
Reappearance of Konoha’s Itachi

He is the ninja who silently guards the village in the dark, and he does not hesitate to bear the nickname and the hatred of his brother. No one understood him. When he mentioned him, he only had the word traitor. However, in his heart, he still has the pride of being Konoha Ninja. As Uchiha's surname, when Itachi once again faced the life of the past, the change was destiny, but the heart that loved the village and the younger brother never changed. Itachi doesn't want to be regarded as a genius, nor does he love the name of a hero. He just wants to protect himself... Warning! This fic is not mine, the author is 'Qidian'. I read it on the 'Comrade Mao' website, I really liked it and I want to share it.

Darkness_Sun · Anime und Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter VIII

"I have to find a way to see the Fourth-Hokage as soon as possible."

Itachi thought that in less than three months, Naruto was born, and Madara would also be on that day.

Now he knows that the Fourth-Hokage Namikaze Minato is a different person from Uchiha Clan than other high levels.

This is not Itachi's own speculation, but even Father has said so much to Mother.

As long as Itachi tells Fourth-Hokage about the information that it knows, their destiny may be able to change.

The Nine-Tails event does not happen, the village can avoid huge casualties, and maybe it can bring a different future to Uchiha Clan.

Although it seems ridiculous to reproduce this kind of thing, Itachi believes that as long as he can see Fourth-Kage, he can change these things.

"Mother, then take a good rest for a while, I will take care of Sasuke." Itachi stood up from the ground and said.

Mikoto shaking one's head, said: "Since I am fine, these things are still done by me."

Itachi's morning reaction still made her feel a little worried.

"mother, please believe me."

Itachi suddenly became serious and said: "Although I can't do the same with Fourth-Hokage and Father, I guard the village and clan, but at least I can guard my younger brother and mother."

"Your body has not recovered yet. As a man with a Uchiha surname, I will of course share it for you."

At the end of the day, he gave Mikoto a reassuring smile.

"Itachi is a gentle, good child. Sasuke has a good big brother."

Mikoto sees Itachi, but it is nodded.


Itachi left his parents' room and sat down in front of Sasuke's cradle.

Sasuke in his sleep seems to have met something happy, and his face has a faint smile.

"what can we do about it?"

Although the current situation is urgent, Itachi not at all rushed to find Fourth-Hokage.

Hokage Residence Although anyone can get close, Itachi is not yet ninja, so not at all right requests see Hokage.

And when he went to see Hokage with his Uchiha Clan Leader eldest son, it would attract the attention of other high levels in the village. This is not a good idea.

At this time, you can't go directly to the home of Fourth-Hokage and Kushina.

Kushina is still Jinchuriki of Nine-Tails, and she naturally can't go out during her pregnancy. When Fourth-Kage is not there, there must be Anbu's follower.

With Itachi's current skills, it is not yet possible to see Fourth-Kage without disturbing Anbu.

"and many more…"

Thinking of Anbu, Itachi suddenly remembered someone.

"I remember that he has joined Anbu now."

"If it is him, it should be able to help me."

Itachi looked down and his heart trembled. The person he thought of was the only person he could call a friend.

Uchiha Shisui.

At that time, it was the eyes of Shisui who witnessed the self-sufficiency of it, and Itachi opened Mangekyo Sharingan.

One of the village's high level, the leader of the "root" Danzo Shisui's Dojutsu.

Shisui was forced into the desperate situation and had to choose to kill himself.

Before he died, he still thought about the safety of the village and handed his left eye to Itachi, hoping that it would become the guardian of the village.

Shisui is not only a friend of Itachi, but more like his mentor. Itachi wants to guard the idea of ​​the village, but also because of his influence.

Itachi joined Anbu, which belongs to Hokage, when 10 years old was the youngest Anbu member in Konoha history.

Shisui was the youngest person to join Anbu before him.

Although Shisui did not know Itachi at this time, the latter absolutely trusted him.

With Shisui, he has a way to get past the other high levels of the village and see Fourth-Hokage.

And this time, Itachi also wants to stop Shisui from being killed by Danzo anyway!

However, he did not immediately go to Shisui, not only because Sasuke needs someone to look after, but also Itachi, who used to be Anbu, knows that it is very rare to stay at home after Anbu.

But with only three months left, I can definitely see Shisui, and I am not in a hurry.


dinner time.

Fugaku finally ended his work today, returning home in the evening and having dinner with his family.

At the dinner table, Mikoto is holding the already full Sasuke.

Itachi is sitting opposite Fugaku.

Halfway through the meal, Fugaku suddenly stood up and walked into the room. Soon after, he took a form and walked out.

He put the form on the table in front of Itachi and said.

"Academy has started enrolling today, and you have reached the age of school."

"This is the form for the Academy enrollment. You fill it out and give it to me tomorrow morning."

"And, half a month later, they will first take the test of enrollment, but that level of assessment should not be a problem for you."

After Fugaku finished, he picked up the bowl of rice that had not been eaten before.

"Yeah, Itachi has reached the age of the Academy." Mikoto holding Sasuke chuckled.

Itachi looks at the table on the table, but it licks his lips.

Fugaku raised his throat and asked, "Is there any problem?"

"Father, I don't want to go to Academy to go to school." Itachi looked towards Fugaku and said his inner thoughts.

"What? You don't want to be a ninja?"

Fugaku hearing this staring at Itachi, frowned.

Itachi shake one's head, said: "No, I just think that if I am only a course at Academy, I can do it at home."

"But instead of wasting more time on the Academy, I stayed in the family and trained to be more efficient."

Although the current Itachi is the body of 5 years old, the course and training methods of the Academy are too pediatric in his eyes.

Since he made the decision to change the known future, he could not put all his hopes on Fourth-Hokage.

Itachi needs the benefit-stronger as soon as possible, so according to his ideas, just don't want to waste time in the Academy.

Fugaku not at all thought that Itachi would respond to him like this, but the extent of Itachi is also very clear.

The Academy's course was really not necessary for him, and Itachi opened Sharingan this morning.

Perhaps, as Itachi said, let him stay in the family training, the efficiency may be faster.

Academy's Teacher, there is no way to teach Itachi how to use Sharingan.

Seeing that Fugaku has not responded, Mikoto looked towards Itachi and said: "Itachi, mother admits that you really have innate talent, but in Academy, what you can learn is not just how to become ninja and Ninjutsu. "

"So I think you still need to enter the Academy to learn."