
Rebirth: My Adventures with Star System

A mysterious soul lost in the universe sleeping for 10,000 years has bonded with the Star System. Exploring through world’s. Gaining star life and making a wish. Spoiler: Otome Word “Star why is the spiritual aura of this man similar to my husband?” “I don’t know host” Demon World “Star why is the spiritual aura of this man similar to my husband?” “???” “I don’t know host” Apocalyptic World: “Star I have found my husband” ”...... “Host reality check. You have not married him yet” “Hehehe” “Host why do you look scary!!”

ZarahJean · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Breaking News: The Kings Beloved Daughter Princess Violet Moon Proposes to a Commoner?

A sudden chill run up their spine. They saw their Father's smile that contains a hidden darkness that cannot be missed. It disappeared completely.

King Edward told the twins. "Let's transfer to your sister's room. Don't disrupt your Mother's rest again or else you already know the consequences."

The twins said simultaneously. "Ok we won't repeat the same mistake twice."

The King called out to the servants outside the room and bid farewell to his wife. The twins followed their Father walking towards the direction of Violets room. They entered the wooden french door carved in irises. What greeted them is a newly renovated room fit for a princess of the Moon Empire. The sizable space has a lush curtain with exquisite baby pink canopy embroidered in golden veins. The sheen on the room adds a touch of glamour which exposes grandeur. Sophisticated yet not overwhelming. The maid's who were present inside was ready to be called upon.

The King lay Violet down on her crib as she was set on a comfortable position. Jade was about to touch the bannister of the crib when he unexpectedly can't move his body not only him but also Onyx was affected. A black gaseous smoke like substance appeared as if it has life on it's own was emitting from the King's body. Jade and Onyx were having difficulty breathing enduring the huge pressure and feeling a huge boulder were weighing them down.

After 30 minutes of suffering Onyx was unable to hold on. Collapse kneeling on the floor. "I yield"

"I.....I won't yield" Says Jade who gritted his teeth sweating all over.


"Why are you punishing us Father? I assumed you have already forgiven us from disturbing Mother's rest?" Onyx uttered who wipe his sweat with a towel given by maids.

"As you have said that was for your Mother but this will serve as discipline for both of you displaying impertinent attitude towards your own Father."

Unable to bare the pressure any longer Jade pass out. He was at least able to hold on up to 50 minutes.

"Jade you've gotten stronger." The King praise and was about to call for the imperial healer. When Onyx placed his right palm on his forehead and used light magic to comfort him.

King Edward saw this and called to the remaining guards who are outside the door to escort them back to their respected rooms. The moment the guards entered the room King Edward was about to instruct them.

Simultaneously in the spur of a moment Jade woke up not paying much attention to his surroundings. Talked in a boastful manner. "Brother did you see that? I lasted longer than you from Father's black gravity. I won the bet. You promised to do my assignments later."

"Stupid!" Onyx who was listening to his brother's bragging wants to slap his own face. Why do I have such a brother? Now I'm doubting is he really my twin? His head is on clouds again!

A deep gloomy voice surrounded the room. "Bet?"

Jade becoming aware of his surroundings. "Oh...." He reacted and change his face immediately just as if the words he said earlier did not happened. He showed an innocent face that befits his age and acted in a spoiled manner to please him. "Father don't mind what I said I....I was just having a lucid dream. Isn't that right Brother?"

Onyx lips twitch. His stone face was about to crack watching his brother's charade like a joke. He turned his head away from him and looked elsewhere.

"Too late for excuses. It seems the punishment was too light for the both of you." Trying to scheme against your Father. This is not the first time this has happened. You twins think I don't know? Doing this just to get my attention. Never mind I will just continue to play with them. Remembering the piled up work he left behind. King Edward's temples all of a sudden felt painful. He deeply sigh inside his heart. Observing his precious daughter sleeping soundly inside her cradle. The King thought maybe she could be the only one who could put those two on a tight leash. Unbeknownst to Violet who was in deep sleep. The King was silently planning ahead on his mind. Not knowing what will happen in the future he later regretted his thoughts.

To be continued.....