
Rebirth: Ascension to Infinity

The Universe is a vast and majestic place, with countless interacting Worlds, Realms and Planes. At the top of the Universe is Infinity and its Denizens, who are Creators and Destroyers of Existence. These Denizens are boundless, unfathomable and immortal is all shapes and forms....or so it seems. When one Denizen dies an unfortunate death, his body is torn asunder and becomes the fertilizer for a new type of Universe, one that has never been seen before. Reincarnated in a Universe of his own making, the Denizen must transition from an existential paradox to a living being and all that comes with it. Join our Protagonist as he traverses his own unwitting creation, as he experiences life for the first time and attempts to satisfy his boundless (and psychotic) curiosity. He will meet new people visit new places and learn secrets previously barred top him...all the while reclaiming his rightful place amongst Infinity

Oblivion_1094 · Fantasie
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139 Chs

Lord of Light

"Long time no see, Seraphic."

The Angel made of light stared at the cloaked figure silently, "His" twenty-two wings vibrated slightly as they floated behind "Him". Four of them changed colours, running through a spectrum of reds, greens and blues before stopping on a sole colour. With a flash, a pillar of light erupted around Seraphic, driving back all the surrounding darkness and revealing the land in its normalcy. 

The figure's hood was pulled back slightly by the vibrations, revealing the slight smile on their lips and several squirming tentacles covering the upper face and obscuring it. The figure waved his arms and a table and set of chairs appeared on the ground. They then walked over it it, taking a seat and procuring a tea set out of thin air. Seraphic watched this before slowly floating down to the ground.

"He" took the other seat and a cup, in which tea had appeared at some point in time. A plate of cookies and muffins had also appeared on the table even though it had been empty mere moments ago. Yet Seraphic showed no reaction and merely brought the cup to "His" face: the tea vanished as it left the cup, even though there was no mouth on "His" face. 

After taking a sip and sampling a muffin, "He" turned to the figure across from "Him" and a voice reverberated from around them. "Indeed it has been a long time. And that is why I am quite curious what brought you to my Kingdom, Fallacy."

Fallacy let out a hum as "He" drank from "His" own cup before shaking "His" head slightly. "I was just feeling bored and a bit homesick, so I thought I would visit my hometown. I must say, I love what you've done with the place! A bit...dingier than I remember, but Neriea shines no matter the circumstances!"

Seraphic gazed at the God that was once a subordinate to "Him" before also sighing. "He" summoned a spoon of light and stirred "His" cup of tea gently. "He" then "ate" the muffin in one go and reached for a cookie.

"Have you erased your memories yet again, or are you simply provoking me?"

Fallacy's smile widened under "His" hood as the tentacles that squirmed between real and illusionary twitched wildly before quieting down. "He" picked up a cookie and tossed it like a coin in "His" hand before answering. "Why don't you have a guess?" 

The wings behind Seraphic blurred and brightened as some of them changed colour erratically, only settling down after "He" took a deep sip of tea. "He" then looked at "His" cup before making the sound of clicking "His" tongue and putting it down. 

"I can see why you handed me a cup of herbal tea: to stop me from tearing you apart at your provocations. But now I know you indeed haven't erased your memories yet. So Fallacy, why are you acting in front of me? Have you finally gone mad and decided to turn on your master?"

Fallacy laughed, the noise producing soul-splitting ravings that shook the darkness and light around "Them". Yet a single flick of Seraphic's hand muted the sound and returned Neriea to solace. "He" made no other moves and was patiently awaiting Fallacy's answer.

After finishing laughing, Fallacy twirled one of the tentacles under "His" hood as "He" said playfully. "You know how it is, since I lack any proper followers, my Divinity and Anchors are always low. As such, I need to immerse myself deeper into what image my few Anchors have of me. Since the world knows me as the God of Madness, Mystery and Bizarreness, then I have no choice but to play the part." 

Fallacy's explanation was spoken causally and Seraphic gazed at "Him" deeply for a minute before silently drinking the rest of "His" tea and finishing of the cookie. Then "He" pulled the wings of light into "His" back and making them vanish. Next, the light covering "His" body gradually retracted, revealing skin bit by bit. At the same time, "He" shrunk more and more. After a minute, all the light was gone and Seraphic's true form was revealed.

"He" was a only 170 centimetres tall, with long silvery hair that fell all the way to "His" feet. "His" eyes stayed the same, though now, an upside-down cross was visible inside the circles of light that served as "His" sclera. It glowed a golden light, like that of a resplendent dawn. Seraphic now had all the facial features of a human, and "He" was incredibly beautiful. However, "His" childish form banished any lustful thoughts at "His" appearance. And for those that still retained desires, a sense of death loomed within the depths of "His" eyes. Under the grace of that golden-dawn light, blasphemy was forbidden. 

Upon seeing Seraphic revert to "His" human form, Fallacy's lips twitched. With a deflating sigh, "He" removed the hood covering "His" face. "Keeping it on after you took of yours would just make me seem rude..." "He" mumbled. 

Under the hood was a swirling vortex of semi-illusionary tentacles that were wrapped around each other. Bit by bit the retreated further down Fallacy's robe, eventually clearing off "His" face and showing it to Seraphic. 

Fallacy had long black hair that fell past "His" nape and curled at the tips. "His" eyes were a deep scarlet red with black pupils that seemed to bore into your soul. "His" face was a pale white, bordering on unhealthy, and it seemed to have been carved from jade. "He" simultaneously looked normal yet inhuman, like a fathomless horror was lurking in an unassuming human shell. 

Fallacy looked at Seraphic and flashed "Him" a humorous smile. "If anyone could see us right now, I'm sure their hearts would explode from shock. Seraphic, the enemy of all that is Divine and Fallacy, the bottomless horror, are actually ordinary, if exquisite, people. Well, your eyes are a bit of a give away, but still...the rumours the Orthodox Gods have painted make you out to be a six-armed demon ghoul."

Seraphic touched "His" own face gently, running "His" dainty fingers along "His" contours as if in a daze. After he reached "His" eyes, "he" stopped and "His" hands trembled slightly before coming back to "His" lap. 

"I have been here for so long, I have nearly forgotten my true self..."

At Seraphic's whisper, the smile on Fallacy's face faded and "He" fell silent. This atmosphere held for a long time before the God of Mystery opened "His" mouth and started a new conversation, "His" tone slightly more solemn. 

"There is trouble brewing on the Gaia Continent. A new Abomination has appeared, and the local Churches have mobilised some...strange forces to combat them."

Seraphic looked at Fallacy with a flat gaze. "An Abomination appears once every few centuries Fallacy. Such was the case in my Father's time, and the time before "Him" as well. Abominations and Orvonia have always had a tentative connection, if not an outright hostile one."

At the mention of Seraphic's Father, whom had been addressed as "Him" and was the first person to have been done so in "Their" conversation, Fallacy was unable to stop "His" eyebrows from twitching. Likewise, the tentacles under "His" robe bulged and wiggled for a brief moment before falling still.

Fallacy then took a deep breath before resuming. "This one is different Seraphic. He is strange and irregular, even for an Abomination. Furthermore, the Churches haven't made an actual move against him, only observing. Even Aenrys and Navruavati have thrown their dice and are simply watching. Chanteur and Ingrid are also taking part in the play."

At this, Seraphic slowly raised "His" eyes to match Fallacy's own. "His" tone, which had stayed neutral the entire time, suddenly deepened and turned darker. Behind "Him", the outline of eleven pairs of wings began to form, though they had yet to materialise properly. As the first signs of discomfort flashed across Fallacy's face from the increasing levels of brightness, Seraphic spoke.

"Filth and Blood are also getting involved?"

Fallacy slowly nodded before spreading his hand across the table, causing a chess board and pieces to appear. "He" then picked up the black king and clenched it, turning the piece into a deep purple colour before placing it back. "This piece is the Abomination. And this" Fallacy picked up several knights "are the representatives of the various Gods involved."

"Sol and Zephyr sent an Apostle of the Accord, while Gaia and Dendron sent a Harvester-in-training. Ingrid sent a disciple with deep connections, while Navruavati ordered a Tormentor to infiltrate Sky Cross as a student. I believe Aenrys also has a follower in the Academy, but I am unable to accurately locate them yet."

"Unable to locate them? You must be getting weaker with age, Fallacy" Seraphic jested lightly, though "His" eyes were glued to the board. Fallacy smiled weakly in response before turning back to "His" explanation. 

"The current Abomination seems to be a boy named Altair Atrazark, the second scion of a Great House on the Gaia Continent. His mother is Raphaniel Atrazark and his father is Rulio Hyppiliote, a member of the Hyppiliotes who is now deceased. His sister is Sia Atrazark who has the Lineage of Nyx and seems to have Ascended at the age of twelve. She and her brother are both currently in Sky Cross Academy."

Seraphic narrowed his eyebrows as "He" stroked "His" head thoughtfully. "Nyx already has her claws in the Abomination's family? Tsk, that conniving cunt always was one step ahead of everyone...But doesn't House Atrazark actually control the Xerxes and Zephylte Lineages?" 

"Yes, but the former was only unlocked in a weaker state by the daughter, while the Abomination has shown no sign of any Affinity. Also, only official adults are granted access to Xerxes' Bloodline, so neither of them have it yet either" Fallacy revealed.

"One of the reasons why this Abomination is different from the rest is, several weeks ago, I detected a strange surge in Mana that disrupted the Core. It was concealed as quickly as it appeared, but it was definitely real. I tried to track it down, but met wall after wall almost immediately. Somehow, someone of a higher level than me covered it up. I checked the Akashic Records to see what other events had taken place at the same time and found that an Atrazark manor had been attacked...and the Abomination was within. "

"Due to the nature of it, I was unable to look too closely, but I could clearly sense the same energy emanating from it as the pulse. However, it also vanished as soon as I arrived, so I was unable to do more than confirm that Altair Atrazark was indeed the Abomination of the this generation. I have been keeping a subtle eye on the creature ever since."

Seraphic fell into thought for several minutes before raising a point. "I was unable to feel any pulse you speak of, yet I now you are not lying. Tapping the Ley Lines is the expertise of you and Daemon, not me. However, the other Gods should have had even more trouble in peering at this "pulse" you mentioned. So how did they figure it out and mobilise so fast?"

Seraphic then grabbed a rook from the board, raising it to eye level and swinging it back and forth. "Apart from you and Daemon, there is one more existence on this planet capable of both tapping into Ley Lines and also seeing past the Abomination's veil. And upon discovering the Abomination, he would obviously carry out one, singular action: Report them."


Fallacy slowly chew that name before spitting it out. "He" leaned back in "His" chair, a look of disdain dwelling within "His" crimson eyes. "That Dreamspawn is constantly overstepping his bounds, thinking that his post protects him from retribution."

Seraphic shook "His" head as "He" lowered the rook back down. "And Weaver is right: no God dares touch him as long as he controls the Ephemeral Sanctuary. Even me and you are forced to watch from the side-lines at times like these."

Fallacy scoffed with derision at Seraphic's words. "Please, don't sell the two of us short. The two of us could rip Weaver apart if we so desired. And the damage wouldn't be nearly as bad as he pretends it would be. No, the Gods are simply afraid of losing their precious Aether supply. Those fucking druggies..."

The Lord of Light looked at "His" partner and decided to bring this meeting to a close. "While I appreciate you telling me all this, it's not like I can do anything about it" "He" stated faintly. "I am trapped here and you lack the means to free me. At best, I could send an Avatar to kidnap the Abomination, though it would likely be smote before it could escape."

Fallacy shook "His" head and revealed a sharp smile. "No need to worry, I have it all worked out. Jester and I have been arranging the deck for a looong time, just for a moment like this. That pesky seal of yours? Bam, gone! Let the Gods play cat-and-mouse with the Abomination, we will use that chance to meet out own ends."

"The others will certainly know that this is exactly the chance you are looking for" Seraphic warned, but Fallacy shrugged it off. "Even if they know, they will be unable to interfere. The only threats are Weaver, Nyx, Navruavati and Aenrys. And for the latter two...heh, I have quite the surprise in store for them."

Fallacy stood up, snapping "His" finger and making everything vanish in a puff of smoke. "He" then pulled up "His" hood and procured a plain white, porcelain mask with no holes on it. Placing the mask on "His" face, Fallacy spoke to Seraphic.

"It's time the world remembers just what it means to be the God of Horror."