his name in history.

RumiusDaylight · Fantasie
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20 Chs

New life

For the third time, Weasley Grant woke up

( yes I promise this is the last time I will use this to start a chapter :) )

The surroundings were once again dark making him wonder if he was still asleep. His last memory of seeing the ceiling his room as he lay down to sleep was still seemingly fresh in his head.

Weasley looked around.

'Where was he? '

Before he could contemplate any further, a strong force shoved down on him.

'Ouch!!' He yelped, the pain fully awakening his senses.

The pushing persisted. Walls contracted around him and Weasley could feel himself slowly but surely slipping from his warm sanctuary.

Eventually his bald head peaked out, the first contact between him and his new world as the rest of his body followed.

Having been in the darkness for so long, the bright light instantly blinded him.

When he could finally open his eyes again, a plump woman dressed as a medieval midwife greeted him with and his first instance of 'world shock' began.

However, before he had the chance to be enraptured by his surroundings, the woman had casually flipped him over and slapped him lightly on his very tiny buttcheeks.

Weasley yelped in pain, a small cry escaping his lips. 'That hurt!!'

He glared daggers at the woman wanting nothing more than to slap her in return.

Strangely, Weasley felt the pain across his whole butt. It was as if the woman's palm was as big as him.

The woman didn't seem to notice his fury as she only smiled, relief spreading through her face. The several others that he'd noticed earlier in the room cheered in a foreign language that he didn't recognise seemingly overjoyed.

*" We did it my lady! He's a healthy young boy!"* the plump woman spoke as she presented Weasley like a prize to another woman sitting on a bed.

Weasley obviously didn't understand what she was saying, it just sounded like a bunch of strange flowy noises to him but he could sense that the lady was saying something to this woman on the bed.

The woman held out her arms, gingerly taking Weasley into her arms as she cuddled him close to her body. She treated him like a priceless treasure, one that could not be brought even with a sea of gold.

" Now THIS is how you treat a VIP!" Weasley thought smugly as he allowed him to be carried by the lady. He heard a few whimpering noises and then felt a wet sensation trickled down on his body.

The woman was crying

But at the same time she was smiling radiantly as her tears fell like rain.

She was obviously tired. Her face was deathly pale and she looked so frail it was like she was about to topple like a stack of cards. But yet she still smiled. It was like she had completed her life's goal or fulfilled her wildest dream.

A red haired man rushed over to her, worry was written all over his face as he embraced her from behind and supported her in his arms.

They nuzzled heads, their feelings of love melting Weasley's heart as he looked on like a spectator at a show.

*" Thank you Will, thank you everyone. This child wouldn't have been born without everyone one of you here"*

" Of course my lady, it is a pleasure."

"We would be here as your loyal aides, always"

The lady nodded her head, showing a tired smile.

Noticing this, the plump mid wife looking woman made a shooing gesture and said some words in the foreign tongue.

The gathered men had mixed expressions. Some nodded understandingly while some looked seemingly hurt. Ultimately, all of them except the red haired man got up and left the room.

* " Thank you Celine "* the lady holding him said.

*" don't worry about it. I've been through it so I know. Rest, you'll need it. "*

The woman moved to the door, posed to exit like the rest of the men when she suddenly stopped.

*" What's his name"* she enquired,*" do you have one yet?"

The woman holding Weasley looked down at him, playfully teasing his little hands

*"Rumius"* she said after a while *" Rumius Zy Ashborne"*

The plump woman nodded approvingly before leaving the room.

Weasley, now Rumius, was alone with the man and woman.

' What a nice couple they are.' he thought, ' They will be sure to be great pare-...!!!!

Weasley's new reality finally dawned upon him as he freaked out in the arms of these complete strangers.

He wanted to yell and curse and demand who these people were.

'Did I get kidnapped? No it's something else, where are my clothes!!?. Wait….. I'M A BABY!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!'

Unfortunately , all that came out from Weasley's mouth was a bunch of strange gargles and screams as he thrashed about trying to get away.

The couple looked down at their baby who was flopping about, mouth agape like a fish on land.

The woman's maternal instincts mistakenly kicked in.

' Right I have to feed you' she thought. Lifting up the blouse she wore, she took out one breast and guided it towards Weasley's mouth.

Faster than he could say tits, her nipple had entered his mouth and his instincts kicked in and he was sucking away at top speed.

"Mphmmhmphmmmm" he protested but to no avail.

His eyelids slowly drooped. Being fresh out of the womb, his energy was limited and it didn't help that the milk was so warm and tasty. Soon he was dozing off in the woman's arms and Weasley's life in his new world began.

Days passed quickly and Weasley finally came to terms with his new reality. The massive about of novels and anime he consumed while semi bedridden for days had definitely helped. He couldn't remember anything after falling asleep on his bed back on earth. What he knew for certain however, was that he had been given a new body and a new life.

While he was confused and struggling to accept that he had really died, he tried to himself that it was fine.

This was all he had ever wanted! To be strong enough to walk on his own, to be able bodied enough to run and play! There were no regrets!


Weasley signed. Who was he kidding?

As much as he had tried to look on the bright side, the tugging sensation of leaving something behind still incessantly bugged him.

'Well it can't be helped. It's happened and time isn't going to wait till I finish moping around' Weasley, resolved firmly.' Besides, it's not all bad.'


Weasley hurriedly wiped the tear stains from his face and dove under the covers. The doors opened as a woman entered the room holding a platter of treats.

*"Darling! Mama's here!"*

Weasley pulled the covers tight over his head as if hiding from a monster.

He had learnt the hard way the last couple days that his new mother was far too doting and clingy for his liking and he had to do any and everything possible to avoid suffocating between her breasts again.

Unfortunately, Weasley's new mom wasn't one to fall for his tricks. She could obviously tell that he wasn't sleeping so she scooped him up into her arms and hugged him tight.

" Who's my little baby? Who's my little baby?" She cooed

"Yes you are!" She laughed in delight as she twirled around while gripping his little body in her hands.

Weasley wanted to roll his eyes at his mother's antics but he let her have her way.

The name of his new mother was Sylvia Zy Ashborne, the First Lady of the Ashborne Noble Household. The house was one of the many noble families that served the Pixis Royal Family which ruled the Great Pixis kingdom.

This noble family was an extremely prestigious one even among nobles, with many coveting their fame and power. The head of the household and Weasley's new father, William Zy Ashborne held the title of archduke and as such, his authority and influence was second only to the king.

On top of that, Weasley had no siblings! This meant that he would have access to not only prestige resources, but also the undivided attention of his parents!

Weasley's thoughts came back to the present when he was once again, compressed between two plump marshmallows the size of watermelons.

Sylvia was holding him in a tight embrace as she walked from the room. She had an excited expression on her face, like she had something she wanted to show him.

His guess was spot on.

*" We'll be there soon, Mama wants to show you something "*, she said cheekily.

Unfortunately, Weasley didn't understand her words.

After a few turns, the two them stepped out of the mansion and into the private gardens of the Ashborne household. The sunlight blinded Weasley who had only been indoors for the past few days.

Weasley grimaced and shielded his eyes from the mid morning sun. It would take awhile for his eyes to adjust to the intense light.

At the ends of his peripheral vision, he caught sight of his mother muttering a series of words. As he still hasn't yet understood the language of this world, he didn't think much of these new foreign words that he heard thinking that she was simply saying something to him. Never would he have imagined what would have happened next.

*" Zephyr's embrace"*

As soon as Sylvia finished her chant, the air currents in the surroundings seem to flow towards her and gather beneath her feet. The rush of cool air almost blew Weasley away but his mother's tight embrace kept him steady in her arms.

The winds formed a cyclone that swirled around Sylvia's feet and pushed her off the ground.

Weasley could not believe what he was seeing. His mind was racing at top speed

'Holy shit is that magic!? No shit Sherlock! Oh my god this is so cool!!'

As Weasley was busy fangirling and trying to wrap his mind around the fact that magic was real, his mother shot into the air and in the blink of an eye, was hovering a hundred meters over the gardens. This gave Weasley an incredible vantage point with which to see his new world in all its splendour.

And to say that it was breathtaking, spectacular, spell binding or any of that would have had to be the understatement of the century.

Unlike the polluted, noisy and overpopulated world that earth was, Beriad (The name of the world Weasley was reborn into. More elaboration coming later.) was a world that oozed adventure, nature and magic. The faint sent off grass carried by the breeze that ruffled the trees and shook the leaves only enhanced the feeling as the sun shone down in all its brilliance.

Towards the west stretched a great plain. The green canvas was dotted with small hills and mounds, with the occasional herd of wildlife to be seen grazing on the grass.

The neighbouring northwest region was more thickly forested. The trees there looked a lot like pine trees that could be found on the mountainous regions on earth but anyone could tell at a glance that they were a lot bigger.

The forest was absolutely massive, it looked formidable and menacing, giving off an unearthly presence that Weasley had never felt before.

In the east was a mountain range of great size. Even from the distance, one could not see the ends of it as the towering mountains pierced the clouds and hid their peaks from view. Small flashes of lightning could be seen bolting around in the gloomy clouds that sheathed the mountain tops and the faint sound of thunder could be heard if one listened carefully.

Weasley was utterly entranced.

*" Amazing right?"* Sylvia chuckled.*" This world is larger than you can imagine. There are endless possibilities waiting for you, my child."*

*" Just don't go too far away and leave your Mommy behind ok? I'll get lonely" * Sylvia teased as she nuzzled her son's forehead.

She flashed a brilliantly smile before she started to descend.

Weasley desperately wanted to protest.

' I haven't seen everything yet! Wait! Just a little longer please!'

Unfortunately, he could only curse his illiteracy that came hand in hand with his infant body.

However, his heart was still racing and the images were still fresh in his mind.

Seeing this wide new world had made something click in him. The feelings that he had kept hidden for so long finally burst out. All the hopes and dreams that he had dismissed as mere fantasies no longer seemed that far away. It was right there! This time, he could do it!

Weasley burst into tears. His tears streamed down his face as he bawled as hard as he could.

Caught by suprise, Sylvia freaked out and tried her best to pacify her baby.

Weasley would continue to cry for awhile until his tears dried up. He couldn't cry anymore but the emotions in his chest still felt so raw. As the last of his tears fell and dried, the ends of his five day old mouth was stretching upwards revealing a toothless grin of excitement and anticipation

If he couldn't do anything about his new situation, he was determined to make the most out of it. He was sure that was what both his new and old mothers would have wanted for him.

And thus, it was here that Weasley Grant truly died and Rumius Zy Ashborne was born.

Hi again, did my best for this chapter. I promise to have a more regular update schedule from now on. I'm still hound and budding so pls go east on me hehe. Thanks for reading and hope you look forward to the next one. Also, pls, leave a comment. Hi. Bye. U suck. This is great. Anything would be appreciated.

RumiusDaylightcreators' thoughts