
Reasons Why I Don’t Want To Marry A Prince

She had mountains of reason to say no to him, but he keeps coming back, no matter how many times she rejected him. ******************************* Sneak Peek: “I HAVE TRIED! PLAN A, PLAN B, PLAN C, PLAN D & PLAN E! But Nothing is Working! Why does he still want to marry me?!” ——by FL Inner Voice ******************************* Synopsis: After waking up as the villainess in a romance novel that she hated called “I love you, my prince.” Ms.Ivy Augustine, her villainess name, finds ways to escape her fate from execution at age 17. The strong and sensible girl vows that she will not be like the villainess in the story who loves the prince too much, which will lead to her doom. She develops mountains of reasons why she doesn’t want to marry the prince, but no matter how hard she tried, the prince kept proposing to her, and disasters kept following her as if the author was forcing her to follow the plot. The novel that she thought was predictable and full of cliches cause her to wonder, will she ever be able to change her fate? ******************************* How did I become the villainess of this cliche romantic novel!! I reincarnated into the romance novel that I read last night, and I skip through the chapters and only read the crucial parts. The villainess will be beheaded at the age of 17 because she loves the prince too much. I felt relief because I hate the idea of marrying the prince. There is a mountain of reasons why I don't want to! It's just not practical! "Oh, no, his pheromone attack! It's is very strong this time, but I will endure it! " "She smells nice. I want to keep her by my side forever." ******************************* Note to readers Publishing Schedule 2 chapter - Every Sat & Sun Sometimes more if I feel like it XD What can you expect: This novel contains lots of romance and adventure combined. It's a slow burn novel. ************************************** Ps. I do not own this artwork, full credits to the owner. Double Ps. I also don't control the pricing. Triple Ps. There may be a little R-18 content after chapter 60. Due to unforeseen circumstances, I have to postpone my work until my health is better. I have been pilling the stories and hope to publish it the end of the year. Thank you for your continuos support.

MsAugustineFalls · Fantasie
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277 Chs

Reason #16: Only Troublesome Days Ahead (6)

At Hensley Inn

Bonding Time with The Siblings

After being pulled away by the sisters, we somehow ended up soaking naked in a tub together.

Although the tub was pretty large, it was just enough for four young girls to fit in. However, the three sister's chest size tends to make it hard to move around.

While we sat side by side, I couldn't help myself to analyze what was presented in front of me.

< D! D! And E!> Ivy's inner voice.

Then as Ivy turn and look at her own

<I think I at least have a B.....minus>

As Ivy measures her chest, she let out a sigh.

"How exactly did I manage to get myself here in this tub? This is kind of embarrassing."

"This is skinship. We are bonding over skinship. That's how girls get closer to each other."

Kourtney smiles while she wraps her arm over Ivy's shoulder.

"Even though I'm not very experienced in girl bonding, I'm pretty sure this is quite an unusual way of bonding."

Ivy tries to turn her gaze away from her, avoiding having to look at Kourtney's impressive body.

"Ivy! You must tell us how did you meet Leon?!" Kim became curious and excited.

"Yeah, how did you capture such a hunk like Leon?" Kourtney draw herself closer to Ivy

"..." Khloe just looked at Ivy in admiration.

Feeling pressurized by their heated gaze and enormous chest, Ivy tries to answer their questions carefully as not wanting to reveal her identity and secret.

"We've known each other since we were children. Our parents made an arrange marriage for us. That's how we met."

Then Kim stretches her hand towards the ceiling and lets out a loud sigh.

"Ahh...That's how it is. Now it makes sense. It's always the rich ladies that get the better man." said Kim and immediately got head chopped by Kourtney.

"Kim, that's very rude. Forgive my sister's mouth. She can be quite ruthless." Kourtney apologizes.

"No, it's alright. It's somewhat true since we got together because of our parents. If not, I don't think I would ever catch Leon's attention."

In Ivy's mind, she thought, if it wasn't because their parents had made this engagement for them and if it weren't because of how the novel was written, they wouldn't have met each other.

<The reason why he likes me, probably because I was the closest by his side. He just familiar with having me around. But that is not Love.> Ivy's inner voice.

She imagines that even if they were ever to meet, under normal circumstances, like strangers who accidentally bump into each other on the street, he wouldn't even glance at her or get to know her.

This is because he is a handsome and charming prince, and while she —- she is just the plain normal girl.

Ivy's expression turns gloomy as she slowly brought her mind to a very dark place.

<That spotlight next to him does not belong someone like me.>Ivy's inner voice.

When Kim notices that Ivy began to frown, she felt she had to apologize quickly.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."

Ivy regains her consciousness and saw Kim apologizing to her.

"No, I'm sorry. I wasn't sad. I was just daydreaming again. I have a bad habit of doing so. I'm sorry for making the mood bad."

Khloe unexpectedly hugs Ivy. She did it instinctively, like how a friend or a sister should. Then everyone joined in and hugged Ivy to comfort her.

"I don't know what's the whole story between the two of you, but if you ever need some comforting, you know where to find us," Kourtney says while she hugs Ivy tightly.

Ivy soaks in their comfort and silently smiled.

"Ok, I will. Thank You."

After the somewhat shameful bath comes another three excruciating hours with the sisters.

They dressed, dolled up, and played with me like I was a new toy.

It took a while, but they finally got tired and went to sleep while I snuck out to get a drink.

However tiring it may be, I don't hate this feeling. I've not had much experience hanging out with many girls before, even during my past life, because I've been preoccupied with so much part-time work. Also, in this life, I haven't had the privilege to make more female friends due to my circumstances. It's not that I'm not grateful to have Gracie as my friend, but it feels different having a bunch of young girls to play and talk with. It would be a lot more fun if Gracie could be here too.

When Ivy thought about Gracie, the image of her friends and family appeared in her head.

Then she looks out at the window and wonder, "When will this storm end?"

While Ivy was heading to the kitchen to grab a drink, she saw Robbie covering a blanket over the drunk Peterson.

She whispers, "Robbie, why are you still awake?"

"Shh..." he said and pointed her to head over the guest counter and away from the sleeping Peterson.

"I'm just finalizing the accounts for pops to review tomorrow. What are you doing here?"

Ivy folded her arms and rubbed her shoulders for warmth.

"I was feeling a bit cold, so I just wanted to grab a warm drink before I sleep."

Robbie then grabbed a blanket for her and sat her down behind the counter, and says, "Wait here."

Soon after, he returns with two warm cups of almond milk that they made earlier.

As they quietly sat and enjoyed the warm drink, Ivy suddenly started to giggle.

"What's so funny?" Robbie turns and asks her

"Hehe, the drink just reminds me of how you look today.

You were like *Nuts can turn to milk??!!* (Ivy imitating Robbie's reaction from before)

Just recalling how your face looks like makes me feel like laughing."

After hearing what Ivy said, he turns away and sulks. At the same time, he blushed, seeing her happily giggling next to him. He wanted to know more about her, and so he started to ask curiously.

"Do all girls like handsome men?"

Ivy turned and looked at him, feeling surprised to hear him ask her such a question.

<He is asking me for girl advice? He wondered if all girls like handsome men. Maybe he has a likes already, and wants my opinion as girl. This young boy big sis love Awe... He's so cute.>

Ivy felt like she had just leveled up because this is the first time she had experienced someone asking her for love advice even though she is still an amateur herself.

<Then I shall do my best and answer him as can so that it help obtain his love!>

Ivy's eyes started to fire up, filled with determination.

Ivy coughs a little and started to put on her mentor cap.

"Well, being handsome does help a little, but a handsome face is not the only thing you need to win a girl's heart. The most important thing is not the outside but the inside that counts."

"Hmm..." Robbie glance at her with doubts, "that doesn't sound convincing when you have such a handsome lover."

Ivy gaped at his remark, feeling her credibility had just sunk.

"In the end, all the girls just like guys like Leon. Handsome, cool, and charming like a prince. You are just the same as every other girl I know. Normal looking guys like me can never compete with a guy like him."

When Ivy notices Robbie's eyes starting to look dead as his confidence level slowly drops, Ivy panic and thought she had to say something quickly before it's too late.

"Uhm, that's not true. Of course, Leon is undoubtedly handsome, but that's not the reason why we are together, and besides, I prefer a normal-looking man." Ivy smiled and look at Robbie's face.

Robbie blushed as he turns away his face to hide his embarrassment.

"Liar, why would you choose a normal looking guy like me over a handsome prince like him? Unless there is something wrong with your head."

Upon hearing his words, Ivy felt offended that he didn't trust what she said, and so she began her defense.

"I'll have you know it's not easy being a lover of a handsome prince. Like

- Girls will always ignore you and

- they never be your friend because they are always jealous of you,

- and everyone has high expectations of you,

- and you are always being compared with other girls,

And ...."

Ivy suddenly paused, while Robbie saw her face slowly began to frown.

"And you'll always be thinking, why would a plain girl like me be with a perfect guy like him."

It was the first time Robbie saw Ivy showing that kind of face. She looked so sad that you wouldn't believe a cheerful girl like her could have such an expression.

"then what's the reason?"

"Huh? Reasons?"

"You said that him being handsome and charming is not the reason why you are together with him, so what are the real reasons?"

Ivy took a step back and gape again with his comeback.

Then she immediately searches through the memory drive in her brain for the reasons why Prince Leon and her became lovers.

But because of her complicated circumstances with the Prince, she couldn't think of the right reason for Robbie.

"To be honest with you, I don't know why myself. Haha"

"Huh?? How could you not know?" Robbie raised a brow.

"Leon and I only met because our parents had us in an arranged marriage. I told Leon that I wanted to cancel the engagement because I thought we didn't have that kind of feelings for each other."

Ivy just casually smiles while Robbie opens his mouth widely in disbelief.

"Then when Leon suddenly confessed to me, it took me by surprise too. I still don't know what he sees in me. So in some way or another, we became lovers like this."

Robbie couldn't sense a hinge of a lie from her. He knew she was telling the truth.

"But in the end, you accepted him. So you must have liked him too, that's why you accepted his confession. In the end, it's all about the pretty face."

"Hmm... I accepted him due to many other reasons, but it's not because of his face. It's a secret, but Leon actually not my type."

Robbie lean back, shocked to hear her words.

"I have my preference too, you know, I prefer a manlier and a more rugged-looking man with big strong muscles. So I don't find Leon's face the least attractive at all. So don't go thinking that all women are into handsome, angelic faces like Leon."

Then Robbie turns and looks at Ivy seriously.

"Then, do you think I have a winning chance?"

Ivy was taken back by Robbie's serious face.

< Why is he suddenly looking so serious?> Ivy's inner voice

"Winning chance against Leon?" Ivy asked to confirm, and Robbie nodded.

Ivy then thought to herself.

<Why does he want to win against Leon? Maybe the girl that Robbie likes —- Likes Leon?!>

Ivy continues to think deeply, leaving Robbie aside, waiting for her answer.

<If that's the case, next thing I should do now is to boost his confidence!>

Ivy held Robbie's shoulder tightly and looked at him in the eyes.

"Robbie, listen to me, ok. You are 100% better than Leon. No, make that 200% better. You just have to show the best version of yourself, and you can win against him too!"

Robbie froze. What was once he thought was pointless to pursue now gave him hope.

"Is it ok for me to pursue? Even when he is better?"

Ivy held his shoulder tighter and gaze at him with confidence.

"What are you talking about?! Until the knot is tied, everyone is equal!"

At that moment, Robbie felt as if a gust of air had just blown at him. He thought he was inferior, that someone plain like him had no chance and that he would lose even without trying.

But her words made him realize what a fool he had been. And so he stared back at Ivy with conviction in his eyes.

"I won't care how great he is anymore; just wait for me. I'll show you the best version of myself."

Ivy just smiled back happily, thinking she had successfully boosted his confidence to pursue the girl he likes.

Little that she knows, her advice to Robbie that night will be the new source of suffering to Prince Leon, but that is another story for another chapter.

As they were about to tidy up and get ready to leave, someone suddenly grabs Ivy's hand from behind.
