
Chapter 147

Naturally, Tang Qing ate dinner at Lin Jiaxue's place. His home only opened the stove tomorrow. After the meal, Tang Qing didn't feel greasy and crooked with Lin Jiaxue. A delicate and frail girl had been tired for a day. He saw Lin Jiaxue beat him during the meal. A few yawns, although they were more elegant and hidden, how could they escape Tang Qing who had been observing her.

Tang Qing didn't have a trace of sleepiness at all. Even if he was sleepy, he could use Genesis Qi to eliminate sleepiness first, and then make up for his sleep afterwards.

In my home, I saw Lin Jiaxue sweating moving things several times in the winter. Tang Qing was also distressed, so she advised her not to do it, and even directly pressed her on the stool to prevent her from doing it.

But the stubborn Lin Jiaxue stubbornly refused to do it, and came back with the phrase 'I'm not paperwork', and by the way, it was white again and he continued to work. Although Tang Qing felt distressed, he didn't persuade him anymore. He knew that Lin Jiaxue's personality was quiet but also very independent. If she 'deprived' her of her labor rights, she might feel that she was useless and couldn't help at all. Unlike other girls, you can't let her work and immediately watch you do it with joy. Lin Jiaxue really wanted to help him instead of hindering his girlfriend's identity.

After washing the dishes and cleaning the kitchen with Lin Jiaxue, it was already dark.

Tang Qing returned to his home.

Back in the room, Tang Qing turned on the light and lay on the bed, with his hands resting behind his head, staring at the wooden beams and black tiles and the cobwebs in the corner of the wall in a daze. He couldn't help thinking about his past and present lives, but thinking about Tang Qing. I was a little confused.

The past life is doomed, there is nothing to think about, it is not a good memory.

But what about this life?

What will your future life be like?

He didn't expect that he would think of this question that he thought he had an answer to.

After having the system before, he firmly believes that his future is bright. The only thing he has worried about is the danger that may be brought about by the opening of the system mall, but he is also full of hope.

Only now did he realize that hope and light are not the future. They are just adjectives. What will his future look like?


But what is the definition of a banker in the system?

Master the bank?

Master the currency?

Master the right to issue currency?

Or do you have the right to speak in currency issuance?

Or a collection of all of the above?

He had asked about this before, but the system did not say that it just kept opening up the functions to provide him with all kinds of assistance and convenience, but there was no clear guidance and explanation. This cheating setting Tang Qing no longer wants to complain. That's a rigid procedure, no matter how you scold him, he won't be ignored. As for the designer, let it go. Although the high-level intelligent creature doesn't know if it is a human being, since it has done so, there must be his reason.

For example, a chef who is recognized as the number one in the world makes the best dish for you. If you don't like it, you can't blame others for poor cooking skills. You can only blame the dish for its unpalatability. It's such a nonsense 'reason'.


What are you doing with the money?

What are you doing with weapons?

The system is all in a posture that you can figure it out by yourself, some he understands, some he doesn't, which makes him very confused.

He has also done a lot of homework and made a lot of planning. Although the Tang Dynasty, Sky Eye, Reverse Exchange, etc. are all his own choices, he does not feel that he has everything in his hands.

Because he doesn't know how the system will 'arrange' his life in the future, whether there will be a fierce conflict with his expected life, or whether he will play him to death.

This unknown future almost tormented Tang Qing crazy.

In the end, he simply didn't want to think about it anymore, thinking that it would cause psychological problems.

This was also taught to him by his instructor in the previous life. Once he finds that he has mental problems if he thinks too deeply, he must stop as soon as possible. For example, many people complain about the society and the injustice, and then the more they think, the more angry they are, and the more they think. Depressed, in the end, my heart is getting darker and darker, and when it occurs, it will be quickly pinched out, so as not to become out of control.

After twelve o'clock in the evening.

Tang Qing hurriedly started arbitrage trading. After more than an hour, the balance in Tang Qing's account officially exceeded the 400 million mark.

After the number of exchanges was used up, Tang Qing went to sleep directly.

. . . . . .

the next day

Early in the morning, Tang Qing was carrying Lin Jiaxue to the town to buy their New Year goods. Lin Jiaxue's family had already been bought by her grandparents.

The wind in the morning was still relatively cold. Lin Jiaxue was sitting behind Tang Qing. He didn't play any speed-up and deceleration games, because Lin Jiaxue was already holding him tightly. They used to do this before, except in hot weather, although not allowed. Tang Qing did it, but Lin Jiaxue never refused to touch other parts, such as hugging or holding Tang Qing's arm.

Lin Jiaxue's face pressed against Tang Qing's back. Afraid that the wind would chill the lover behind him, Tang Qing rode very slowly, not much faster than walking. He rode slowly, feeling the weak body behind him, Tang Qing felt very warm, with Lin Jiaxue by his side, what? He can abandon troubles.

"Jiaxue? You are finally back. I have been looking forward to you for a year."

Just as Tang Qing was enjoying the warm moment, a frivolous voice sounded beside him, which was very unpleasant. Tang Qing frowned and turned his head to look. He knew who it was---Qin Kong.

It's another fly.

At this time, he finally understood why the protagonist in the novel always meets and fights with rivals, because the girlfriend is so good, there may be a lot of self-righteous people come up to talk to each other, can there not be many conflicts.

Lin Jiaxue frowned but did not speak, her face turned to one side.

"Qin Kong, stay away from us." Tang Qing said coldly. Qin Kong was about the same age as him. His mother died early, and his father was a relative and a gambler. Affected by this, he did not go to school after graduating from elementary school. , Has been dangling in the society, not doing business properly, all day long learning from other people to pretend to be the big brother.

It was commonplace to molested girls and had a lot of history. Tang Qing remembered that Qin Kong in later generations was interrupted because of the daughter of the Huo Huo family. For this reason, the family chose to reconcile and accompany some money less. Tang Qing felt true when he thought of it. What a fuck, this kind of person should have been shot, and then Qin Kong actually started a drug-making business again, and was finally fed peanuts directly.

"What does it matter to you when I talk to Jiaxue?" Qin Kong said, looking at Tang Qing disdainfully.

"You quarreled me. I have always slapped to death when dealing with noisy flies. Seeing that it is not easy for you to grow up, I will give you a way to survive." Tang Qing said directly. The style of this line is not at all. Like him before, he wouldn't have said such a thing even if he faced a rival in love.

But Qin Kong in front of him was an exception, he couldn't help thinking of this person's character.

This kind of bad guy is good if he doesn't kick his motorcycle over with a single kick.

Qin Kong counts as a distant relative of his mother's family. He can't remember how far it is. Anyway, it's very far away, basically belonging to the kind of brother of the aunt's cousin's second-aunt's nephew's mother-in-law's mother-in-law and so on. , The ghost knows how this person pulled this relationship back then. It is also a coincidence that the other party's surname is Qin. He has no blood relationship with his grandfather. It stands to reason that at least he would not speak so harshly if he had a family relationship, but Qin Kong He couldn't bear Lin Jiaxue's attention.

During the Chinese New Year last year, Qin Kong rushed to their house to have fun, pestering Lin Jiaxue to show his affection. Tang Qing stopped doing it at that time, and pushed him away with a hot head, but Tang Qing was weak at that time. Qin Kong, who had been able to fight on the battlefield, was directly killed. Lost his face, in the end, Father Lin came forward and drove him away. How can Tang Qing forget this shame.

"Boy, are you itchy again? Last year's meal was not enough, right~www.mtlnovel.com~ Qin Kong said with a sneer. Since the first time I saw Lin Jiaxue on the street during the Chinese New Year last year, he has started. He vowed to get such a beautiful girl, so he followed the principle of chasing if he liked it, and after inquiring about it, he went straight to the door the next day, ready to get to know him first, and then use his "uninhibited and uninhibited" to conquer Lin Jiaxue, who has never seen anything in the world.

This method is unsatisfactory. Those girls who are in adolescence will easily be taken down by this kind of rhetoric and their "wild horses". This is also the experience his predecessors taught him. With a little handsome, really Is very useful.

After listening to Qin Kong's words, Tang Qing didn't immediately return.

Yes it is.

Tang Qing was speechless for a while, wondering what to say.

Is the dog blood dialogue about to start again? please do not. . .

Do you fight back or do you not fight back? This is definitely required

Language fight back or do it directly?

But I really don't want to scold this kind of person. It's too shameful. Anyway, we are also worth hundreds of millions. But it's not appropriate to kick the past with a single kick. Although I may find someone to solve it. Disgusting, he didn't want to go to the police station for the new year, he still had to buy things, and he didn't want Lin Jiaxue to worry.

But now that they are all delivered, we are also out of anger from last year.

Well, I have to think of a way to punish the other party without affecting my New Year, but it's hard to think of.

"Huh, be afraid, you are so kind, how can you protect Lin Jiaxue, only me is suitable for Lin Jiaxue." Seeing Tang Qing's silence, Qin Kong exposed another line looking for cursing.

"I..." Tang Qing was trying to say something, but inadvertently swept a touch of metal light around Qin Kong's waist.

Tang Qing smiled.

Laughed happily.

If you really want to die, you can't stop it.