
Rebirth, capricious mode

I've been here for some time and since then, I have often tried various experiments that that have never produced any concrete results. Five months ago I wanted to use the spell (Fly) by jumping off the garage roof, but it didn't work and I broke my wrist. I tried to manipulate the fire but my hand is not made for that and I won't elaborate on it. Three years ago, I mixed various cleaning products to see if I had any alchemy skills and again, the result was disappointing. I was hospitalized for three days for inhalation of toxic products. Following this and many other stupidities my desperate parents decided to refer me to a child psychologist. After just a few basic questions, the man without imagination concludes our appointment with a simple sentence. Pupupu! 150 dollars to hear such nonsense. I hope for their bank account that my parents don't send me there too often. Speaking of my parents, I'm in love with my mom. Abby, 30 years old, blonde like me, blue eyes, like me, little nose, like me, pretty lips, just like me. Abby is the same as me but in older age. The other one is the one who serves as my father. I don't like him. As soon as I saw him, I couldn't stand him. A sort of a very tall, brown aged 34 year and an idiot. Hi, I am Lara and I am 6 years old.

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Lara's diary n°1

Day 22 March 2006


Weather : ugly

Mood of the day: good

Objective of the day: Arrived at 11h00am without being scolded.

Miscellaneous comments:

- 08h10am - It was an unfortunate accident but, I spilled my orange juice on Sally's buttocks again.

- 08h10am - Objective of the day: missed


This morning, I was lucky enough to find a pretty little yellow watch out of my corn flakes package. Its watch hands were all full of glitter and its bottom, it was strangely brown.

When Mister who stinks and I, looked at each other, I realized without even asking him that we were thinking about the same thing so, I ran out of the bear kitchen.


"For you, my daddy."

Although it was very hard to loosen my little teeth, when I said those awful words while I handed the little watch to the idiot, I thought I was going to vomit all my corn flakes.

At the moment he took the little watch from my hands, the idiot had a big smile on his face and as he shakily put it on his wrist, I thought I saw a little tear forming in the corner of his red eye.

I believe than too moved because I was talking to him, he thought I loved him, so he wanted to give me a kiss to thank me, but to save my innocent little cheeks from the idiot, I quickly ran away.

In any case, even though he looked ridiculous with his tiny watch on his wrist, his face had never been so beaming and mine too, because this thing was so ugly that if the idiot hadn't taken it, I would have crushed it with a hammer.


For the lunch, I ate fish with green beans.

The fish tasted like paint and the green beans were full of threads.

When Sally scolded me because I was having fun doing a green bean threads bracelet, I was very surprised to see that even though they came from stinky vegetables, this threads are almost as solids as the transparent skin that surrounds the sausages.


There are days like today when the weather, it is very ugly. So as my Lovely Mommy is not here and I don't want to annoy Sally, in order to occupy myself...

"What do you mean by: if I'm bored it's because I don't have friends, Mister who stinks? You really need to learn to behave like a gentleman or I guarantee; you'll end up in the garbage before you lose all your foam."

Well, I'll pick up where I left off before some nasty teddy bear started talking nonsense again.

There are days like today when the weather, it is very ugly. So as my Lovely Mommy is not here and I don't want to annoy Sally, in order to occupy myself...

"No, it's not raining cow pee. Your mental age is definitely not evolving much as you get older."

I'm not sure where I was at. I'm all confused because of this stupid teddy bear, now. Ah yes, I found where I was at before I was cut off in my thoughts.

There are days like today when the weather, it is very ugly. So as my Lovely Mommy is not here and I don't want to annoy Sally, in order to occupy myself, I had the idea to create a blog which I would use for comment on other people's blogs.

The Internet is great because you can go visit the blogs of many people from all over the world blogs and leave them little messages of encouragement like this:

(Oooh, they are really ugly jewelry that you make.)

I think that making constructive criticism about the content of the published pages, certainly helps the blog owner to improve his mood and to have good ideas. So me, as I am a very generous little girl and always ready to help the fools, I very often encourage the creators of blogs, fufufu.

Anyway, me too, I also wanted to have my pretty blog for...

"To have the chance to talk to people who are not in plush? I know a Mister who stinks who will fly out the window if he keeps bothering me."

Yes, now it's 2006 and blogs are super trendy, but the idiot didn't want me to create one because, supposedly; this kind of hobby wouldn't make you smart.

"Indeed, Mister who stinks, the idiot must have created a few of them to find himself in such a state."

With such a model in front of my eyes, I couldn't help but imagine myself becoming a Madam Idiot. When this horrible vision of a mixture between me and of the idiot crossed my mind, I have shuddered and I quickly forgot about this stupid idea.

(Either you have an ugly face or your makeup is not of very good quality because, when I looked at your page, I first thought you had put the picture of a trout).

Luckily, I can still help the whole wold smile leaving little messages of encouragement, everywhere.