
Chapter 145

"Boom boom boom..." Tang Qing's door was knocked.

Tang Qing hurriedly got up and turned on the light, pretending to be drowsy and opened the door.

"Squeak... Click..."

There was a sharp rubbing sound at the door, which shocked the three policemen who were nervous at the door. They directly conditioned their hands on their waists, as if they were about to draw their guns, but the reaction was that the door was loose afterwards. In a tone, it's no wonder that they looked like a soldier. There was such a vicious shooting incident in the middle of the night. They still blocked the gun, but they weren't nervous. They were naked thugs.

"Hello, uncle policeman, who are you?" Tang Qing asked shamelessly, but the name was correct. The door was indeed led by a young policeman, followed by two young policemen, watching the three people's eyes. The faint exhaustion in the middle must have been directly'pulled' from the bed by the leader's phone call.

It's hard to be a policeman. Tang Qing's uncle is still not. Don't look at a police station chief who says he's too prestigious, but once a major event happens, a call comes in the middle of the night and you have to go. Who told you to be the leader? It's possible to go home even if there is no time for the day. In addition, there are many "overtime" that has nothing to do with the content of work. Outsiders seem to be so glamorous and awesome, but only one knows how tired he is. Especially Qin Yugang, a conscientious policeman.

Tang Qing can only say sorry for this.

The older police saw that a handsome young man opened the door and felt relieved.

The three policemen at the door are also in a complicated mood at this time. It is reasonable to say that it is a bounden duty to catch bad guys from their point of view, but this also needs to be divided into people. They catch petty thefts or ordinary criminals very well and they like it very much. This kind of "easy life", but in the face of this "bad" person this time, they want to seize the merits, but they don't want to encounter it at all.

After all, this time I'm going to catch a gangster with a firearm. The ghost knows how many other firearms the opponent has besides the sniper, and how strong his fighting ability is. Facing such a professional sniper, if they encounter it, they will die forever. It's not an exaggeration that the police are also humans. They are not stupid and courageous. Naturally, they have the desire to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

"Young man, where is your adult?" the older policeman asked.

Before Tang Qing could speak, his father's voice came from behind him: "Tang Tang, what's the matter, who's here?"

The father and mother Tang, who had been tired for a day, slept quite dead. They were not awakened by the sound of police sirens, but were awakened by the sound of their own door. They had thought about changing the door or adding some lubricant before, but then they thought about it. Such a loud sound can prevent theft and dispel this idea. If a thief comes, even if the lock is opened, he will be frightened away by the loud rubbing sound. This is much more useful than a lock.

"Dad, it's the police uncle, maybe you have any questions." Tang Qing turned his head and said.

When Father Tang and Mother Tang heard that the police had walked over quickly, Lin Jiaxue also walked out of his room in his coat, and when the police came, everyone became nervous unconsciously. After all, Chinese people have a natural fear of the police. .

"Comrade police, may I ask what's wrong with this?" Although he was disturbed for a good night's sleep, Tang's father and Tang's mother didn't dare to say impatiently with a smile. It is definitely not a simple matter to knock on the door in the middle of the night.

"That's it. I want to ask if you heard any strange noises just now, or have you seen any strange people in the past few days." The older policeman asked according to the standard procedure, still holding this notebook in his hand. When the other two young men saw here, it was obviously not like a bad guy knocked on the door of another house and asked the same question.

"That's not the case. I was busy during the day and slept quite dead. I just heard the door opening of our house woke me up. I didn't hear anything else." Father Tang shook his head, and Mother Tang echoed the same thing.

At this time, the police also looked at Lin Jiaxue, and Lin Jiaxue hurriedly said, "I didn't hear any noise, except for your siren and door opening."

She slept relatively shallowly. The first siren sound woke her up, but she was still in a dazed state. She couldn't sleep until a large number of police cars arrived.

After Lin Jiaxue finished speaking, the older policeman looked at Tang Qing again.


Seeing the police uncle being so persistent, Tang Qing also said: "I didn't hear any sound, and I was awakened by the knock on the door. Uncle police, what happened?"

The police did not doubt the words of Tang Qing's family. As for the sound of the door of their house, if someone came in and out, the neighborhood could hear it. As for climbing out of the window and then coming up again? What a joke, the world champion can't come up. It is possible to solve the case with whimsical ideas, but the whimsical is to ask for trouble, and there is no steel plant here, they have no hope at all, otherwise they would not stand at the door so hastily and ask, those who are close to the steel plant The process of interrogation of residents will not be so simple.

"Nothing, there are bad guys nearby. Be careful when you go out during this period of time. Since you haven't heard anything, go to sleep. If you remember anything, you should tell us in time. If the clues are reliable, our Public Security Bureau will award 100,000 yuan. "It is naturally impossible for an older policeman to tell ordinary people the truth. As for the bonus of 100,000 yuan, it is true that it is not uncommon for such a vicious case to offer such a high reward.

"One hundred thousand." Mother Tang exclaimed. Father Tang was also dumbfounded. Even Tang Qing had an expression of'good feathers and more money'. As for Lin Jiaxue's nerves, she was not interested in money. Great, just surprised.

"Okay, rest. I'll ask the next one." The police smiled when they saw it. Now this age of 100,000 represents half a house, which is not unimportant. He sees this expression a lot.

"Okay, the policeman, go slowly." Qin Yuzhen said loudly.

"En." At this time, the family opposite had finished the questioning, and the older policeman took the other policemen upstairs to continue the questioning.

"Squeak... Touch." There was another sound like killing a pig.

After closing the door, they went back to their rooms and prepared to rest.

However, Father Tang and Mother Tang have not fallen asleep. First, they thought about the 100,000 bonus. Second, the police sirens outside have been ringing non-stop. From the windows, you can see that there are no fewer than ten police cars in the community. , Even the armed police were dispatched and patrolled everywhere.

Everyone realized that something really happened. For so many years, the entire county has not seen such a large search formation.

Tang Qing, as the client, lay on the sofa and was always worried. Although he escaped the police's interrogation, he did not dare to relax. His uncle is a policeman, so he never dared to underestimate the police's intelligence. Too many, just like the protagonist in "Detective Chinatown", this kind of talent is not non-existent in the police system, on the contrary, there are quite a lot of them. They are all baby bumps in the system, and they have seen a lot of strange things. Tang Qing will never underestimate the number of "lunatics" in this world.

"Let Tang Tang and the others go back to the village early tomorrow morning."


. . . . . .

This night is destined to be a sleepless night.

The leaders at the county, city, and province levels were all woken up by a phone call.

This incident has already alarmed the Ministry of Public Security through various reports. In the end, it was naturally an order-a thorough investigation. The Ministry of Public Security also formed an investigation team to rush here overnight. All the police in the county took to the streets to patrol. The increase in personnel in the city is also on the road, and the armed police and garrison have also rushed out to set up checkpoints on the traffic arteries around the county.

A group of armed gunmen sneaked into the interior and ran to an inland province with a weapon like ak. This was already a terrifying case, and then this person was inexplicably killed by another group with a blocking gun. The incident has become more complicated. Their only clue now is to find the person who called the police in the morning. But now they don't even know whether the person who called the police is dead or alive. It is not easy to find, but one thing can be confirmed. Since the group of people did not leave the county. , And died here, then the person they were looking for should also be around the county seat, otherwise the other party would have moved a long time ago.

Just as the leaders were worried, they received a call from Wei Jun's arrest.

Wei Jun and the two were'forced' by Tang Qing and ran to the distant village. Under the guidance of the faint moonlight and the scattered lights in the distance, after more than 20 minutes, the two finally arrived at the nearest residential house. Wei Jun's phone number was thrown away by Dan Tuo a long time ago, and he can only borrow it from the villagers here.

However, knocking on someone's door in the middle of the night is impossible for anyone to open.

In the end, Wei Jun said badly, the villagers inside just didn't let him go. In addition, looking at the embarrassment of the two and the blood on their bodies, he became more nervous ~www.mtlnovel.com~ and directly called the police and called the neighbors for help.

So it was not the police who rushed first, but the awakened neighbors, each holding a shovel and a pole, surrounded them with ill-faced faces, and they were not allowed to leave, and they did not intend to leave, looking at the surrounding ones. Wei Jun smiled for the "fully armed" villagers, and they were finally safe.

It was another five minutes before the police rushed over. Two cars came at a time, followed by an armed police car.

As soon as the police got out of the car and looked at the mud and blood on the bodies of Wei Jun, they immediately drew out their guns and dispersed the villagers.

The armed police behind also quickly loaded their guns and pointed them at Wei Jun. The atmosphere suddenly became tense. There was no way. The matter tonight is too big. Although they don't know who Wei Jun is, they are absolutely inseparable from this case. Involved.

The villagers were shocked when seeing so many policemen coming and preparing to shoot again, and they hurriedly disperse the birds and beasts --- ran to the distance to continue watching. For fear of being taken hostage by Wei Jun.

Wei Jun is not afraid of being pointed at by a gun. As long as he doesn't act rashly or do anything misunderstanding, the police in front of him will not be able to shoot.

So learning from the TV, Wei Jun and the two hurriedly raised their hands and said: "Hello, Mr. Police, I called the police in the morning, I surrendered and follow you."

Hearing this, the policeman who took the lead breathed a sigh of relief. The breakthrough point finally came, but he didn't dare to take it seriously. He motioned to his men to press the two people against the residents' fence and search their bodies. When they saw that there were no threatening weapons, they were all tortured into the police car. A few enthusiastic villagers were also taken away.

After the police left, the villagers also dispersed. It is estimated that for a long time, they helped the police catch the 'bad guys' and they could all be talked about.