
Rebirth: The Beginning

After meeting his demise the mc finds himself in a new world. Cover was made by me with the assistance of Webnovel I think? This book is a no harem.

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The Start Of A New Beginning

(Not edited)

In the United States somewhere in the streets of Chicago you could see a young man with a brown colored skin-tone Running from four armed men loaded with equipment as they chase him with bloodshot eyes leaking with murder intent.

The city of Chicago was dangerous, especially the slums and the other bad parts of it. The bad Parts and the Slums only had One Rules

Survive. This rule meant no matter what it takes you must survive, whether it be killing, robbing, or anything, just survive, because of this every person who's lived at least to age 16 has a gun and explosives with them at all times.

This place also had some Classes.

First Being low class which means you could die and no one would care, you the main target for everything, whether it be torture, Bullying, killing ect.

Then there's middle class which means your a little respected in your area and won't be the main target to get bullied or killed or anything

Then there's semi high class this class makes you a neutral party which means you're respected in your area and as long as you don't mess with no one, no one will mess with you.

After Semi high class you have high class which is where most of the bullies come from most high classes are bastards so it's best not to run into them. They also have their own gangs and have some influence.

And above all that is the boss pretty much the boss controls everything and can do everything. That's all no more explaining

(A/n: The young man is a semi high class so he's chilling most of the time)

It just so happened to be the young man mentioned before on accident bumped into a high classed person there while on his way to buy snacks.

Enraged the high classed person pulled out a gun and tried to kill the young man.

Before he could do that though on pure instinct the young man broke the arm of the high classed

man pulling the trigger on his gun killing him.

Clicking his tongue and knowing there's nothing he can do after shooting the guy, the young man took some gasoline he had in his pockets and burned the high class man's body and made a run for it.

"Tch I don't have a lot of time to get home… this was the nearest store to my house and it took 30 minutes to get here and that was by running, I don't think I can get home before they catch me… might as well.."

Knowing he didn't have a lot of time before getting caught and killed The young man devised a Potential Suicide Plan but was a little frustrated as he couldn't rewatch his favorite anime series.

After about 10Minutes The high class men's gang arrived at the area where The young man was sitting only to hear a laugh.

"Haha… you fell right into my trap *Snap*"

And before they could realize what had happened all of them have been killed including the young man.


Somewhere in japan Inside a luxurious house

A young boy awoke with sweat drenched all over his body as he was Breathing Heavily in distress. After feeling a little bit more relaxed the boy sat up sitting up only to fall and feel a Surge of pain enter his head.

"Argh.. Fuck! This hurts!"

Cluchting his head in pain the boy was rolling on the ground and hitting his head on the walls to somehow relieve the pain.

After a few minutes the pain died down and the young boy fell unconscious.

'Argh what was that? Now that I think about it where am I?' (Young Boy)

He wondered

'Wait… Hold up… WHY ARE MY HANDS SO SMALL! Did I go back in the past or something? *sigh* anyways what are these memories?'

'Wait what? So you're telling me my name is Alexander Aristotle Evergarden… interesting…'

Cringing at his name Alexander went back to reviewing 'his' memories

'So apparently My Mom and Dad were billionaires and died, looking at their situation they most likely got assassinated someway… do I care? Hell no. I don't even know them. There are just two less people that I have to bullshit to. I don't want to act like a child nor will I ever do. Anyways Aside from that it looks like my aunts, uncles or any of my relatives can assassinate me which is great.' Thought Alexander a little relieved

'Even though they hated my parents they had no choice but to protect me. If I die in any way the blame is gonna go all on them, and with them being cowards and idiots they don't want to be in that situation which is a win for me, the only con in this situation is probably my age which is 6. My way of speech or maturity doesn't matter or is a con as I could just use my parents death as a maturity excuse and with them being idiots they will believe it.' Thought alexander amused

'Anyhow I was born In 2002 so right now it should be 2008. Some things that happened between that time really didn't happen nor did some of the people around that time exist which makes this world Different from ours, yes it's late and I should've realized it a long time ago but it's always good to have hope… or not. Also it seemed like half the reason why some of these didn't happen was cause of my parents Heh even though there ded Their now Semi Respected by me' Thought Alexander in a softer tone

'Anyways Now that I have all the info that this boy possessed I have to make my own info dive don't I?'

After that Alexander went towards his PC to get all the info he needed when he found a note lying there begging for him to open it. With Alexander being the curious man more like a kid he is, he opened it only to be annoyed at the message left. Now the message itself wasn't annoying like at all but he felt like some magical force just made it annoying for him.

{Hello Shounen, you really need to work on your stamina. Maybe if you weren't so slow you would have gotten away. Hahaha Oh man your face when you shot that guy. Did you piss your pants?!? Anyways Me being Me, the most kind hearted, selfless, and handsome guy in existence, I decided to help you out and escape those Thugs. Yes, I sent out the Trucks! Turns out I missed and hit you instead. Aren't you happy? Shouldn't you be thanking the great me? No? Well, that's just mean. And here I was going to tell you about your cheats from reincarnating via truck, But, After negotiating with Truck more like Truck bullying me and I Gave You an exploitable background, And two abilities.. you should be praying to the truck here kid as I was gonna give you the worst of the worst abilities and backgrounds. Anyways These Two Abilities Will imprint in your brain after your Done reading the note. Anyway Don't Die this time. Unless it's Funny Cya!.}- Your Neighborhood Troll Who Existed before time

Alexander With Absolute Madness controlling him Ripped the paper into one hundred pieces and burned it to shreds, But that's not all as he went out of his room and started raging his heart out only to see the maids and servants there look at him in confusion which he ignored. After an hour of madness he finally felt The inching anger that was inside him gone and went back in his room to do an info dive once again.

After a quick info dive he learned a few things Such as One Being Someone called The Reaper, he had a few suspicions about this being Someone from his old world Apparently

The Reapers backstory is; As a child, he was born into one of the vilest and corrupt slums in an unknown country. It was an environment where everybody could easily betray one another to the point that one could only trust oneself. Through these hardships, he decided to become an assassin, eventually becoming the master assassin known as The Reaper. Immediately, his talents were shown as he left a tremendous trail of corpses in his wake. He became notorious for breaking through even the most strict security teams to assassinate his targets without any hitch.

'This is even more suspicious now… also it looks like I'm in some trouble if I don't do something myself. This guy can kill me at any time… but with his backstory he bears an extreme resemblance to koro sensei from assassination classroom… it's believable after all the shit that's happened the past two days, but this can also be a coincidence I have to meet the real thing before I could actually say it's koro sensei or not'Thought Alexander A little afraid of his situation

"Anyways enough being Afraid I have to be strong myself now… Damn I can't be lazy… what a drag… Anyways Let's do it!" Said Alexander Trying to hype himself up

"Anyways my first ability is Endless growth… that bitch of a troll said he imprinted the details of the ability inside my brain… let's search for it" said Alexander to himself

{Endless Growth} [Growth Type Skill: Passive]

(Ability Details: This Skill Allows User to grow in any Ability/Skill whether it be Swordsmanship, Archery, Sex, Running, Driving, as long as the user puts in the work in doing so. This skill also passively increases the users talent in all parameters to being above average, if a user of this skill already had a skill that is above average then it will increase to a genius level of talent.

This isn't the only way that this skill increases talent Because as long as the user does something along the user's talent would naturally increase at a fast rate making it easier for the user.) *Note This Only Activates when one reads the imprint*

"Heh this is a really nice ability, Let Me See my second one"

{High Human} [Race Type Ability: Permanent]

(Race Type Ability Details: This Race Type ability makes user 5x Better than a normal human in all parameters, Whether it be talent, Skill, Looks, Training Speed, or finesse it makes user 2x Greater than a regular human) *note this only activates when user reads the imprint *WARNING* Be Careful This Ability May Bring Great Pain To Users!"

"Suck That Koro Sensei! Wait what no..! Ahhhh!!"

Meanwhile in another plain

"Bahahahah! This is fun. Looks like he fell in my trap bahahahaha!" Said A Certain Troll laughing his ass off

"*Tick Mark* What are you laughing at you idiot!? Do you want me to beat you up again?!? You still haven't been Forgiven For Using my Authority without my permission, Which means I'm free to Kill You!" Said The Truck God Of Heaven with a demonic aura that would even make the devil cower in fear

"Hahaha- Sorry Won't do it again! Forgive me!" Sweating bullets our neighborhood troll said in an apologetic Tone prostrating. with an evil smirk the truck god said "Your not Forgiven" which sent shockwaves of fear to the troll which made him Run Angering the Truck God as he punched the ground hard missing the troll as the troll ran away chasing him TG Said "Get Back Here!" Which the Troll Replied with "Never!" And so with that the plain of existence was plunged into chaos