
Rebirth: Ascension to Infinity

The Universe is a vast and majestic place, with countless interacting Worlds, Realms and Planes. At the top of the Universe is Infinity and its Denizens, who are Creators and Destroyers of Existence. These Denizens are boundless, unfathomable and immortal is all shapes and forms....or so it seems. When one Denizen dies an unfortunate death, his body is torn asunder and becomes the fertilizer for a new type of Universe, one that has never been seen before. Reincarnated in a Universe of his own making, the Denizen must transition from an existential paradox to a living being and all that comes with it. Join our Protagonist as he traverses his own unwitting creation, as he experiences life for the first time and attempts to satisfy his boundless (and psychotic) curiosity. He will meet new people visit new places and learn secrets previously barred top him...all the while reclaiming his rightful place amongst Infinity

Oblivion_1094 · Fantasie
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130 Chs

Like a Certain Gluttonous Slime

As everyone left one by one, Endyr followed suite. As she past the blob however, an alert from the System popped up in her face.

[Alert! It is highly recommended that Host absorbs that liquid into their body!]

Endyr stopped, confusion clouding her facial features as she read the notification presented to her by the System. She looked between the screen and the blob of black ooze on the floor multiple times. "You want me to drink that?" she asked incredulously.

[Host does not have to drink it. Injecting it with a syringe or bathing in it would suffice for absorption.]

Endyr fell silent for a moment, before speaking up again. "And why would I need to go near that thing at all? In case you didn't notice, that blob is the remains of a Vampire Noble I killed via Corruption. Absorbing it will cause me to suffer the same backlash as she did."

[While {Marianne K'sthalt} perished due to learning knowledge beyond her station, Host is different. As a former Denizen of Infinity, Host has a higher innate tolerance and should not suffer the same degree of Corruption. As for why Host should absorb the remains, they will provide a boon to Host and help them grow their Denizen attributes.]

"By 'Denizen' you mean Abomination, don't you? Even if that goo does boost that aspect of my strength, I'm sure it will have negative side-effects. After all, you said 'the same degree' meaning I will still suffer some Corruption. I don't need any more bright lights to attract Gods right now. In fact, I don't even know if showing that Vampire those images has caused 'Them' to lock onto me already."

[Host is overreacting. The negative repercussions will hardly worsen Host's situation beyond what it already is, and absorbing the remains will not make it easier to track you. Also, {Marianne K'sthalt} failed to establish a connection to any of the figures Host presented to her, though {Aenrys} may have felt 'His' pre-established connection be severed. Same for {Navruavati} when {Arjax Aleksandros} perished.]

"But those Gods won't know how they died, or that I killed them?"

[Obviously. Gods have much better things to do than pursue the killer of every random {Blessed}. After all, they were only minor {Blessed} that received their bestowment through familial lineage rather than personal merit. At best, their families will be informed after a delay.]

Endyr mused over the thought as she mentally went through the pros and cons of taking that slime. 'On one hand, my powers will apparently receive a boost, and the last ten minutes have taught me I badly need one. Plus the System claims I won't become any more traceable because of it...'

'On the other hand, even the dumbest brat knows not to inject strange and foreign substances into you body at the urging of a disembodied and potentially evil voice...'


'I guess it all comes down to how much risk I'm willing to take. Growing my power is of vital importance, and I was pretty lucky I reached Grandmaster from the get-go by devouring Sandrine's soul...Wait a second!'

"Hey System, will absorbing this liquid affect my main body back in the Academy?" she asked suspiciously.

[Pardon, Host?]

"You heard me. Will the changes that occur to me also affect Altair."

[...Host is a {Split Doubler}, meaning there is still a connection between Host's different selves. If one part changes, the rest will have to follow suite or the unique self will never be able to re-join the others, thus leaving Host fractured. In Host's current state, further fracturing of the soul and mind will lead to death at best and uncontrollable mutations at worst.]

"So Altair will receive the same treatment as me...What exactly will happen to us if I consume it? Will we physically change or will everything be internal?"

[The System cannot say Host. All I know is that absorbing those remains will cause Host to receive a positive growth and advancement. Any physical changes should be minimal, and there should be no mental alterations at all. The System cannot force Host to absorb those remains if Host doesn't wish to, but Host would miss out on a great opportunity. Also, please make a decision quickly before the others come back for you.]

The reminder of Kulkiri's presence put an end to Endyr's contemplation. She stared long and hard at the black ooze before making up her mind. "What's the worst that can happen?" she muttered. "Everything on Orvonia wants me dead? Been there, done that."

When you think about it, its not like Endyr's situation would change. Those that wanted her dead would still be after her, and if the System was telling the truth then it wouldn't interfere with her goals. 'There's really no downsides if your telling the truth' Endyr mused to the System.

[Of course I am telling the truth Host. In case you have forgotten, the Main Universe cannot afford you dying until you reach the Ephemeral Sanctuary.]

But what about afterwards? Endyr left that nagging thought in the back of her mind as she advanced towards the pool of blood and ooze. Marianne had been quite the looker while she was alive, but now Endyr doubted anybody would find her current form appealing. Scratch that actually, Endyr could think of a few unsavoury species and individuals with a such tastes. Her fellow Denizens amongst them...

Endyr stopped at the edge of the puddle and hesitated. "How do I absorb it?" she asked the System. "Because I don't have any containers and I'm not getting on my hand and knees to scoop it up either."

[Simply place your hand in the substance and activate your {Mana Manipulation} Skill. I shall handle the rest of the process for you.]

Endyr took a deep breath and, putting her faith in the System, did just that. Her palm slowly san into the liquid, which was deeper than she had assumed. 'Did it corrode the ground underneath or something?' her mind wandered as a strange sensation consumed her hand. 

The goo was semi-solid and felt more like melted rubber than blood. It stuck to her hand tightly, almost like latex, forming an airtight glove. Once her entire hand was submerged, Endyr moved onto the next step. "[Mana Manipulation]" she chanted softly.

At once, the pool began to vibrate and ripple. Endyr felt a suction emanate from her submerged palm and watched as the liquid was drawn in. Slowly at first, it rapidly sped up to the point a third of the pool was gone within ten seconds. Endyr looked on with interest as the ooze seemingly vanished upon coming into contact with her skin. Despite half of the pool being drained by now, she felt no real change...wait, no, there was something.

Endyr frowned slightly as a small but sudden burning sensation appeared in her hand. By the time she had processed it however, the pain had multiplied tenfold and reached serious heights. "GAH!" Endyr yelped at the surprise pain but knew better than to remove her hand. The less liquid remained the more painful the operation, and once the pool had shrunk to a small puddle, Endyr was forced to bite into her other arm to stifle her screams. The secondary pain also helped distract her.

Just as Endyr's vision was beginning to go blurry from the pain, it stopped. Endyr blinked the nausea away and looked down to see the ooze was gone, every last drop removed. As she waited for her hand to stop shaking, the System sent her a notification. [Congratulations Host! You have absorbed a {Stain of ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮}!]

[Your Core has evolved! (Notice: Due to possessing an {EX Rank} Core, the upgrade had gone to {Altair Atrazark} instead.]

[You have unlocked a new Skill, {Selective Predation (A)}: The user can gain the attributes of those they consume, picking and choosing what to take and what to discard. Only works on the dead. At {A Rank}, the user can consume the memories, emotions, knowledge and some Skills from the target.]

[Skill {Selective Predation (A)} has activated: You have acquired {Black Orb (B) and {Vile Surge (B)!]

Once the notices stopped flashing by, Endyr blinked in surprise at the situation. Her desire for more offensive Skills had been granted, just like that. And Altair apparently benefitted from an increased Rank too! Just as Endyr felt that she had been paranoid for no reason, one last screen popped up in her eyes.

[Attention Host! Due to consuming the remains of {Marianne K'sthalt} and meeting several other criteria, Host has unlocked a new Bloodline!]

[New Bloodline unlocked, Vampire Nobel (Baroness): The carrier of this Bloodline will have an increased Affinity towards Blood and Darkness Magic, as well as receiving additional boosts in {Strength}, {Vitality} and {Charm} every time they Level Up. Warning: The carrier will suffer increased bloodlust and gradual disdain towards any non-Vampires. The carrier will also be more susceptible to {Fire}, {Light}, {Holy} and {Silver} damage!]

Endyr sucked in her breath as she realised just what the System was telling her. "Holy shit" she whispered. "Did I just become a goddamn Vampire?!"


====================<<♉︎♉︎ >>==========================

Name: Endyr Syndrine

Species: Denizen of Infinity (Fragmented), Vampire (50%)

Age: 2 day

Level: 10 (Grandmaster Tier)

Rank: EX

Titles: Abomination, Split Doubler, Vessel of Infinity, Seed of Apocalypse, Outlier of Regulation, Irregular

Skills: Mana Manipulation (EX), Archaic Dialect (EX), Split Double (???), Shared Senses (C), Mind Link (C), Analysis (EX), Anti-Analysis (EX), Black Orb (C), Vile Surge (C)

Bloodlines: K'sthalt-Aenrys 

Authority: 10 pts

Remarks: Baby steps so far, but you'll be a God yet...

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