

Why in the ever loving FUCK does the half and half keep looking at me? I look around the gym to see surprise, fucking surprise he is looking at me again. 

"Shitty Hair, spar with me!" I demanded and he was immediately in a fighting stance and we started trading blows. Aizawa Sensei is watching from across the room but he doesn't seem to actually give a flying fuck. He must have noticed I'm not exactly trying to kill my best friend and it helps to keep me from trying to kill my crush. 

I send a small but well aimed explosion towards Kiri that he blocks with ease. I'm not as dense as I was in middle school, I am well aware of what the green eyed angel did to me on a daily basis. The way his eyes light up whenever I walk into the room kills me, how can he be so happy when I'm not around? 

Because I'm not around, the answer was there in the question. I know what I did to him back then. Of course he would be happier when I'm not around. 

I'm getting too distracted, Kiri actually almost landed a decent punch and that would have sent me to Recovery Girl without a doubt, his hardening has improved a lot through the years, but I mean it should have. We ARE in our 3rd and final year of highschool. Deku's 18th birthday was only last week and his present is still sitting on my dresser, unopened. 

What right do I have to give him a present? After all these years? After everything I've done? Shit, I need to focus. I got a good blast to hit him and we called it quits, we'll need to stop at Recovery Girl's office on the way back but it was only a few bruises and a light burn. Fuck I have a few bruises too, so I should probably see her too. 

I reach for my water bottle on the ground nearby but that prickling feeling on the back of my neck is happening again. When I stand up and look around I see Todoroki staring again, Deku is talking to him but he is openly staring at me. I set off a couple explosions in my hands to try and release some tension but it's not really helping. 

I close my eyes and try to calm down, when I open them again I see Deku sparring with the half and half and at the moment I am not even mad. He had dodged a punch from Deku and sent a small flame towards him to try and throw him off balance but what really had my attention was the fact that Deku was basically topless. When did his shirt get destroyed? His clothes weren't even burned, just ripped up. He must have spared with someone else first. 

Deku's well chiseled body was showing so much that once Icyhot managed to get his flames just close enough to burn through the last little strip of fabric before it fell to the ground, leaving Deku's body covered in a light sheen of oh fuck me please. His muscles were clearly defined and with every movement they seemed to glide through their fighting area. It looked more like a dance than a fight and to be honest I don't think either of them are getting anywhere close to winning. 

Deku was starting to pant a little and he had tried to sweep his hair to the side but it only made him look more dangerous when it fell in front of his face again, the scars on his arms only adding to the effect. 

"Bakubro, your gay is showing," Kiri coughed quietly before nudged me towards the bench with a towel. Thank All Might he already knew about my crush or I probably would have outed myself long before now. I used the towel to wipe my face off sitting down and then dropped it, forgotten on my lap to help hide my very sensitive situation from any onlookers. I was as hard as a rock and the way Deku seemed to light up while moving in front of everyone, was not helping in the least. 

I tried to look away but Icyhot had managed to put down a little ice while Deku wasn't looking and he slipped on it, Icyhot got a good hit in and Deku came sliding back and landed directly in my lap... 

Oh God, dear All Might just HOW did this sexy man land in my lap looking up at me with those slightly unfocused eyes? He looked like what I have imagined countless times in the privacy of my room, like a fucking sex god ready to devour me. The noise that escaped me was dangerously close to a whimper or a moan and the way his eyes widened told me he heard it perfectly. 

"Sorry Kacchan! I'll apologize properly later!" He jumped up and ran back to his fight sending a near explosive shockwave at the half and half that sent him flying. Icyhot gave in and waited for Deku to run over and help him up. 

What the fuck does he mean he'll apologize properly later? I am well aware how red I got when he landed, pressing firmly against my hard on, if not for my explosions everyone would have noticed. 

"Bro deep breaths, yell at me. Everyone is starting to look," Kiri whispered while smiling, to anyone not close enough to hear him it looked like he was trying to crack a bad joke. 

"SHUT THE FUCK UP SHITTY HAIR!" I screamed several other choice curses at him too and Kami, Sero and Ashido were quick to join. How in the fuck did I get such good friends? They all know the truth; about me, my past, Deku and OUR past. They knew what a piece of shit I was and how much it hurts me now. THEY KNOW, and they still stick by me. They were all joining in on the bad jokes giving me reason after reason to explode and finally I was able to stand again. 

"Forget this shit, I'm going to change," I huffed, relieved that class was over. I just want to go home and hide in my dorm and wait for the world to end. Deku MUST have noticed my boner. There is no way he didn't, and if he noticed it means that I should just crawl in a hole and die.