
Reappearance of Konoha’s Itachi

He is the ninja who silently guards the village in the dark, and he does not hesitate to bear the nickname and the hatred of his brother. No one understood him. When he mentioned him, he only had the word traitor. However, in his heart, he still has the pride of being Konoha Ninja. As Uchiha's surname, when Itachi once again faced the life of the past, the change was destiny, but the heart that loved the village and the younger brother never changed. Itachi doesn't want to be regarded as a genius, nor does he love the name of a hero. He just wants to protect himself... Warning! This fic is not mine, the author is 'Qidian'. I read it on the 'Comrade Mao' website, I really liked it and I want to share it.

Darkness_Sun · Anime und Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter VI

After finishing the housework that Mikoto was responsible for, the Itachi was not sleepy even though the weather was hot during this period.

He sits on the roof of his home and looks into the distance, where he can see the entire Uchiha Clan sector and the section outline of Konoha Ninja village.

Itachi's current mood is the most joyful, but not all.

Hu hu!

Suddenly, there was a breeze, like a silk same across his face, soft and comfortable.

He is aok a deep breath, and the whole person feels refreshed a lot.

In Itachi's consciousness, what happened before is like a dream.

He died in the battle with Sasuke, and the space in which he was and the soul was sucked into Totsuka no Tsurugi. These experiences have no concept of time.

I don't know what kind of power, it is actually bringing him back to this point in time.

Itachi is very happy in her heart, once again seeing father and mother.

And if it is this time, he still has a lot of things to do.

"Next, what should I do?"

He gaze at the front of the prosperous village silhouette, the streets are crowded, and peaceful.

This year is Konoha 48, just over a year from the end of Third Shinobi World War.

In this battle of 5-6 years, Konoha did not know how many ninjas he sacrificed, and paid a huge price to exchange for this peaceful situation.

However, Itachi is to know that this peace will change in a few months because of a huge event.

Nine-Tails came in, it had a devastating power, and the entire village was in catastrophe.

In order to prevent Nine-Tails from destroying the village, just after the completion of the Third Shinobi World War, the fourth-year-old Fourth-Hokage Namikaze Minato, who succeeded Hokage's Position, paid a young life and sealed Nine-Tails.

Itachi's impression of the Fourth-Hokage is vague, and he only vaguely remembers seeing the latter in a smaller time.

But in his heart, nature is revered for this person.

Fourth-Hokage Namikaze Minato, as one of the only one after another in the history of the commoner Hokage, when he was young, he became famous as the Five Great Countries, even surpassing the ancestors of Konoha Sannin, succeeding Hokage's Position.

Itachi itself is a genius of shocking ability and stunning talent, but also has to sigh the Fourth-Hokage as the innate talent of ninja.

In the Nine-Tails incident, the sacrifice of Fourth-Hokage became one of the important factors that Uchiha Clan was later suspected of by village high level and then developed to the point of rebellion.

Because Nine-Tails is not a natural event, but someone is manipulating it all behind the scenes.


Itachi both eyes, the man who manipulated Nine-Tails and attacked Konoha, the "Akatsuki", the masked, mysterious man who called himself Uchiha Madara.

Madara claimed to have suffered a serious injury in the battle with First-Hokage Senju Hashirama, so strength is far worse than before.

Itachi had actually doubted his identity, but after he had contacted him, he found that his knowledge and experience were only in Madara in Uchiha Clan's clansman.

It was because he used the Sharingan to manipulate Nine-Tails to attack Konoha, which made the relationship between Uchiha and the village high level once again intensified.

To this day, the high level of the village is avoiding Uchiha.

They don't want to see the emergence of the second Uchiha Madara.

Therefore, the most important part of improving the relationship between Uchiha and the village high level is to prevent Madara from manipulating Nine-Tails to attack the village and prevent the death of Fourth-Hokage.

"The days when Nine-Tails attacked the village, I remember it..."

Itachi's mind was silently calculated. On the night of Nine-Tails' attack, father and mother just had something to go out. He looked at Sasuke at home alone.

That day, for any Konoha Ninja, the impression was too deep.

"There is less than three months." Itachi whispered.

Yesterday was Sasuke's birthday, and Nine-Tails attacked the village on October 10.

"With me now, how can I not grow enough to change the situation in a few months..."

Itachi's current body is his 5 years old, even though he has studied Ninjutsu knowledge and combat skills, and already-opened Sharingan.

In these dozens of days, even if he is desperate for training, it will not help.

"October 10, it should be Naruto's birthday..."

Itachi whispered, before he and Sasuke for the battle, had specially seen the son of Fourth-Hokage, Uzumaki Naruto.

The youngster, like his father, has a heart that loves the village and his companions.

In any case, Naruto has to recover Sasuke, who used to be the same ninja team companion.

His feelings for Sasuke are even as good as the elder brother of Itachi.

It was only then that Naruto should not know that his father was the Fourth-Hokage that had been squatting since childhood.

Moreover, his parents died on the night of his birth.

Itachi didn't deliberately investigate Naruto's birthday, but the Fourth-Kage made his child Jinchuriki before he died, and the Nine-Tails seal entered Naruto's within-the-body.

His last Jinchuriki, which is Naruto's mother, Uzumaki Kushina.

Itachi not at all I heard from Madara what happened 16 years ago, but it is not difficult to guess.

Although Madara has the eyes-power that can manipulate Nine-Tails, Kushina is not only protected by Fourth-Hokage, but the seal of Uzumaki Clan with Nine-Tails is not easy to deal with.

Therefore, Madara should be giving birth to Kushina, and almost all of the power that suppresses Nine-Tails is transferred to the fetus, and the attack-type force is weakened when it is attacked.

Madara's power is no longer the Peak, and only when Naruto was born, and then Fourth-Hokage was distracted, he could succeed, and Nine-Tails was stripped from Kushina and manipulated.

Therefore, Itachi wants to change all of this, and does not necessarily need to have the power to do things.

He only needs to relay the information he knows to Fourth-Hokage, and if the latter is guarded, Madara can hardly succeed.

However, once Itachi speaks of information, it is equivalent to exposing his own rebirth.

"There are fewer people who know this, the better, and they can't be conveyed to the Fourth-Kage through father..."

Itachi had previously shown anomalies in front of Mikoto and Fugaku.

If you let them know what happened to them, Itachi does not know how to face their parents.

Therefore, he thought twice and decided to tell Fourth-Hokage directly.

But Itachi didn't get the idea for a while, because he didn't know much about Namikaze Minato, and some of the information he knew was not good for Uchiha.

"Remember that mother and Uzumaki Kushina and Fourth-Kage are the same students in Academy, maybe they can get some information from her..."

Itachi picked a brow and figured up and jumped off the roof to the room of Mikoto and Fugaku.