
Rebirth in a rom com world!

After death of Tenjo Yuuta , the god granted him only one wish . Despite of Op powers he asked for his favourite waifu in the new world nothing else. Since his good deeds were overwhelming, god granted him more than anything he could ever had asked for, of course granted the waifu(s) too. A/N: I am just migrating this novel from novel section to fanfic section .

Svneighter · Anime und Comics
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52 Chs


My mom was surprised to see me at the store after a quite long time as after I became a loner , I rarely helped her in the bakery .

But since the things are completely changed after me taking over then why not do something what this old self ignored.

I handled some of the customers flawlessly as the memory of any place or person I see , get imbued in my mind in one glance so handling customer with comfort wasn't a big deal.

It is like pieces of puzzles get in the right place whenever I see a familiar place or figure of old Miyamura in front of me.

'Ah ..even I am busy I can't clear my mind at all'.

My mind was always wandering around what happened in the shrine.

It was obviously good that I helped Shiba san but watching her face from that close , makes my face red even after an hour.

Her clear big black eyes which was inviting me to stare at for eternity, her all time favourite hairstyle with bangs on her forehead gave her majestic princess look and her pure- little yet smooth lips was like ready to be kissed any second , her skin was looking milky smooth which was exposed in her one piece pink frock upto her knee length.

Her anime version was freakin awesome but in reality version just made my heart stop beating all of the sudden.

' I have to steal my nerves when I meet her again or I will become a beta protagonist which I hate the most'.

"Excuse me ".

"Ah yeah welcome!".

I was so dazed in my thoughts that I didn't noticed a girl with olive colour hair with glasses resting on her bridge little nose was standing in front of me . From her first look I remembered her , not from my Miyamura ' s memory but from my knowledge of anime.

'Sakura Kouno'.

She is the members of student council in our school and she have a crush on Ishikawa Tooru or she already had a crush on him.

The bad thing is that her love boat sank in the anime as Ishikawa kun rejected her confession and ended up with Yuki, friend of the female lead.

"Can you recommend me a cake , just for two people?"

"Ah yes, we have many cakes preferable but my own favourite is cheese cake , Sakura san".

Her eyes went wide somewhat when she heard her name . But I was calm as ever because the shock I have recieved an hour ago made me calm as Buddha and at such small things like meeting another anime character out of the blue was like nothing.

"You know me?" She asked in lot of confusion as my current look is totally different when I am at school. Well even at school I stay alone so it was impossible for her who is not even in my class, to notice me.

"Yes you are members of student council don't you. I am also in second year, Miyamura Izumi".

"Oh never heard your name".

"Ah I am not so active in school so it's normal. So would you like to buy cheesecake or you have something else in your mind".

She threw her previous look of checking me out and said with a calm and gentle expression .

"Yes , please pack a cheesecake and I don't want any piping so leave it as it is ".

I took out a cheesecake which was freshly baked today and placed it inside a box written Iori's bakery on the left side of the box, as it was the name of the bakery named after the owner of the shop .

After she left the store my mom asked whether I was interested in her but I utterly rejected her thought as beside Shiba san , there is no one going in my mind right now.

I liked Sakura san from the anime as her calm aura and friendly nature was attracting but when it comes to Shiba san, there is no possible way that I can look for anyone else.

'I should have introduced myself to her before running off...hahh'.

I again thought about my meeting with Shiba san and sighed for the fourth time.

Miyuki POV:

An hour and half ago:

"Mam your looks are perfect for a model . You will see the fruits of your work in just few days. So give it a chance".

"I already told you I am still a student and I don't want to work as a model".

I came to the shrine which was not so far from my home.

I always visited here as I have decent amount of memories with my grandmother related to this place.

Today was just like always if it not about this annoying man.

I saw him approaching me from the time I entered but I ignored him started my prayers as it wasn't the first time for a man or a boy to hit on me.

I was used to this so I was ready to tackle him and sway him off .

I thought he will ask for direction or something in order to talk to me as with his grinning disgusting face made me clear that his intention wasn't good.

He had a camera in his hand hung over his neck which made him look like a photographer and when he asked me to get a photoshoot of was clear that he was using this method to allure me.

I rejected him as I didn't had interest in photoshoot and talking with a disgusting stranger was already irritating me .

When I thought to call the police as his advances was reaching the limit a sudden voice pulled both of our attention toward it.

A boy with long black hair and blue eyes walked toward us and called my name out ,in a way which totally stated that he knew me.

'Did I knew him? But I won't have forgot such a eye catching face'.

I looked at his face and realised he didn't have any I'll intention and was genuinely trying to help me out.

I replied to his call naturally and went to his side.

I noticed the man was about to follow me when the handsome guy passed me and stood between me and the suspicious man.

I didn't heard what the handsome said but a cracking sound reached my ears probably of his camera.

'Was that camera a toy but I saw it was a genuine camera myself. But how can he break a camera just like this with his barehand?'.

After the cracking sound resounded, the man left the scene like he wasn't even tried to approach me in first place.

When he looked back at me I said what I really felt that time.

"Thank you very much. He was really irritating me from some time. I was about to call police but you came in just right time".

I said with a genuine smile which I barely show to anyone at school. The boy in front of me froze at his place like someone stabbed a knife on his back.

I was confused what happened so I asked him .

"Are you okay?"

While stepping toward him to check whether he was hurt .


I got startled at the first word he said to me but just after that he covered up with

"Oh I am sorry I wasn't paying attention.And it's not a problem to help my classmate when she is in trouble. Okay then, I have something to do so meet you tomorrow Shiba san".

And he walked past me without waiting or turning back again.

"Huh did he said classmate. I thought he was in my school but he obviously said classmate".

I returned home with all the thoughts of what just happened now.

I dashed back in my room and covered my face with a pillow while thinking.

"Such a cool personality is in my class and I didn't noticed , how???".

"Wait was I looking good . But why I am being self conscious now when he already saw me. wait ..wait ...wait...why am I thinking like this about him' when I really don't even know his name . But he was so cool when he scared the man off. No ...no I have to think calmly and say my thanks again when I meet him tomorrow ."

I was swinging here and there on my bed, thinking about the boy which didn't tried to hit on me even he had the best chance to do so and left the place in a cool manner like he was used to this.Sakura Kouno

For the first time in my life someone has caught my attention this much .

' I will find out , who are you tomorrow'.