
Rebirth: Stubbornly Fufilling A Promise

'The famous mister truck strikes again.' A joke in her mind turned to reality. She thought that the famous mister truck would remain on those novels and anime's she had read and watched. But when it was her turn to have the chance in going back in time, she made a vow to mister truck. 'Okay mister truck, since you gave me a second chance I will make sure that this time I will succeed.' ***** This is the typical story of her being hated by the male lead. She was hated because he and his love couldn't be together for the fact that she and he ended up getting drunk one night and woke up beside each other the next day, NAKED. Indeed, cliché... It was only later that she found out that it was actually a plot of his mother who didn't like his lover for being poor and believes that she was a heiress. Once again a cliché route... But alas she was not, she was disowned by her family and had lived on her own for long. Don't get her wrong, she wasn't a villainess. She was simply trying to fulfill a promise. Now that she has the chance, she still chose to continue trying to fulfill her promise in this second life. What can she do? She was a stubborn person. But this time she has no plans on failing. She will... SAVE HIM... A cliché route? Nope not at all... Because she was not the cliché female lead either... ***** "Yes, yes, I am already tired of that as well. Don't worry I am stopping now, mama's boy." There was mock in her tone and he couldn't help but to turn red in anger. The phone in his hand was gripped tighter, his knuckles turning white. "You-" "Good bye, mama's boy." *BEEP BEEP* This was the very first time he became furiously speechless towards her. ***** When she opened her eyes, she saw him towering over her. "Hmmm isn't it that sleeping beauty will see the seven dwarves once she opens her eyes? Why am I seeing a giant?" He frowned at her words. At the same time she did. "Were there any dwarves in sleeping beauty?" ***** "It's the wicked witch, here to bully cinderella?" Then she muttered, "Oh no, I think that does not match. Was there a witch in cinderella?" The mother was gritting her teeth in anger while she contemplated on the story of cinderella if there was a witch in it. ***** "Do it." A gun was pointed at her temple but her eyes focused on his. She said only two words but her eyes were saying more. 'Trust yourself for you can do it.' She even tilted her head a little to the side without the gunman noticing. Now with only a space with the size of a pingpong ball, he aimed his gun. If he shoot that pingpong ball sized space perfectly, the man will die. If he don't then she will die. When he wavered and turned to look at her eyes, she was actually smiling and mouthed, 'You will be able to save me.' *BANG* *UPDATES DAILY* Do read my other stories: SHE'S THAT KNIGHT KNOWN AS ZERO (COMPLETED) VENGEANCE TO THE ROYAL ONES (COMPLETED) COMING FOR THE LAST FOURTEENTH (COMPLETED) RESTARTING CHAPTER BOOK FINALE (COMPLETED) VERACITY OF THE PAST (COMPLETED) LEFT BEHIND BY TIME (COMPLETED) Disclaimer: Cover photo not mine... Please message me if I needed to change it... Please support me on this page as well: https://patreon.com/user?u=52128033&utm_medium=unknown&utm_source=join_link&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=copyLink

Llaellen · Urban
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442 Chs

CH. 7: I Am Back Now

That particular window of this room was only open when Heather was there.

It was their signal that she has come to visit or to do some work.

They chose a more discrete way of contacting one another, other than through emails and calls.

Sometimes they would use the coffee shop. Other times they would leave the office, seemingly off for another meeting, but would just make a turn and enter the building through the back of it.

Adam and Elizabeth had told her that was too much of a hassle but Heather loves the mystery effect that the two of them was left with no other choice.

The three of them chatted for two hours before Heather turned serious.

She knew they needed to return to the office, and she had already taken an hour more than the time for their break.

"What is your current problem?" she asked Adam.

She could see that he was definitely stressed out.

Adam was stunned even though it has been a year she could still tell whenever he was facing a problem.

"Remember that we want to start with technological weapons? I was trying to look for a way to implement it but most companies weren't helping at all."

Heather thought for a bit, "How long have you started trying to modify technological weapons?"

"About half a year ago. It is one of your proposals and since the company was stable I thought we could start it. I did think it was a bit rushed but the concept was great."

Heather rubbed her chin, her habbit whenever she starts thinking.

The other two remained silent waiting for what she decides.

"Stop it."

Adam and Elizabeth were completely shock.

"Stop everything about it."

"But why? I think it was a good proposal though," Adam replied while Elizabeth silently agreed.

"Not just yet. Lishter had just started and modified weapons were just starting to be accepted. If we are to incorporate another without ensuring that the company is truly stable then we would have losses instead. Have the people on this project to continue their research. And then when something that is viable were to come to fruition then we will see how the industry is."

She started pointing out about how other people will have fear with such weapons because it was modified through software.

It could easily be intercepted or something by those who have greater knowledge.

She pointed that if they can create a much secure program for it then they will test it.

She pointed out that what they needed the most at this moment is stability, not just of the company but the products as well.

"Maybe about two more years of research before we are going to implement it. We don't have to rush," she told them.

Adam thought deeply and saw what was going wrong.

He was rushing things.

If the weapon were to backfire then surely the company would be affected greatly.

People will start losing trust even on their other weapons and the company will go down the drain.

They needed to allow their modified weapons to have a solid standing on the country before they start doing other things.

So that even if one fail, they still have something to rely on.

"I will try and have someone get a person in the police force to have our weapons included in the weapons they use. If we have a solid standing even with the military and police force of our country, then surely this project will come to life not long after."

Adam nodded his head, "Just as I thought your thinking is way different than ours. We haven't thought deeply about it and tried to rush it. If ever we would have caused the company to fall."

Heather smiled and soon they bid each other goodbye.

"Is Wesley still in the lab alone on saturdays?"

Heather was referring to tomorrow.

"Yeah, are you going to visit?" Elizabeth asked.

Heather nodded her head, "I have to apologize to him as well. You know I've caused too much trouble with the three of you."

"Don't worry about it, you are back now anyway," Adam patted her shoulder.

One year is still acceptable but if she were to take longer then they wouldn't be as forgiving.

"Yes, I am back now."

The two of them left and she was left all alone in that place.

She remembered that Lishter indeed met a disaster when she was 25 which is two years from now.

But they were able to push through because of their capabilities.

And she remembered, the trouble was about the technological modifications of weapons.

She just didn't expect that it actually started much earlier than when they failed.

Their modified weapons pushed through and a year after the failure they got the chance to promote their first nationally approved technological weapon.

A gun that could detect the owner through their fingerprint.

In that way, even if one were to take it from you, they wouldn't be able to use it.

What failed was a contact lens of some sort but she didn't know the details of it.

'That's right since we are focused on guns and bombs as of the moment, the best way to start a new project is to start with what you are well acquainted with.'

With that she started writing down some plans for the future.

The place always had a bunch of clean paper.

Sadly enough for the company, their real CEO was more fond of writing things down than typing them. And so those who are in the secretariat department will have additional work on their tables.

She tucked her lose short hair behind her ear as she continued writing.

She will make sure that they would be able to launch new weapons earlier than her first life.

"It was after that failure that they truly left me alone. Because I didn't bother no matter how much they asked for help," she muttered and felt like crying again.

The hatred and disappointment was still very clear to her.

Though they don't feel it now, they still do so in the first life.

She shook her head, "This is no time to be depressed about such things. It is better to focus on what I can do for now."

After another hour, she left the papers on the table and left the light on before closing the window and curtain.

When it was like that, it means she left something that the other two should pick up.

If the light was on and the curtains were drawn, it means she is the one who has work to do.

She laughed at the arrangement she made, she really do loves trying things out that others would think as something troublesome.

Close to 4 pm, she stepped in the parking lot and rode her car.

There is another place she has to go to.

At 7 pm of every fridays, a dinner was being done.

She didn't appear there ever since she got married and stop contact altogether after this day on her first life. Because she found out the reason why Amanda thought she was no longer disowned.

"We should probably buy some things," she said before stepping on the gas.

Buying some seafood, some cake and some fruits.

She drove to a villa at the edge of the city.

It was at the top of a mountain and was overlooking the ocean on one side while the beautiful city center on the other.

The perfect getaway place when you just want to stay away from everything.

By chance they found this place and built a villa for them to breath in.

There was no guard at the bottom of the mountain but there was an enormous wall and a gate that eye recognition and finger printing were being used for entry.

After getting her eye and fingers scanned she checked the time.

It was still 5 in the afternoon.

Usually they arrive close to 7 pm and that is the only time they would start cooking.

But since she was already here, she would cook for them instead, a way of compensation for disappearing on them just like that.

The villa was a western styled one.

A pool by the yard that was close to where the scene of the ocean was.

Two floors with 6 bedrooms on the second floor.

The first floor was the living room, the kitchen, the dining room, the gym area and the recreational area.

It was really a place just for enjoyment and relaxation.