
Rebirth as a monster

Drake a criminal who after years of criminal.life finnaly understood what kind of life was he leading during his lifetime.By spending his last days of life before execution he was in deep thought.What did happen that made me do all these things couldnt i simply live my life differently and get family not start doing all the things i did. as he spent these days finaly the guards arrived and took him to the excecution grounds. Drake a person who reggrets all that he did during his life avakens floating in void and meeting something.The thing says to him ill give you a chance to transmigrate but it will be unusual so have fun... follow him as he changes his new life and from criminal rises a hero The art doesnt belong to me if you want it taken down please contact me :)

Erlands_Erls · Anime und Comics
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28 Chs

Ch 28

Drake turned his head towards the entrance of the village while Rimuru jumped on his shoulder both of them shouted at the same time "LET'S GO "

Drake, Rimuru and all their pokemon appeared

outside the village and noticed a large pack of deep blue colored wolves.

"Woah there is a lot of the how will we deal with them brother" Rimuru jumped of Drake's shoulder and asked .

"Its not a problem wait here "Said Drake and walked forward the wolves seeing a dark dragon type monster walking forward growled at him and one that was far bigger pressumably their leader walked out of the pack "Grrrr you why are you helping these green weakling " he growled.

"Hahaha no need to be so hostile me and my brothers are new to this place and these guys gave their village to us for helping them " Drake answered and smirked showing of his menacing teeth "Hey you are their leader as i presume what do you say if we settle things differently your pack looks very strong and i want them to serve me including you let's settle this with a duel and if you win i will let you go but if i or my representative wins your pack will serve me and live in our village "

Drake said while looking at the leader of wolves. The large wolf growled and said "What makes you think that my pack can't simply wipe out your village without these silly bets and who made you so confident to actually stop us" Drake hearing the wolves started laughing loudly "hahahah alright i will show you

"he started inhaling large amounts of air and enormous magical energy started gathering around him "MAGMA DRAGON'S ROAR " Huge amount of magma started spewing out of Drake's mouth and in large stream hit the right side of the place the wolf pack was standing most of them shivered after witnessing the aftereffects of Drake's move.

Large crater was left and large amount of heat

was coming out of it , the wolf leader loudly gulper and said "alright i agree to your bet but on condition that you are not fighting "

Drake hearing the wolf leaders answer smirked. "Okay Infernape come this huge wolf is all yours "

Infernape hearing Drake's call jumped next to him and looked at his opponent, he nodded towards his master and turned towards the wolf and put up his right paw and taunting him showed him the sign to come.

Seeing their exchange Drake backed away and said "Infernape don't use your fire type moves and just beat him to a pulp but don't kill him he will make a perfect mount for me" to which Infernape nodded.

The wolf hearing Drake's confident command got even angrier and jumped towards Infernape to use his rage and rip this strange monkey to pieces, as soon as he started running towards him Infernape smirked and suddenly dissapeared from the wolves sight and appeared next to him a powerful right glowing jab hit him and sent him flying .

Drake witnessing this smiled while Infernape simply shrugged and started walking towards the wolf who was slowly standing up looking completely confused he shakes his head until Infernape appeared in his eyes slowly walking towards him .

The wolves eyes became bloodshot and he lunged at Infernape completely forgetting the previous exchange due to his rage,Infernape shrugged dodged the wolves lunge and smashed his leg covered in bright light and sent him flying and smashing against a tree and staying limp on the ground.

Looking at his opponent Infernape yawned and jumped landing next to Drake and nodding seemingly proud of his victory while wolves seeing their leaders misery slowly approached Drake and the rest and lied down and put their heads on the ground while yelling "we pledge our loyalty to you "

Drake smiled and said "i accept " he looked over the amount of wolves they got and nodded while approaching the collapsed wolf he started thinking and suddenly remembered 'Hmm when Veldora gave me and Rimuru the family names i felt getting stronger so could i do the same '

While he was thinking he was already next to the collapsed wolf and loudly "FROM NOW YOU'LL BE KNOWN MAUGRIM THE VOID"

As Drake finished his sentence he felt huge amount of his magic energy draining and seeping not only in the wolf in front of him but also in the oldest looking pack members while the young ones were confused from the energy that started to accumulate in their elderly ones.

Drake witnessing this started checking and noticed that all of the elderly ones were while the rest were behind a young wolf with a star shaped white birth mark on his forehead and he suddenly got an idea and he turned around and yelled "RIMURU see that young wolf think of a name for him and say it loudly "

Rimuru hearing Drake's shout shrugged and bounced in front of the young wolf pondered for a bit and said "Okay i decided you will be Ranga from now on " As Drake witnessed this he saw as large magic left Rimuru and enveloped the newly name Ranga and the rest

of the young ones while looking around he heard a low grunt and turned around seeing the battered wolf slowly standing up and slowly realizing what happened he looked in to the Drake's eyes and slowly lowered himself down while saying "My loyalty from this day is with you master "

Drake smiled and answered "My name is Drake and i accept your loyalty " he started petting the large wolf and headed towards the village "Everyone let's head to the village we have much to discuss "

everyone nodded and started entering the village under the dumbfounded eyes of all the goblins who still couldn't comprehend what just happened.