
Rebirth of Naga Lover's

"I'll come back again and even in your dreams you will beg for your death" and since from today your destiny will be engraved into the vein lines of my palm. This was her last words. What's her story? Do she can have her revenge and do she can get back to her eternal love? I'm guarding a heart in the name of heaven and earth. If love turns to ash in the end, I'll change the light and shadow in your eyes. This time I will call up the God of Fate and rewrite our destiny. I won't let our promises to turn into plumes of smoke again. Her battle for her love and revenge starts here.

Beeweiwei · Fantasie
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5 Chs

Chapter1:Haunting blue eyes(Past and present)

The mountain is covered with tall alpine trees and the chirping of crickets is snapping through the darkness. Even the sun was afraid to rise up in the Nanga Parbat (Nanga Mountain). A 17 year old girl was running through the deep woods and her long crimson-colored hairs were flying through the wind like the flame in the darkness and her snow white skin was similar to the snowfall in Naga Parbat. The blue eyes of her are glistening in the darkness and it's like the abyss of hell. She stood at the edge of the mountain like nonchalant and when she turned her face it was red bloodshot. There's something in her mysterious blue eyes which can bring catastrophe to the world.

Suddenly she jumped from the edge of the mountain by screaming this. "I'll come back again and even in your dreams you will beg for your death" and since from today your destiny will be engraved into the vein lines of my palm. The cherished life is yet pitiful for being alive, and the choice for being chosen is stolen by the fate and even the heaven can't defy me…A single drop of tear left her eyes.

Gouri suddenly woke up and screamed from her sleep and she was sweating a lot. The clock on the wall is ticking at 3.00am. There's something in those blue eyes. Why I felt that blue eyes are so familiar? Did I seen that some where? And why it keeps appearing in my dreams. It's being 10 years still why I'm having those dreams and now it's becoming more clear. Suddenly her eyes started to sparkle like the blue diamond without knowing her. She was staring up at the stars from the balcony of her adjacent bedroom. She believed that her parents are the two stars that are squinting at her. I have to find the truth about this and today is my 18th birthday. 

Hey this is the first time I'm trying to write a novel and normally I will only do the scribbling and poems(Wink)If you want to give me any advice.Please comment on.

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