
Reappearance of Konoha’s Itachi

He is the ninja who silently guards the village in the dark, and he does not hesitate to bear the nickname and the hatred of his brother. No one understood him. When he mentioned him, he only had the word traitor. However, in his heart, he still has the pride of being Konoha Ninja. As Uchiha's surname, when Itachi once again faced the life of the past, the change was destiny, but the heart that loved the village and the younger brother never changed. Itachi doesn't want to be regarded as a genius, nor does he love the name of a hero. He just wants to protect himself... Warning! This fic is not mine, the author is 'Qidian'. I read it on the 'Comrade Mao' website, I really liked it and I want to share it.

Darkness_Sun · Anime und Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter XI

After a little rest, Itachi removed all the weight from his body.

Then he did not have time to spare, but made some movements to stretch the body.

However, the difficulty coefficient of these actions is not large, and it is not a waste.

After half an hour, Itachi's physical strength recovered slightly.

Itachi sat down in place and took a Food Pills from a ninja bag that he carried with him and swallowed it.

He is waiting for Shisui here for half a month, and he can't carry that many dry food.

Food Pills is the main item that ninja uses to supplement physical strength when Shinobi World War.

When it was in the "Akatsuki" Organization, Itachi used Food Pills to restore physical strength.

Inadvertently recalling these, Itachi minded muttered.

"Now, those guys should have not joined the "Akatsuki"..."

In the "Akatsuki" Organization, in addition to the Pain and Madara, the heads of Itachi who are jealous, each of the other members is also the S-Rank wanted in the countries.

Any one of them is quite dangerous. For example, Deidara and Sasori can sneak into Hidden Sand Village, one of the ninja Five Great Countries, and grab one-Tails Shukaku's Jinchuriki in front of all ninjas in Hidden Sand Village. -Kage Kazekage Gaara.

Moreover, Sasori is only responsible for the Guardian and the internal personnel who are in the front line, and only Deidara is the one who takes the shot.

Although this does not mean that Deidara can compete against the entire Hidden Sand Village, after all, due to the battlefield, Gaara can't concentrate on fighting Deidara.

But the battle of ninja itself cannot abandon this objective existence factor. For example, in the Nine-Tails incident, Madara who lost the power of the big section should not be the enemy of Fourth-Hokage.

But finally, Fourth-Hokage was the price of life, which prevented Madara from using Nine-Tails to destroy Konoha's plot.

So, preventing Madara from recruiting every member of the "Akatsuki" Organization is also what Itachi is going to do in the future.

Otherwise, they will become the enemy of Konoha in the future.

The more Itachi thinks, the more stress he has on him.

Feeling that his body's status has recovered more than half, his figure plundered and came to a big tree.

He took four shuriken from the ninja bag, two left and right hands, and then shook his wrist.

Itachi needs to test it first, and the skills of throwing Ninja Tool by himself are still a few levels.

This is one of the reasons why he is eager to exercise and increase strength and speed.

Because throwing shuriken, it also requires considerable strength and reaction.

"xiu xiu!"

He grabs shuriken and then throws it all out. For Itachi's brain, throwing shuriken doesn't require any thought.

But when the Ninja Tool pitcher split second, Itachi himself has noticed something wrong.

Although the consciousness is still there, the physical strength and reaction can obviously not keep up.

Itachi right hand throws two shuriken, arranged up and down, nailed to the tree in front of him.

The shuriken thrown by the left hand flies out in a vertical and vertical rotation. After entering the forest, the running track is gradually changing.

However, when they changed the trajectory, the power they had had apparently weakened quickly, and then fell to the ground.

Itachi looked at him with a slight gaze, and he had already expected such a situation before the training.

In addition to strength and reaction, it is not familiar with the habit of throwing Ninja Tool in the body of Itachi now 5 years old.

If you want to shurken training to the point where you can see it, you should not only understand it with your heart, but the proficiency of the body is equally important.

In fact, the throwing level of Itachi just now, if it is placed in Genin in clan, few people can do it, but compared with himself, it is too far.

Itachi's Shurikenjutsu, but more sophisticated than the father of the Uchiha Clan Leader.

But I have already trained in physical strength. If I exercise strong behavior in a short time, it will only damage my body.

So now the training that Itachi needs is to repeatedly throw shuriken training, so that this body is getting used to as soon as possible.

He took back the shuriken he had thrown out, and then repeated the training.

Due to the recent policing of the military, Itachi's training is more comfortable, not at all people bother him.

In this way, he continued five or six hours of shuriken throwing practice.

It is already noon, the hottest moment of the day.

"xiu xiu!"

In the hands of Itachi, the four shuriken are coming out again.

Black shuriken, turned into a black shadow, rubbing the air to make a sound.

Two of them are in the middle of the tree in front of Itachi, arranged neatly.

The two shurikens were shot into the woods again, but this time, the change in the trajectory was obviously much faster than before.

"When dong!"

Under the gaze of Itachi, the two shurikens finally slammed together on the expected trajectory, but at this time the remaining force on the Ninja Tool was insufficient.

So, one of the shuriken, which just showed signs of a right-angled turn, just flew a few tens of centimeters away and fell to the ground.

Itachi saw it and gently shake one's head.

He has a way to get the body's proficiency to recover within a few hours, but the strength and reaction are not so easy to do.

The shuriken that has been thrown for so long, Itachi's two arms are sour.

So, he thought a little, first to get shuriken back.

Itachi stood in front of a big tree and thought for a while.


Then he suddenly moved and moved toward the big tree in front of him.

Before reaching the tree, Itachi stepped on it directly, and then ran on the tree trunk without any pause.

This is the most basic exercise to strengthen Chakra's control after becoming a ninja.

For Itachi, of course, doesn't exist any difficulty.

However, he was not satisfied with this. When he ran to the position of the branch, he stepped on it.


The branches shivered slightly, and it was much thinner than the tree trunk itself, so the requirements for Chakra's maneuverability were much more stringent.

The thickness of this branch is smaller than the pitch of Itachi's sole.

But when Itachi's second foot was stuck on the leaves, it stopped shaking.

Itachi has already controlled the force, and at this time he is completely hanging over the branches, so the hair also falls down due to gravity.

He moved on a branch that was not the size of his foot, and his footsteps alternated, and he stood firmly on the branch and was back to the figure.

It's so easy to do this because Itachi itself has done a lot of training before 5 years old, plus the experience and mind of the past, this level is certainly not a problem.


His hind paws gently stepped on the branches, the leaves on the twigs creaked, and two pieces were dropped. The whole body was shot and then landed smoothly on the next moment branches outside the severe meters. on.

Itachi showed a chuckle on his face, looking away from the left front, and then jumping out on the side.

His body is as fast as a cat, and his cockroaches are attached to the big tree of the target.

Itachi's figure didn't stop much, and then it fell on the next target tree.