
Rebirth: Love me Again

I once believed I was the heroine of a modern fairytale, blessed with beauty, wealth, intelligence, and a powerful legacy. Men adored me, women envied me, and I was engaged to the most desirable man, Cole Fay. My life seemed perfect, a dream where I held the starring role. But on my eighteenth birthday, that illusion crumbled. The truth hit me hard: I wasn't the protagonist, nor even the villain or a side character. I was just cannon fodder, a disposable part of someone else's story. But when fate recognized the cruel joke of my life, I was granted a second chance. This time, I'll write my own story, living for myself. And this time . . . I will never love you again.

MiuNovels · Urban
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44 Chs

Breaking the Silence    



I slammed the door open, the sound echoing like thunder in the bathroom as I stepped out, my gaze locking onto the four women huddled by the mirror.


Their laughter died in their throats as they turned to face me, stunned into silence.


I squared my shoulders, chin high, and walked right up to them, each step deliberate.


"Got something to say to my face?" I said, voice cold and beamed sarcastically. "Go on, don't be shy. Continue your conversation."


This time, I wasn't backing down.


Sophie's face went pale, her usual confidence faltering as she stammered. "E-Eve . . . how long have you been there?"


I flashed her a sweet smile, but my voice was ice-cold. "Long enough to hear you spinning lies about me, claiming I made a spectacle of myself to dance with Cole last week."