
Chapter 325 Copper Coin

the Mo family

Auntie Sun and Mo Xiaoqiang were getting coquettish in the courtyard. These days, he had gradually started to accept Auntie Sun again.

It made sense, he was a normal man after all, and men have their needs. Initially, he had wanted to visit the Brothel to catch up with an old flame and have some fun, but unfortunately, his wallet was empty, not even a single Copper Coin. The girls in the Brothel didn't show any mercy. With money, you're the Master, well fed and taken care of. Without it, they'd turn their backs on you in an instant, have a Thug beat you up, and throw you onto the street for passersby to gawk at. Such scenes happened by the Yihong Brothel every now and then. There was no helping it. Pockets empty and yet wanting a free meal, such men were not uncommon; it was quite usual.