
Chapter 42 Changes of You Fangyin

On this day, Jiang Xuening returned to the mansion very late.

After washing up, lying on the already made bed, it was already late at night.

The jasmine bracelet tied by Yan Lin on her wrist was carefully untied by her and gently placed on the dowry. The faint fragrance spread to her pillow, becoming extremely shallow and faint, but still seeping into her deep dreams.

Just getting up early the next morning, the string of jasmine on the dowry was ruined.

The originally plump petals drooped down, as if losing vitality and moisture, presenting a lethargic posture.

Winter jasmine, although rare and beautiful, cannot be considered the best time to bloom.

Jiang Xuening stood in front of the makeup mirror, looking down at it for a long time.

Then he picked it up and put it in a small box of Tibetan incense, placing it on the desk.

The palace only gave these selected accompanying students two days to go home to visit their parents, bid farewell to their families, and prepare for permanent residence in the palace. Time is not sufficient, so they will have to re-enter the palace this evening.

The maids and women in the room are all helping Jiang Xuening pack up.

She didn't need to be very busy herself, just sitting on the porch outside, daydreaming, thinking about the current situation and her own situation.

I didn't originally plan to enter the palace, but ended up encountering a group of "divine teammates" and brought myself into the palace to be selected as a reading companion. Although the status of Jiang Mansion is not considered low in the capital, it is far inferior to other aristocratic families. In the previous life, her biggest reliance on entering the palace was actually Yan Lin.

But soon after, there was an accident at the Yongyi Marquis's Mansion.

At that time, she was not sociable and couldn't play with other accompanying students in terms of temperament. Additionally, due to an incident at the Yongyi Marquis's Mansion, there were many people in the palace who took the lead and fell into trouble. Therefore, she later suffered a lot.

Fortunately, later on she caught up with Shen Jie.

===Kunning Section 54===

After gaining the attention of His Royal Highness Linzi, the situation gradually improved and no one dared to bully.

In her previous life, she was foolish and unprepared for what happened at that time, so she suffered a lot. The outcome of the incident at the Yongyi Marquis's Mansion is inevitable, and the decision to enter the palace has become a foregone conclusion. She will still be staying in the palace for the first half of the year, and she really doesn't want to have too much involvement with the royal family in this life. Therefore, the path of trying to win Shen Jie's favor to protect herself should not be taken no matter what.

But if that's the case

What should she do in this life to make her half year in the palace better? Especially after the turmoil in the palace a few days ago, she seemed to have unintentionally become the least popular and most hated one.

Zhou Yinzhi is too dangerous.

Previously, it was necessary to use him, but in the future, one should be more careful.

But besides this person, is there anyone else who can use it?


It's really overwhelming to think about it.

Jiang Xuening looked at the sky after the rain, which not only did not clear up but also added a hint of early winter haze, and let out a long sigh.

"I don't know how things are with You Fangyin over there..."


You Fangyin has already set up almost everything, but there is still some uncertainty.

After returning from Jiang Xuening's place yesterday, she took a detour midway to visit Xu Wenyi's place. This time, she didn't mention anything about the Sichuan well salt and Zhuotong well, and sat for two minutes before leaving——

It's not that there's really anything to ask Xu Wenyi for, but rather that Jiang Xuening has given such orders.

Saying what it is to set up doubts.

At this moment, she looked at the crooked page of writing under her pen, her fingers trembling uncontrollably, and her heart beating a bit faster: she had listened to what Miss Er said yesterday, and indeed had a thought of revenge against You Yue for making her suffer for her words and actions. But she hasn't intentionally harmed anyone for so many years from childhood to adulthood. The plan is well planned, but when it comes to doing it, it inevitably gives rise to some nervousness.

"Is she inside?"

Just as she was hesitating and trembling, there was suddenly a hurried and chaotic sound of footsteps and a contemptuous inquiry from outside.

Someone immediately answered outside, "Yes."

The coquettish voice immediately said, "Let's go in and see what the hell she's up to!"

The sound of footsteps immediately became louder and closer.

After living in the mansion for so many years and being oppressed by her for so many years, how could You Fangyin not hear that it was You Yue's voice? Almost immediately, he folded the paper on the table and tucked it into his sleeve. He nervously stood up from his seat, looked up at the door, and called out, "Second Sister."

You Yue happened to walk to the door at this moment.

Before seeing her, You Fangyin thought she would be as scared as before, afraid to look directly at her, and even shiver; However, when she appeared in her own sight, what came to mind was the enduring grievances and bitterness of Miss Er from yesterday——

Second Miss has already done so much for her, and she will still be harassed by Second Sister for saving her in the palace. Now it is time for her to repay Second Miss and protect her.

A heart suddenly settled down.

You Fangyin quietly clenched her fingers hidden in her sleeve, as well as the piece of paper she had previously placed in her sleeve.

She knew that the opportunity had come to her door.

Today, You Yue was dressed in a bright peach red dress. Due to the sudden cooling of the weather in the past two days, she even carried a rabbit hair handcage with her hands in it. She stood at the door and looked down at You Fangyin, then swept around her shabby room. She even despised walking in and stood in front of the threshold, sneering, "I heard you seem to have left the mansion yesterday?"

You Fangyin immediately said, "No, nothing."


You Yue's face immediately darkened and she asked directly behind her.

"Zhang Mama, come out and talk about it. Is there any?"

A rough and powerful old lady behind her immediately stood up, pointing at You Fangyin's nose and sharply said, "I will definitely not make a mistake. Yesterday, I went to the silk shop to buy you the silk for cutting new clothes, but at first glance, I saw this girl buy a high-quality silk and leave the shop. Although I am old, my eyes have not made any mistakes in all these years.". At that time, the old servant was puzzled by the status of Miss San in the mansion and how she could afford such a large sum of money to buy silk. He was only worried that something unclean had happened in the mansion and dared not report it to Miss Er

You Yue said, "I happen to be missing a sum of silver in my room."

After speaking, he looked at You Fangyin with a smile on his face.

Upon hearing this, You Fangyin didn't even know what their intentions were?

If it were in the past, she might have already become anxious and kept defending herself.

But now all she could think of was every clear step that followed, with only the usual panic on her face. She said, "It's not me, I haven't taken it before. I dare not even get close to where Second Sister lives. Where are you going to get Second Sister's money? You can't spit blood out!"

You Yue suffered a lot of anger in the palace, but there were some details that were too embarrassing and difficult to speak out to others. She could only tell people that she had a disagreement with the second girl from the Jiang family, suffered a lot of grievances, and was not yet able to break out.

I was planning to suppress this pressure, but who would have thought that even a small commoner in the mansion would dare to be a demon?

I am worried that there is no place to vent my anger!

As You Yue walked over, she slapped her face with a palm slap. Her delicate face was stained with malicious malice, and she only said, "You didn't take my silver, so where did you get the money to buy silk? The silver that fell from the sky won't work? Someone, please turn over her house and search carefully!"

You Fangyin fell into the water a while ago and fell ill, not to mention being treated harshly in recent days. Her body and bones were already in poor condition, and the slap was extremely heavy, causing red finger marks to immediately appear on her face. She almost fell to the ground to the right, and her head was buzzing inside, unable to speak.

The maids and women immediately entered her room.

The teapot and cups on the table were all smashed, the pillows and bedding were torn into a ball, and even a few ornaments were pushed down and thrown on the ground. The once shabby but tidy room immediately became a mess.

Not long after, a woman found several scattered pieces of silver and two fifty taels of silver bills hidden under her suitcase. She immediately shouted "Found" and then delivered them to You Yue's hand as if she had found a treasure: "Miss Er, look!"

You Yue took it over and saw that her pupils shrank.

Originally, someone said she didn't quite believe it, thinking that You Fangyin was just a useless piece of mud that couldn't be supported by the group. How could she have the ability to make so much money? But now the silver coins and banknotes really appeared under her nose, and she couldn't help but not believe them.

A surge of anger surged out of my heart.

She clenched her banknotes and silver coins tightly and said, "Alright, I dare to do such a sneaky thing under my nose! A while ago, that shameless Jiang Xuening protected you and asked you to avoid punishment. I didn't expect you to find a backing, even daring to steal my money!"

Several maidservants and mother-in-law immediately stepped forward to hold down You Fangyin, while she struggled violently and widened her bloodshot eyes, shouting, "Even the judges in the court still need to provide evidence. There are no markings on the broken silver, but the origin of these two silver tickets is clear and innocent. I used the money left by my aunt to buy and sell and earn shares!"! Even the bank and silver account can be traced, so Second Sister is just trying to kill me. Why bother finding such a clumsy excuse? "Isn't it clear to myself whether there's any shortage of money in Sister Er's room?"

You Yue didn't expect that she would dare to talk back.

At the moment when she choked on her voice, she almost didn't react, and then flew into a rage, immediately ordering someone to slap her mouth.

Unexpectedly, when You Fangyin was struggling while being held down by the maid, a folded piece of paper fell out of her sleeve and landed on the ground.

You Fangyin immediately rushed over to grab it.

You Yue's heart twitched as she stepped forward and forcefully stepped on the finger she was about to reach out, even grinding it hard. With a cold smile at the corner of her mouth, she picked up the piece of paper under You Fangyin's seemingly unwilling and somewhat frightened gaze and said, "Tsk, let me see which little love wrote it for you..."

As she spoke, she unfolded the paper note.

The handwriting on it is not particularly good, but it is not difficult to recognize.

With a rough sweep, You Yue was almost immediately stunned: Well salt, Zhuo tube well, Ren Weizhi?

Of course, she knows best whether she has lost any silver in her room.

So, You Yue is also curious about the origin of You Fangyin's money.

At this moment, seeing this page of paper, I was a bit surprised and uncertain. But after calming down and thinking about it, I also suspected that You Fangyin had indeed received some guidance from a "master" and had the secret to making money.

The maid next to her was very curious and wanted to come up and take a look: "Miss, what is it written about?"

You Yue completely subconsciously covered the paper and didn't let the maid see the content on it.

Her flickering gaze showed a hint of greed, but she remained silent. She only raised the corner of her lips and looked at You Fangyin, who was staring straight at her. Her heart was extremely happy and she said, "Put her in the firewood room first, don't run around outside all day, don't ruin the reputation of our mansion!"

The rough women immediately pulled You Fangyin down first.

Therefore, You Yue did not see the moment she turned around, a face with all her expressions disappearing, cold and indifferent.


As the afternoon approached Youshi, the carriage of Jiang's mansion was ready.

Perhaps it was because during the last palace selection, Jiang Xuening performed well, or it could be because on the day she returned to the mansion, she had another conflict with her family and even sought out Jiang Xuehui's misfortune. Therefore, when going to bid farewell this time, Jiang Boyou and Meng Shi didn't say much, only reminded her to be cautious and let her go.

When I arrived at the palace gate today, she was the only one.

The second time entering the palace is different from the first time, after all, they can be considered familiar with the environment, so they don't wait for everyone to leave. Instead, they come and have the eunuch help carry the luggage brought into the palace, leading them to Yangzhi Zhai first.

Jiang Xuening got off the car shortly after, and a carriage happened to come by.

It's actually Yao Xi.

Two days without seeing each other, she seemed to have calmed down a bit. When she got off the car, her eyebrows still furrowed. She looked up and saw Jiang Xuening, but her gaze was somewhat frozen, as if she wanted to say something, but in the end, she closed her mouth.

Jiang Xuening then thought to herself——

How did Yao Xi handle the marriage with Zhang Zhe when she returned these two days?