
Chapter 41; I don't have a choice.....

He passed the phone back to his bodyguard closing his eyes to sleep, he was exhausted.

_ _ _ _ _ _

In the Gu family, after that incident, no one spoke up again but Gu Zhao received a call from his secretary.

"Hello, good evening..." He received the phone call walking away up the stairs to his study room. Since the deed has been done, there was nothing they could do.

"The bridge has a problem, a fraud case and a lot of families are implicated including us..." He immediately notified him, he had also been notified by their spies.

"Make sure nothing is traced back to us if possible clear us from that scandal and also use the forms Gu Mingyue had signed..." He had already thought of her as his scapegoat, they were trying to dip their hands in this mess but at the expense of using Gu Mingyue as a scapegoat.

"All right, working on it now...." The secretary responded as the call got hung up, now with this scandal, things were getting rough.