

"From now on, you can stay in this room and live the rest of your life here for all I care," were the words that condemned Li Na to a lifetime of isolation and despair at the hands of her own family. Betrayed by her sister, Li Jing, who injected her with a lethal dose of poison, Li Na's world faded into darkness, filled with a deep sense of sadness and betrayal. But fate had a different plan for Li Na. Instead of the expected descent into the afterlife, she found herself transported to a new existence, her younger self staring back at her from the mirror. Overwhelmed by this inexplicable rebirth, tears welled in her eyes as she made a solemn vow to herself: to seek justice and make her family pay for the pain they had inflicted upon her. As Li Na battles with the struggles of her past, a new surprise awaits. … With their faces just an inch apart, he softly asked her, "Do you trust me?" tracing her lips with one finger, lightly.  With a quivering smile, she nodded and whispered, "Yes, I trust you." To her Tang Zheng was the light sent by the heavens to shed her tears away. As Li Na embraces this new chapter of her life, a veil of mystery envelopes her path. The shadows whisper, and destiny's secrets slowly unveil, shaping Li Na's fate in ways she never imagined. Note: Daily Updates

g_d · Fantasie
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406 Chs

Mystic flare

Gong Li smiled and added, "With the right marketing and exposure, these designs can make a significant impact in the fashion industry. I can already envision the global recognition they will receive."

Li Na nodded as she replied, "That's exactly what I'm aiming for. I want my designs to be worn by people all around the world. With your expertise and network, I believe we can make it happen."

The waiter served their breakfast, and they thanked him before continuing their conversation.

Gong Li picked up a pancake and took a bite, savoring the flavors. She gestured towards Li Na's sketches and asked, "Have you thought about a collection name?"

Li Na nodded thoughtfully and replied, "I've been brainstorming, and I'm considering 'Mystic flare.' It reflects the timeless beauty and sophistication that I want to portray through my jewelry."

The real meaning behind that was different for Li Na since it is related to the mystery surrounding her rebirth. The term "Mystic" for Li Na reflects the mysterious and spiritual aspects of her rebirth journey. "Flare" represents the radiant beauty and brilliance that Li Na brings forth through her creations.

Gong Li nodded in approval. "I like it. It's catchy and memorable. We can work on building a brand around it."

Li Na pointed out, "But I will not reveal myself now until the time is right." Furthermore, as a high school student, it would be difficult to persuade the public to buy the jewelry in my current situation. Also I don't want my designs linked with the Li family."

Gong Li was tempted to ask questions about her relationship with her family, but she decided to keep her thoughts to herself and respect Li Na's privacy.

Gong Li nodded in understanding. "You're right, timing is crucial, and we need to create the perfect image and narrative for your brand. As for your link with the Li family, we can always use a different name. Right now you need to focus on establishing your individual identity as a talented designer. Your designs will speak for themselves."

Li Na took a sip of her drink and sighed. "I just want to be recognized for my talent and hard work. I want my jewelry to stand on its own merits."

Gong Li reassured her, "Rest assured, Li Na. Your designs will speak for themselves."

"I will get started creating the pieces as soon as possible," Gong Li noted. I want it to be available as soon as possible, and we might be able to collaborate with an artist." Li Na was pleased with by Gong Li's work enthusiasm.

Li Na looked at Gong Li and said, "I will also do my part by creating more designs, and if you need my assistance, please let me know, and I will see that it is handled." Gong Li was impressed by Li Na because she didn't act like a typical teenage girl. She was smart and resourceful. When she was her age, she was crushing on boys and plotting ways to sneak out of the house.

Gong Li raised her cup in a toast. "To a successful partnership and a future filled with endless possibilities."

Li Na smiled, clinking her cup against Gong Li's. "To seizing opportunities and making our mark in the fashion world."

When they finished their breakfast, Gong Li asked if she could drop her off, to which Li Na replied, "No, I have other plans."

Gong Li smiled warmly, "Alright, if you have other plans, I won't keep you. Don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything."

Li Na nodded appreciatively. "Thank you, Gong Li. I'll definitely make use of it when the time comes."

Li Na watched Gong Li leave because it was still early and she didn't want to go home yet. She didn't have the strength to deal with those animals back home. She decided to spend the rest of the day pampering herself because she deserved it.

Li Na went to the mall to do some window shopping because she hadn't had time since her rebirth to explore what the past looked like and what trends were in vogue. She wanted to get ideas that would inspire her to come up with more creative jewelry collections for her jewelry line.

She made her way to a high-end boutique, carefully examining the exquisite pieces of jewelry adorning the glass cases. Each gemstone, delicate chain, and intricate design sparked her imagination, igniting ideas for her own creations.

Welcome, dear readers! I hope you're enjoying this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Your votes and comments mean the world to me. (⁠◠⁠‿⁠◕⁠)

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