
Reappearance of Konoha’s Itachi

He is the ninja who silently guards the village in the dark, and he does not hesitate to bear the nickname and the hatred of his brother. No one understood him. When he mentioned him, he only had the word traitor. However, in his heart, he still has the pride of being Konoha Ninja. As Uchiha's surname, when Itachi once again faced the life of the past, the change was destiny, but the heart that loved the village and the younger brother never changed. Itachi doesn't want to be regarded as a genius, nor does he love the name of a hero. He just wants to protect himself... Warning! This fic is not mine, the author is 'Qidian'. I read it on the 'Comrade Mao' website, I really liked it and I want to share it.

Darkness_Sun · Anime und Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter VII


Itachi walked into the room, and Mikoto was packing up the child clothes that Sasuke had prepared for him before he was born.

Mikoto turned his head and smiled at Itachi with a gentle smile. He said, "Is it finished? I have worked hard."

Ordinary people 5 years old children should also be spoiled under the parents' knees, but Itachi has already shared a lot with her and Fugaku from a younger age.

Itachi walked over to Mikoto and sat down and said, "Mother, how do you feel about your health now?"

"It's been a lot better."

Mikoto stared at Itachi's face and asked, "Do you have anything to say to me?"

Itachi hearing this start startedled, he obviously did not say anything, mother already knew what he was thinking.

This is the so-called parent, no one knows more about their child than they do.

Therefore, Itachi did not turn around again and asked directly: "I want to know, what kind of person is Kokage and Namikaze Minato of Konoha?"

"Why do you suddenly think about it?" Mikoto frowned.

"I just watched the Yan Yan of the Fourth-Hokage that I just built on the roof, so I was suddenly curious." Itachi had already thought about it beforehand.

"I remember that you and he should be the same class student when you were Academy, and he seems to have been to our home when I was young."

"And among the Hokages of the past, it seems that only he is a commoner family. I want to know how he did this step?"

Itachi showed a child's curiosity, and in fact he was really curious.

Although he heard a lot about Fourth-Hokage, the big section is all hearsay.

In the era before his rebirth, although this man has been dead for more than a decade, there are legends about him that are still enduring.

Mikoto nodded, a little thought about it, said: "How to say, Minato is indeed a great guy."

"He should have done well at Academy?" Itachi said, then Mikoto's words.

"No, at Academy, his performance is not bad, but it is not particularly eye-catching."

Mikoto is light laughed: "But if I look at something that happened later, at Academy, he did it deliberately, just like a Lord would not deliberately perform in front of the child."

"A strange person..."

This is what Itachi never thought of, but in fact he was not like this when he was in ninja.

"People like this should be hard to get along with..."

Itachi's slight drop of eyelids is like telling the story of himself.

From small to large, he is undoubtedly like a different kind of person, who can be called a friend, only one.

"No, he is a person who is very easy to make people feel close. At the Academy, everyone in the class has a very good relationship with him." Mikoto shake one's head.

"What?" Itachi was shocked.

Mikoto continued: "From that time on, Minato's dream was to become Hokage."

"Because he wants to protect everyone, guard the village."

Itachi nodded, Namikaze Minato grew up and did.

Because of his existence, Konoha was able to reverse the battle situation in the Third Shinobi World War.

In the Nine-Tails incident, he sacrificed himself to Nine-Tails seal and even made his son, Jinchuriki.

"So in order to achieve this goal, he has been working hard, with the love of everyone in this village."

"Everyone feels the feeling of Minato, so they all support him to become Hokage."

Mikoto lightly said with a smile : "I have not seen First-Kage and Second-Hokage. They are not very clear about their specificity."

"But let me say that in all the Hokages of the past, Minato may not be the largest contribution, the strength is the strongest, but he loves the village and thinks for everyone, and will never lose to the three Lord-Hokage of the previous generation. ""

I heard that my mother had such a comment on Fourth-Hokage Namikaze Minato, and Itachi's mind was probably inferred.

The conclusions he has reached are divided into two extreme possibilities.

Namikaze Minato is either a genius on a character, a ninja can be perfect and without blemish, or a person who has a deep mind from a very young age.

Itachi is currently biased towards First Type because he has seen Minato's son, Naruto, who has been a youngster from the village of Byakugan since childhood. He is not only at all hatred, but is working hard and wants everyone to recognize him.

"You said everyone supports him to become Hokage? I remember that Father seems to be involved in the Fourth-Hokage campaign. They are both opponent. Shouldn't they think so?"

One of the most important things that Itachi needs to confirm is the attitude of Namikaze Minato to Uchiha Clan.

After all, he is also the grand disciple of Third Hokage. If his thoughts are the same as Third-Kage, Itachi can't directly leak his own rebirth to him.

His own safety is still second, but he must never be tired of clan.

"Although I can't talk about support, your father has told me more than once that Minato can be a Fourth-Hokage, which is a good thing for Uchiha Clan."

"The reason why your father said this is that he and Minato want to change things, but it is still difficult to achieve..."

Mikoto said that she has hidden meaning, but some of them involve political reasons, and of course she will not be in the hands of 5 years old Itachi.

But even if she doesn't say it, Itachi can guess it.

Namikaze Minato to become Hokage, the most important thing is his military achievements in Third Shinobi World War.

From the point of mom damn it, the idea of ​​Fourth-Kage is not exactly the same as the high level of the village today.

So even if he has become Hokage, he can't grasp all the rights.

Coupled with the fact that the war has just ended, it has been exhausted to deal with these things as Hokage, and to maintain the balance of factions in the village.

It seems to be a period of peace now, but this Fourth-Kage Hokage's Position is not good.

Itachi knows too much about Third-Hokage and the rest of the Konoha high level methods. They have their existence. Even if Namikaze Minato has different ideas about Uchiha Clan, it is temporarily unable to implement it.

"I am understood, I really want to see him." Itachi looks-at Mikoto, his face full of embarrassment.

Mikoto smiled and said: "I will have a chance sooner or later. I believe that after you see him, you will like him."

Itachi nodded, but at the same time my heart is muttered.

"mother, but there is not much time to wait for this opportunity to come..."