
Rebirth Of The Devouring Angel

After being stripped of his divine powers, Will finds himself reborn as a mortal on Earth. His new existence is marked by a desolate life, plagued by sealed memories and an unsettling childhood filled with inexplicable gaps and mysteries. However, everything changes when, on the brink of death, Will unlocks a hidden system. This newfound discovery catapults him into a thrilling journey, as he traverses chaotic worlds, completing quests and steadily growing stronger. As Will embarks on this perilous path, he becomes determined to uncover the enigmatic secrets of his dark past. With each quest completed and each challenge overcome, he inches closer to regaining his lost strength and unlocking the truths that have haunted him for so long. Join Will on a captivating adventure as he navigates a treacherous world, battles formidable foes, and unravels the mysteries that hold the key to his redemption. Will he ultimately reclaim his former power and find solace in understanding his past, or will the shadows of his past continue to haunt him? Only time will tell in this enthralling tale of self-discovery and resilience. I do not own the novel cover. If you are the owner and want me to remove it, you can tell me.

Godswill_Isaac · Fantasie
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52 Chs

No way out

Both clashed at the center causing the ground to rumble with rocks flying all over the place. For the first time, Will had the upper hand. Various display of abilities filled the air, raging flames and howling winds consumed everything in its path further destroying the forest.

The first formation of the heaven-defying technique was already in use along with his already formidable strength.

"Shit! This guy, he isn't giving me chance to do anything." Ezekiel muttered with a sly smile not a bit worried of getting pummelled all over the area.

"I guess I would have to go out a little." A slight light appeared at the top of the cloth covering his eyes emitting a radiant glow. "Here it comes, prepare yourself!" He exclaimed. From his fingertips laser beams burst forth destroying everything it touched.

Also his steps was getting empowered with his qi. The battle raged on slightly getting even. Will had jumped up evading the laser beams once more and had stretched his palm forward.

"Flame tsunami!" A large amount of feiry flames wrapped with deadly wind blades moved forward. The glowing ball over his fingertips joined together and then came out in a concentrated wave of energy colliding with the flames.

A large explosion occurred as they both flew backwards from the blast. Right now both were displaying power above their realm. One close to the peak advanced realm. They had both risen and charged forward once again.

"Second formation of the heaven-defying technique! Raging force!" A large amount of flame covered his body along with his qi and wind energy surging wildly. His fist was clenched tightly as he struck forward, the flames blasting forward with feiry intensity.

"He had finally did it, connecting the first and second technique at once." The attack was way stronger, even he found it hard to control the large amount of energy pressing onto him.

The ground was scorched leaving a barren land devoid of nature. "Here it goes, you have really done it!"

Ezekiel was consumed by the energy attack his figure disappearing in the immense influx of energy.

"It isn't over yet, don't expect that guy to go down just that way."

[ 2minutes left ]

The countdown served as a reminder of his limited powers. "I need to think of a way out!" The way things was going it seemed fate was messing badly with him. He knew trying to outrun him was already cancelled out, defeating him was something he saw as an incredible task, one that required more than the amount of time given to him.

The flames gradually died down revealing Ezekiwl who was barely harmed. A cocoon of energy surrounded his figure stopping the flames from hurting him. Kicking off the ground he threw out his punch which was now covered in a glowing energy.

Will went on matching each strike, but he could feel himself slightly giving ground.

[ Effect from your corrupted heart has reduced the time drastically ]

[ Host body is at the point of breaking point ]

[ 50seconds left ]

"It's now or never!" Within the swirling darkness he had thought of a way to win this. Taking the necessary precaution, he continued with his fight as they traversed the area. A punch had passed through his defense hitting him across his chest sending him hurling backward.

Crashing into the deep river, a large wave was created nearly dividing the river. Will, his figure wet stood atop the water, putting his hand in an x shape across his chest.

From within the forest a large beam travelled at the speed of light, hitting his crossed hands. Argghh! He screamed wrapping his hands with flames.

[ 3seconds left ]

"Now!" He mentally commanded as he struggled to keep back the beam of energy which was slowly eating away his skin.

A radiant glow surrounded him after the command and he could feel some spatial disturbance around the area.


Berge stood on a destroyed area in the yellow zone his body covered in injuries of high degree. His opponent wasn't left out as he was lying on the ground defeated.

"That was a nice fight! Hope I get to fight you in your peak."

"Ughh," he groaned patting his stomach were a large slash was slowly gushing out blood.

"We need to leave now, this injuries, if not treated immediately might spell disaster for me." His eyes once again looked at the lying figure his chest barely moving. Snapping his fingers, he had disappeared from the area appearing several miles away.

"Where is that guy." Looking at the landscape he couldn't help but open his mouth widely. "It seems he wasn't let out from the fun." The area around him was completely destroyed with no trees standing. Even the ground was devoid of nature and with his high sense he could feel the beasts avoiding the area for the time being.

"What happened here." Walking forward, he surveyed the area his senses alert. "C'mon man, where are you." Sprinting forward, he finally appeared before the concluding battle.

Will standing in the river which was dyed red from his blood. A large beam consuming his entire being as he sinked into the river.

He struggled with his injuries bleeding profusely.

[ Host is in a critical condition ]

[ Energy too low for healing to commence ]

Yet amidst the attack, Ezekiel noticed something was wrong. He increased the beams aiming to make no mistake.

'What's going on! Don't tell me he's trying to escape,' Ezekiel thought dashing forward. He didn't stop the attack, moving forward, Will was getting pushed backwards until he stumbled and fell in the river.

Just then a bright glow erupted along with an explosion, sending splashes of water everywhere.

[ Yellow spatial card have been activated successfully ]

[ Host would be teleported out from the area to begin his mission ]

[ Time granted have been fully exhausted ]

[ All Host staff have been halved ]

[ Warning! Host is out of health points ]

[ All energy have been used up ]

[ Heartbeat is going down ]

[ Calculating time Host have before he dies ]

"Is this the end?" He thought weakly his vision covered in darkness. "I guess I'm truly cursed by fate."

[ Error ]

[ System is going into a reboot phase ]

[ During this process Host won't be able to access system ]

[ Wish Host best of luck ]