
Reappearance of Konoha’s Itachi

He is the ninja who silently guards the village in the dark, and he does not hesitate to bear the nickname and the hatred of his brother. No one understood him. When he mentioned him, he only had the word traitor. However, in his heart, he still has the pride of being Konoha Ninja. As Uchiha's surname, when Itachi once again faced the life of the past, the change was destiny, but the heart that loved the village and the younger brother never changed. Itachi doesn't want to be regarded as a genius, nor does he love the name of a hero. He just wants to protect himself... Warning! This fic is not mine, the author is 'Qidian'. I read it on the 'Comrade Mao' website, I really liked it and I want to share it.

Darkness_Sun · Anime und Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter XII


In the forest of Uchiha Clan, Itachi's figure continually bounces back and forth.

There are two purposes for this type of training, which enhance Chakra's maneuverability while exercising coordination and speeding up reaction speed.

However, he has been training in the periphery and has not gone deep into it.

Because if you missed Shisui's home when you did this training, you would lose more than you.

About two hours later, Itachi ended his current practice and walked out of the forest, under a big tree in front of Shisui's house, sit cross-legged.

He raised his hands and folded it on his chest.

Itachi started his hand seal with his hands and his movements quickly and neatly.

Although his current hand seal speed is far less than the speed of the sixth in 1 second printing, it is already a lot faster than the same ninja.

Itachi can become an Anbu member in 10 years old, not just innate talent.

Before he was still playing, or just entering the age of the Academy, he had already done a lot of training that Lord could hardly stick to.

There is never an absolute genius in this world. Innate talent only determines the starting point and efficiency of training, but it does not equal the final height.

For ninja, tolerating one word is far more important than any external condition.

As for the definition of this character, everyone's understanding is different.

Itachi believes that it represents both a responsibility and a belief.

With tenacious heart, endure the pain that ordinary people can't imagine, this is ninja.

It is also a portrayal of the short life of Itachi.

Weng weng!

The prints are formed, and Itachi's pores gradually emit a faint rays of light.

That is the most primitive and pure Chakra.

Itachi has done all the training that can be thought of and is implemented, so I can finally calm down and do Chakra's condensed.

Chakra is the potential energy of the human body, and the person who can excavate it can have the potential to become a ninja.

Even in the future Konoha, the specialization of Taijutsu, the man known as the blue beast, has a strong Chakra.

Itachi is a descendant of Uchiha Clan, and his Chakra Reserves are naturally stronger than the average person before he is seriously ill.

In this way, Itachi gradually closed his eyes.


When Itachi opened eyes again, the sun has become a lot softer, but the sky is quite bright, but it is not hot at all, and there is a slight breeze blowing in the air, which makes people feel comfortable and comfortable.

Itachi stood up and couldn't help but stretch out and look at the simple cabin with the wood in front of the looks-at.

That is Shisui's home. In Uchiha Clan, only he still lives in this place.

However, according to Itachi, Shisui's immediate elder, Uchiha Kagami, was once part of the team directly under Second-Hokage with Third-Hokage and two other consultants in the village.

Uchiha Kagami's position in the village and clan was extremely high, but he chose to live in this remote place in Clan and built such a rudimentary residence.

Almost no one can understand why the mirror did this at first, and Itachi understood it only after knowing Shisui.

The big section people born in Uchiha Clan put the interests of clan first.

Such an idea is not at all wrong, but today Uchiha is no longer a Warring States Period.

Uchiha, or other Noble Clan family in the village, is a section of the village of Konoha Ninja.

If the gaze is only limited to clan, the thought will gradually get further apart with other people in the village, and finally lead to disputes.

Of course, this is not just the mistake of Uchiha and the clansman side of the family.

So this requires two people who can represent and guide the ideas of both Uchiha clansman and other people in the village to work together to change the situation.

Communication is mutual, and even if one of them refuses, any change will have no basis and cannot be realized.

Once Fugaku used Itachi as a link between Uchiha and the village high level.

However, the grievances of both sides are too deep and they have reached the point where communication cannot be established.

Therefore, Itachi had to cut the link with his own hands.

Because it has failed, Itachi never wants to do this, nor does it allow things to move towards worsening.

I want to change this situation and resolve this accumulation of heart knots that have been going on for decades. It can't be done overnight.


Itachi sighed and whispered: "I don't know how Sasuke is doing now, there is no trouble."

But he does not dare to leave here now, so he can only mourn his family in his heart.


Uchiha, Clan Leader.

"wa wow..."

In the hallway, Sasuke in Mikoto's arms is crying badly.

Mikoto has stunned him for a long time, but it still has no effect.

"You child, just born on the third day, is so good with the big brother, mother, I am jealous."

Mikoto lowered his head and smiled and rubbed his nose on Sasuke's face.

Sasuke was crying when she was born, and no matter who she and Fugaku are, he can't be quiet.

But as soon as Itachi held him, Sasuke no longer cried.

As a mother, seeing his two child relationships so well, Mikoto is naturally very happy.

"However, the big brother now has a very important thing to do, and Sasuke can only endure a period of time."

Mikoto stroked Sasuke's head, his brow gradually close.

"Itachi, you are outside, be sure to take care of yourself..."


As the sun sets, the sky is getting dark.

Itachi stayed in front of Shisui's house, tied up with the sandbags brought in the morning and the clothes with sandbags.

He continued to push-ups, sit-ups, and deepen these various movements.

In the case of weight, these pediatric things for ninja also temper physical strength.

Time passed by, and the sky was gradually dimmed.

After doing physical strength training, Itachi was again trained for a few hours of condensed Chakra.

Until the end of the night, his practice on this day was completely completed.

Because of the sweat of the day, the body and clothes of Itachi now have a sweaty smell.

But he did not dare to go to other places to clean.

Also, for ninja, sometimes it is not uncommon to have a bath for a month to execute a mission.

He jumped and fell on a thick tree trunk in front of Shisui's door. With some thoughts, he fell asleep gradually...

In the dark night, the moonlight sprinkled on the face of the boy who was sleeping, and the childish cheeks on the white cheeks gradually raised a happy smile.

In the early morning of the next day, when the first rays of sunlight passed through the gaps of the leaves, Itachi woke up.

He immediately got rid of drowsiness, opened his eyes, stood up, and moved a little bit of sorrow and painful body, then jumped down the tree and started today's training.

Itachi stays in front of Shisui's house every day and trains at the same time.

Half a month passed quickly, leaving only the last day.