
Rebirth : The Alchemist's Path

In a world of swords and magic, where Dragon Knights and Grand Archmages wield powers capable of destroying the heavens and shaking the seas, the legends of their prowess echo throughout the ages. In this world, Sylvus, having crossed over from another realm, opens the Eastern Elixir Shop with a unique system that grants him mastery over ancient elixirs. Within this humble shop, elixirs from the eternal archives of Xianxia are available—each more powerful and mysterious than the last. A Nine-Star Saint Archmage toils away in the shop, working to repay his debt. A Nine-Star Platinum Knight pleads with the shopkeeper, desperately hoping to buy just one elixir. Even God Mages and Divine Knights engage in fierce battles just to secure the coveted Nine-Transformation Golden Elixir before others. --------------------------------------- Dear readers, if you enjoy the story and want more frequent updates, I kindly ask for your Golden Tickets. Your support will help increase my ranking, and in return, I promise to release more exciting chapters for you all!

JubaV · Fantasie
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133 Chs

Confronting Meylan


On the second floor of the shop, the powerful aura around Sylvus surged for nearly a quarter of an hour before finally calming down.

"This Grade-Three Great Rejuvenation Pill is amazing."

Sylvus opened his eyes, filled with joy.

Although it was just a Grade-Three Great Rejuvenation Pill, it had propelled him to the rank of a Five-Star Mage.

Moreover, he could still feel a residual power in his body, slowly nourishing him, making him grow stronger every moment.

"Now that I've reached the Mage level, I can finally use some of the elixirs in the shop."

Sylvus smiled slightly. Glancing at the time, he realized it was already evening, and the shop had long since closed.

He got up and headed outside, making his way directly to Meylan's room.

"Boss, do you need something?"

Meylan, who had been sitting on his bed meditating, quickly stood up when he saw Sylvus enter.

Earlier that day, Sylvus had given Meylan some brief instructions before heading upstairs, leaving Meylan curious but too afraid to ask questions.

"Meylan, if I'm not mistaken, you should have quite a few magic crystals, right?"

Sylvus asked with a smile.

His reason for visiting Meylan was simple: he wanted the man to repay his debt.

Since Meylan was now a member of the shop, Sylvus could have him retrieve the magic crystals.

And even if Meylan tried to run, Sylvus could summon him back with just a thought.

If Sylvus could get his hands on a million magic crystals, he'd finally be able to purchase the items in the system shop—especially the forbidden magic.

"Uh... Boss, I-I don't have any money."

Meylan, who wasn't foolish, immediately realized Sylvus' intent. This wasn't just about repayment—this was about pushing him out.

But how could Meylan be willing to leave now?

Just the room he was staying in was filled with rare magical materials. A single day of meditation in there was equivalent to a month of training outside. It was a treasure trove for cultivation.

And Sylvus, at the very least, was a Mage Emperor. How could Meylan be willing to give up such an opportunity?

On top of that, Meylan had spent the day inspecting the shop's elixirs. He discovered that the pill he had taken, valued at a million magic crystals, wasn't even the top-tier item. There were elixirs worth tens of millions of magic crystals in the shop.

If those prices were accurate, the elixirs had to be extraordinarily powerful.

"No money? Are you sure?"


The smile vanished from Sylvus' face as his expression darkened, and he released a powerful wave of energy.



Meylan, completely unprepared for such a brutal display, was forced to his knees and immediately coughed up blood.

"Boss, I-I truly don't have any money left. I spent everything trying to cure my illness. I... ugh..."

Meylan's heart was filled with panic as he tried to explain, but Sylvus' aura only intensified, forcing Meylan to spit up another mouthful of blood.

"What level of power does the boss have? I've seen Nine-Star Mage Emperors before, but their aura wasn't strong enough to make me cough up blood like this. Could it be...?"

Meylan's face was filled with terror as he looked at Sylvus.

To possess an aura even more terrifying than that of a Nine-Star Mage Emperor, Sylvus could only be one thing: a RulerMage, a being of legend.

The continent of Eslar hadn't seen a Ruler Mage in over three thousand years, though countless legends about them persisted.

It was said that a RulerMage could destroy the heavens and the earth with a single thought, reversing rivers and mountains, and wiping out millions with a mere gesture.

Although Meylan knew these stories were exaggerated, there was no denying the unimaginable power of a RulerMage.

Moreover, only someone of that caliber could possess such miraculous elixirs—elixirs that far outclassed the effects of Grade-Nine potions.

Could Sylvus truly be a Ruler Mage?

If so, there was no way Meylan would ever leave. Clinging to such a powerful figure was his only choice.

"Old man, don't try any tricks on me. You said earlier that you had a million magic crystals. Now, you're claiming you don't?"

Sylvus narrowed his eyes as he spoke.

If it weren't for the fact that killing Meylan would saddle him with 50% of the debt, he would've already taken action.

"B-Boss, to be honest, I lied before. I only said I had money because I was planning to run away. At the time, I didn't know how powerful you were, and I thought I could escape without being caught."

Meylan hesitated before speaking.

Of course, this was a lie. But if he didn't make something up, there would be no way to explain himself.

While admitting this might damage his reputation, it was worth it if it meant following someone who could very well be a Ruler Mage. His reputation was a small price to pay.

He was also betting that Sylvus wouldn't kill him.

After all, debtors held the power these days, and Meylan still owed Sylvus money.

Still, Meylan found it odd that someone as powerful as Sylvus would care so much about a mere million magic crystals.

"Are you telling the truth?"

Sylvus took a deep breath, his eyes fixed on Meylan as killing intent filled the air.


"B-Boss, I swear I'm telling the truth..."

Under the weight of Sylvus' killing intent, Meylan could no longer hold out.

His body collapsed onto the floor, trembling, veins bulging across his face.

Sylvus remained silent for a few seconds before finally waving his hand, causing the oppressive atmosphere in the room to vanish.

He turned and left, leaving behind only one final command: "Open the shop early tomorrow."

JuBav Note : Your gift is the motivation for my creation. 

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