
Rebirth in a Favorite RPG

The top player of Nexus, Earth's most acclaimed VR MMORPG, finds himself compelled to leave behind his beloved game due to the rising dominance of pay-to-win mechanics. Yearning for a touch of nostalgia, he dives back into his all-time favorite RPG, now enhanced with cutting-edge VR technology. However, he experiences nostalgic disillusionment as his dismay at the outdated graphics and gameplay prompts an overnight modding spree. Yet, as he immerses himself back into the virtual realm, he faces an unexpected hurdle: the inability to log out. -- [Passives:] -- -- [Elven Race:] -- Amplifies mana manipulation skills. -- [Human Race:] -- Grants a 50% boost in EXP gain due to inherent adaptability.

Bruno_oliveira · Fantasie
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51 Chs

30 - First Day of Class.

First Day of Class.

Jon settled into his seat, his gaze fixed on the emptiness before him, but his mind racing. Initially, he had thought Gwen was just caught up with academy life, which was why she hadn't reached out. 'Maybe it has something to do with her mom's illness,' he mused, searching for a logical explanation for her distant behavior.

As he was lost in thought, a soft, low voice caught his attention. He turned his head and saw a blonde girl with green eyes talking to Gwen. She had an ethereal look, with features suggesting a blend of elf and glacian. Her body was sculpted as if it were a work of art, and Jon imagined she might be a friend of Gwen's.

"Do you know that guy?" the blonde asked, casting a curious glance his way.

"Just an acquaintance," Gwen replied, her voice devoid of emotion.

Gwen's response hit Jon like an arrow. 'So that's how she sees me now? As a mere acquaintance?' He felt as if a weight had settled on his chest.

'Something significant must have happened with Gwen,' he thought, 'and the fact that she hasn't tried to explain means it's irreversible.'

This realization made Jon feel even more isolated, as if an invisible wall had been erected between him and Gwen. He would respect the distance she had put between them until she felt comfortable talking.

Jon leaned back in his chair, watching the room fill up quickly. 'About 60 people,' he estimated mentally, noting that all the seats were taken. What surprised him most was the absence of nobles; it seemed the administration had made a point of separating them. 'The MOD that alters social hierarchy has really made some significant changes in Aeloria,' he thought. And it wasn't just that; the MOD that made people extraordinarily attractive was also in full effect. For a teenager with hormones raging, being surrounded by so many stunning women felt like living in paradise.

"Hey, kid, do you know the Fire Goddess?" The question came from a young man beside him, interrupting his daydreams. The guy had dark blue hair and blue eyes, a slender body without much muscle. A pure elf, no doubt.

"Just someone from my village," Jon replied, trying to keep his composure. He didn't see it, but Gwen, who frequently cast discreet glances his way, sighed upon hearing his answer. She knew Jon better than anyone and understood that he would accept things without asking too many questions. He was pragmatic, which somewhat disconcerted her.

"Why 'Fire Goddess'? Oh, and what's your name?" Jon was curious. He knew Gwen had become a magic aspirant since he last saw her, but "Fire Goddess" seemed like a rather impressive title.

"Sorry for my lack of manners," the young elf hurried to say, realizing he hadn't introduced himself. "My name is Elija Leafwhisper. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Jon Woodmoon looked at Elija Leafwhisper, the dark blue-haired, blue-eyed elf sitting beside him. "Nice to meet you, Elija. I'm Jon Woodmoon, from Riverwood."

Elija smiled, "So Jon, do you know our 'Fire Goddess'?"

"Fire Goddess?" Jon furrowed his brow, clearly intrigued. "That's a new title to me."

Elija chuckled softly. "Ah, you weren't aware? Gwen has become a disciple of Eirian Flameheart, an A+ Rank fire mage and also one of the instructors here. He's Breton, like her. The nickname kind of stuck among us, especially since he's never had a disciple before due to his high requirements."

Jon and Elija were deeply engrossed in a conversation about everything from the intricacies of magic to the legends of Aeloria. Both were thrilled about the start of classes and eager to see what the Imperial Academy had in store for them.

Suddenly, the door swung open and an elegant figure walked in. It was Seraphine Meadowheart, the elven healer who had cured Gwen's mother. Elija leaned over to Jon and whispered, "We hit the jackpot, man. That's Seraphine Meadowheart, the only Rank S healer in all of Aeloria."

Jon was floored. 'A Rank S healer? That's insane,' he thought, recalling his days as a lone player in the VR MMORPG Nexus.

To avoid unnecessary interactions with other players, he had chosen a different approach. Since Nexus was a sandbox game that gave players complete freedom, he solved his problem by becoming a magical swordsman, focusing on buffs and self-healing.

Although effective, it often fell short, as being a jack-of-all-trades wasn't as good as mastering one. So, in the end, he founded a guild after meeting a group of like-minded players.

Now, he was contemplating starting off the same way in Aeloria. With his Rank SS sword, he would naturally go down the path of a swordsman. But seeing Seraphine made him consider the possibility of becoming her apprentice to hone his healing skills.

After a brief introduction, Seraphine led the class to the Advanced Simulation Room, where the initial test would be conducted. This test would not only determine the provisional leader of the class but also provide the academy with valuable insights on how to tailor the curriculum for this specific group.

'Of course, they just want to know who's worth investing their resources in,' Jon thought. He was no longer a naive teenager; he quickly grasped the underlying dynamics. 'Separate the elite and nurture them. That's the game here.'

As he stepped into the Advanced Simulation Room, Jon was awestruck. The space was like a starry sky brought down to Earth. The black marble floor served as a night sky, while luminescent runes dotted the space like twinkling stars. At the center of the room, a three-meter-wide magical circle glowed like a cosmic mandala.

"This matrix is designed to assess your skills and knowledge in a controlled and safe environment," Seraphine explained. "It automatically adjusts based on each student's performance, ensuring a fair and comprehensive evaluation."

Jon was fascinated. 'This is incredible. It's like a high-tech proving ground,' he thought, recalling his experiences in virtual reality games.

Elija, sitting next to him, seemed equally impressed. "This is way beyond what I expected," he whispered to Jon. "If this is just the beginning, I can't wait to see what comes next."

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