
Rebirth Of The Devouring Angel

After being stripped of his divine powers, Will finds himself reborn as a mortal on Earth. His new existence is marked by a desolate life, plagued by sealed memories and an unsettling childhood filled with inexplicable gaps and mysteries. However, everything changes when, on the brink of death, Will unlocks a hidden system. This newfound discovery catapults him into a thrilling journey, as he traverses chaotic worlds, completing quests and steadily growing stronger. As Will embarks on this perilous path, he becomes determined to uncover the enigmatic secrets of his dark past. With each quest completed and each challenge overcome, he inches closer to regaining his lost strength and unlocking the truths that have haunted him for so long. Join Will on a captivating adventure as he navigates a treacherous world, battles formidable foes, and unravels the mysteries that hold the key to his redemption. Will he ultimately reclaim his former power and find solace in understanding his past, or will the shadows of his past continue to haunt him? Only time will tell in this enthralling tale of self-discovery and resilience. I do not own the novel cover. If you are the owner and want me to remove it, you can tell me.

Godswill_Isaac · Fantasie
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52 Chs


Dren! Will shouted as he dashed towards him.

Not far from George, dren lay in his pool of blood. The spike embedded deep into his chest a few inches away from his heart.


"We need to get out of this planet!" Belle's voice pierced through the chaos as she leaped off the ground with urgency. Her whip lashed out, coiling around Dren's leg and yanking him towards her.

Just in the nick of time, Dren was successfully snatched away, narrowly avoiding the impending danger. A monstrous claw sliced through the billowing cloud of dust, crashing down onto the ground with a thunderous impact.

Belle exhaled a sigh of relief, her heart pounding in her chest. "That was a close call," she muttered, leaping away from the menacing creature, putting as much distance between them as possible.

As the dust settled, dissipating into thin air, an ominous aura emanated from the beast. With a mighty flap of its wings, a shockwave of destructive energy rippled through the air, obliterating nearby structures in its wake.

Sh*t! Why are you just standing!? "George screamed in his head as he dived pulling Will to the ground. His skin turned silvery white as he protected Will from the flying debris.

Belle's heart pounded in her chest as she surveyed the aftermath of their narrow escape. Blood trickled down the side of her face, a painful reminder of the battle they had just endured. Her eyes widened in shock as she witnessed the beast, its massive form slowly amassing an ominous surge of energy.

Collapsing to her knees, Belle felt the weight of exhaustion settle upon her. She had pushed herself to the limit, her powers drained from the relentless fight. Every fiber of her being screamed for respite, but there was no time for rest.

The dragon's jaws parted, a swirling orb of crackling energy forming within its maw. With a deafening roar, the ball of power hurtled through the vast expanse of the room, hurtling towards their defenseless figures.

Desperation flooded Belle's veins as she willed her legs to move, but they betrayed her, refusing to obey her commands. 

"Never!" Belle's voice rang out with fierce determination, her eyes ablaze with an otherworldly light. A surge of power coursed through her, enveloping her form in a radiant crimson aura. She extended her trembling hand, gathering the pulsating energy within her palm, ready to unleash her might.

But just as she was on the brink of releasing her gathered power, a figure materialized before her, obstructing her view. Startled, Belle's gaze shifted to the newcomer, her heart pounding with a mix of relief and curiosity.

A few meters away, a small device blinked incessantly, catching Belle's attention. The stranger raised his sword high, the blade shimmering with a brilliant white aura.

With a swift motion, the sword swung through the air, intercepting the oncoming ball of energy. A blinding arc of white energy erupted from the blade, colliding with the malevolent sphere. The impact reverberated through the room, accompanied by a resounding explosion as the ball of energy disintegrated into nothingness.

Belle's breath caught in her throat as she witnessed the display of power before her. The stranger, his face obscured by the intensity of the moment, had saved her from certain doom. Gratitude and curiosity mingled within her and then she could finally see his face.

"Quickly, activate the portal!" the man shouted, his voice filled with urgency as he propelled himself towards the monstrous creature, his weapon poised for battle.

Dwaine! She muttered. With a focused mind, she swiftly set the precise coordinates on the portable teleporter, her fingertips dancing across the device's surface. Drawing upon her own well of inner strength, she infused a small amount of her mana into the device, fueling its activation.

As if responding to her command, a brilliant white portal materialized before her, shimmering with untold possibilities. It was a portable teleportation device.

Summoning every ounce of her remaining strength, Belle pushed herself back onto her feet, her determination overriding the pain coursing through her body. She sprinted towards George, who stood by the injured Will, offering him much-needed support.

"Come on, we can make it!" Belle urged, extending a helping hand to Will as they neared the portal's shimmering threshold. But before they could reach safety, a sudden force sent Dwaine hurtling backward, a deep gash searing across his chest.

The beast let out a thunderous roar, its fury ignited by the sight of its prey attempting to escape. In a desperate bid to halt their flight, an ominous orange pillar of light erupted from the creature, piercing the sky and rapidly expanding in all directions.

A swarm of razor-sharp spikes also materialized, hovering menacingly around the beast before hurtling towards Belle and Dwaine with terrifying velocity. Time seemed to slow as they dodged and weaved, narrowly avoiding the deadly projectiles.

"Hurry!" Belle screamed, her voice laced with a mixture of fear and determination. She quickened her pace, her heart pounding in her chest.

With every ounce of strength and willpower, Belle and Dwaine pushed themselves forward, their bodies straining against the encroaching darkness. They knew that their only chance of survival lay within the fading portal, a gateway from this nightmarish realm.

As the light continued to spread, the dome solidified, its radiant energy pulsating with an otherworldly glow.

Amidst the chaos and uncertainty, Will's voice emerged with a hint of frustration etched upon his face. "A beast with negation ability," he muttered, his brows furrowing in deep contemplation. 

Yet, amidst the despair, a flicker of determination ignited within Will's eyes. "I have an idea," he declared, his voice filled with newfound hope. With swift movements, he delved into the depths of his storage ring, searching for a particular item. Finally, his fingers closed around a jade crystal, the key to his plan.

Without hesitation, Will infused the crystal with his own mana, pouring his essence into it with unwavering resolve. As if responding to his unwavering determination, the crystal shimmered to life, emanating a radiant glow that enveloped him. A magnificent barrier materialized, its ethereal beauty shielding him from imminent danger.

Expanding beyond its initial form, the barrier stretched forth, intercepting the menacing spikes and encasing a portion of the beast's domineering barrier. A clash of energies ensued, a battle between opposing forces. The orange barrier, though initially overpowered, gradually gained ground against the formidable barrier. 

"Go!" Will's voice rang out with unwavering determination, his eyes blazing with resolve. "I'll hold it off," he declared, his words laced with a mix of bravery and self-sacrifice. Without a moment's hesitation, he reached into his pocket and retrieved a golden pill, a source of untapped power.

Consuming the pill, a surge of energy erupted within his body, coursing through his veins and revitalizing his once-injured form. The wounds that marred his flesh vanished, replaced by a newfound strength that radiated from every pore.

With a surge of adrenaline, Will charged towards the beast, his every step filled with purpose. Flames danced upon his hands, their golden hue illuminating the darkness that surrounded them. With a mighty force, he slammed his palms onto the ground, unleashing a wave of scorching fire towards the formidable dragon.

His teammates stood in stunned silence, their minds struggling to comprehend the audacity of Will's actions. But as realization dawned upon them, a chorus of voices erupted, filled with concern and fear. "Will!" Belle's voice pierced through the chaos, her desperation evident as she attempted to chase after him. Yet, Dwaine's firm grip held her back, a silent plea for her safety.

"His sacrifice cannot be in vain," he whispered urgently, his voice filled with determination. With a gentle yet forceful push, he propelled Belle towards the shimmering portal, her eyes wide with fear and confusion. In one swift motion, he also pushed George through, ensuring their safety in the face of impending danger. With a strength born of desperation, he scooped up the unconscious form of Dren, cradling him protectively in his arms.

His gaze lingered on Will, who valiantly battled the monstrous beast with unwavering resolve. Gratitude and admiration shone in his eyes, a silent acknowledgment of the bravery displayed before him. With a final glance, he stepped into the portal, his heart heavy with the weight of uncertainty.

As he passed through the threshold, the device exploded in a blinding flash of light. The deafening sound reverberated through the air, leaving Will stranded, alone and defenseless, in the face of the relentless beast.


The group of soldiers, their boots crunching against the foreign soil, pressed forward with a sense of purpose. They had successfully landed on the planet, their mission clear: to investigate the mysterious city that lay ahead. The anticipation hung heavy in the air, mingling with the excitement and trepidation that coursed through their veins.

As they neared the city's entrance, a sudden disturbance caught their attention. A strange, pulsating orange dome began to materialize, expanding rapidly until it enveloped the entire city in its ethereal glow. The soldiers exchanged bewildered glances, their hearts pounding in their chests.

One soldier, his eyes wide with alarm, swiftly retrieved a small device from his utility belt. Its incessant beeping filled the air, a warning of imminent danger.

"Sh*t!" The soldier said, his face drained of color.

The device confirmed their worst fears - the legendary beast, had reached its peak power. Its presence alone was enough to strike fear into the hearts of even the most battle-hardened soldiers.

"What?" The rest of the group halted in their tracks, their eyes widening with a mixture of disbelief and dread. They knew all too well the reputation of the extraterrestrial creatures that hailed from distant galaxies. 

"Report to the commander," the captain's voice rang out, firm and commanding. The soldier nodded, his eyes reflecting the seriousness of their mission. "Our objective remains unchanged," the captain continued, his voice steady. "We must assess the situation, locate the students, and if necessary, execute a rescue operation."

The captain, a formidable figure who was already at the peak level of the advanced realm, stood at the forefront of the squad. His strength surpassed that of his comrades, a fact that both inspired and reassured them in the face of the unknown.

As they approached the city, a sudden burst of vibrant jade light caught their attention. It shimmered momentarily, a beautiful barrier that seemed to hold promise and protection. But before their eyes, it shattered into fragments, leaving nothing but remnants of its former glory.

"They're already engaged in battle," the captain's voice trembled with a mix of awe and disbelief. 


The dragon roared in fury as he saw the rest escaping. Its attack started piling up with Will pushing himself to his limits as he narrowly evaded the onslaught. His once invigorating surge of energy began to dwindle, yet Will fought on with unwavering bravery.

Seizing the opportunity to unleash another barrage of deadly spikes, the dragon coiled back preparing to strike. As the projectiles hurtled towards him, Will strained every sinew to evade their deadly trajectory. However, amidst the flurry of danger, he failed to notice the beast's tail sweeping through the air. In a split second, his vision caught up to the imminent threat, but it was too late.

The tail crashed against his chest with a force that shattered his barrier. Helplessly, Will was sent hurtling through the sky. Finally, he crashed down upon a dilapidated structure, its weakened structure crumbling upon impact.

As Will lay trapped beneath the wreckage, his body battered and broken, his consciousness began to fade. The pain from the dragon's attack was overwhelming, each spike piercing through his defenses with merciless precision. Blood seeped from his wounds, staining the ground beneath him.

With each labored breath, Will's mind drifted back to happier times, memories of a childhood filled with love and laughter. He saw himself as a young boy, holding his parents' hands as they strolled through sunlit meadows, their smiles radiant and infectious. Confusion washed over Will as the unfamiliar memories flooded his mind. The images of the young man and woman seemed foreign to him. And the young boy, bearing a striking resemblance to himself, left him questioning his own identity. How could these memories belong to him?

A bitter laugh escaped his lips, echoing through the wreckage. His mind was a jumbled mess, unable to make sense of the fragments that taunted him. But as the darkness closed in, Will's thoughts turned to the present. He knew he was teetering on the edge of life and death, his body failing him with each passing moment. The taste of blood filled his mouth as he coughed weakly, his strength waning.

In his final moments, Will couldn't help but reflect on the journey that had led him here. The battles fought, the sacrifices made, all in the pursuit of a greater purpose.

As his eyelids grew heavy, Will's resolve flickered like a dying flame. He knew he had fought valiantly, but the odds had been stacked against him from the start. The dragon's power was overwhelming, and he had given everything he had to stand against it.

"Do I truly want to meet my end here?" Will pondered, his voice barely a whisper against the deafening roar. The question hung heavy in the air, his desperation mingling with the uncertainty of his fate.

Yet, as the memories continued to surge, a newfound determination ignited within him. This time, he saw himself embracing a young lady, their love radiating from the image. The surge of energy beneath his battered chest was undeniable, a flicker of hope amidst the darkness.

"No!" Will's voice rang out. He refused to accept defeat. With a surge of newfound strength, he pushed against the weight of the debris, defying the odds that had held him captive.

"I'm coming home, Mom," he whispered, his voice filled with determination.

Will rose to his feet, his expression turning grave. "Let's put an end to this with one decisive strike!" he bellowed, his voice filled with unwavering resolve. With a swift motion, he unsheathed another sword, its gleaming blade catching the dim light.

The dragon, sensing its prey's defiance, let out a furious roar, its fiery breath scorching the air. Its massive claws glowed with an intense orange hue, a deadly warning of the impending attack. With a thunderous charge, the beast lunged towards Will, its immense power threatening to crush him.

The clash was cataclysmic, a collision of forces that shook the very ground beneath them. A small explosion erupted as their weapons met, but to Will's dismay, his attack had barely scratched the surface of the dragon's impenetrable scales. The force of the impact sent him reeling, his body collapsing in a pool of his own blood. His upper body slid off, leaving him vulnerable and defeated.

As the darkness closed in around him, Will's heart ached with regret. A single tear escaped his eye, tracing a path down his blood-streaked cheek. His gaze met the dragon's menacing stare, its jaws opening wide, with a large swirling ball of energy building up.