
Reappeared as a Villainess

In a bustling city, there lived two sisters, Malice and Melissa. They were inseparable, sharing secrets, dreams, and laughter. Malice, the older of the two, had always been protective of her younger sister, Melissa. Little did she know that this bond would soon be shattered by betrayal. Malice was engaged to the love of her life, Aaron. They were planning a beautiful wedding, and their future together seemed bright. Melissa had always been supportive, or so Malice believed, until one fateful evening when she discovered their affair. To hide their affair, the couple decides to Malice. Years later, Malice reappears in front of Melissa and Aaron. Malice retreated from her family and friends, focusing all her energy on a plan for revenge. One moonless night, as she was stalking the shadows near Aaron's office building, a mysterious man suddenly appeared before her. He was dressed in a sleek black suit, his eyes concealed by sunglasses, and an enigmatic aura surrounded him. "Looking for revenge, I see," he said in a low, smooth voice. Malice, startled and cautious, replied, "Who are you, and how do you know about my plans?" The man smiled mysteriously. "I'm someone who can help you achieve your revenge. I know everything about your situation, Malice, and I have the means to make Aaron pay for what he's done." From that moment on, the mysterious man became Malice's guide, teaching her the art of deception, infiltration, and sabotage. Together, they executed a series of meticulously planned schemes that exposed Aaron's wrongdoings and weakened his grip on the company. "The cover art is the work of another artist, not me."

YuLan · Urban
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40 Chs

Within her Powers

As Malice emerged from the executive office, her meeting with Mr. Stephan having concluded successfully, she was greeted by the sight of a young woman named Lily, one of the employees of RadiantGem Creation. Lily was known throughout the company for her sharp tongue and tendency to gossip.

Lily, leaning against a polished mahogany table filled with delicate jewelry pieces, exchanged a knowing glance with her coworker, Aila.

As Malice approached, their hushed whispers ceased, but the animosity in their eyes was unmistakable.

Malice, always composed, offered a polite smile and extended her hand. "Hello, I'm Malice, the new Director here at RadiantGem Creation."

Lily hesitated for a moment, her expression shifting between feigned friendliness and a hidden agenda. Finally, she reluctantly shook Malice's hand. "Lily," she replied curtly.

Aila chimed in, her tone laced with a sly undertone. "We've heard quite a bit about you, Director Malice. Impressive credentials, I must say."

Malice remained composed, aware that the two women were trying to provoke a reaction. "Thank you, Aila. I'm looking forward to working with all of you and contributing to the success of RadiantGem Creations."

Thank god, Samuel exchanged his daughter's achievement with Malice as he removed the record of Sarah's death and even changed her name, from Sarah to Malice. 

It's because, Samuel never revealed his daughter's death to the public, only a few people around Samuel knew about Malice's existence.

Lily couldn't resist a snide remark, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Well, it's not every day that we get a 'rising star' to lead us, is it?"

Malice's smile remained unwavering, but her eyes held a glint of steel. "I appreciate your warm welcome. If you have any concerns or questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. My door is always open."

With that, Malice gracefully continued down the corridor, leaving behind Lily and Aila, who exchanged uneasy glances. They had hoped to unsettle the new Director, but Malice's poise and professionalism had left them with little ammunition for their gossip.

As Malice disappeared from their view, Lily let out a frustrated sigh. "This is going to be a lot harder than I thought," she muttered.

Aila nodded in agreement. "She's not like the other directors we've had. We might need to tread carefully."

Unbeknownst to Lily and Aila, Malice was not one to be underestimated. She was determined to prove her worth and lead RadiantGem Creation to new heights, regardless of the gossip and animosity that might stand in her way.