
Reappearance of Konoha’s Itachi

He is the ninja who silently guards the village in the dark, and he does not hesitate to bear the nickname and the hatred of his brother. No one understood him. When he mentioned him, he only had the word traitor. However, in his heart, he still has the pride of being Konoha Ninja. As Uchiha's surname, when Itachi once again faced the life of the past, the change was destiny, but the heart that loved the village and the younger brother never changed. Itachi doesn't want to be regarded as a genius, nor does he love the name of a hero. He just wants to protect himself... Warning! This fic is not mine, the author is 'Qidian'. I read it on the 'Comrade Mao' website, I really liked it and I want to share it.

Darkness_Sun · Anime und Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter IV


Itachi's head is heavy on the wooden floor and the sound is clear and audible.

"Itachi, what are you doing?"

Mikoto was shocked and walked quickly to the front of Itachi, extending the hand to help him.

But at this time, Itachi struggled, didn't want to get up, or said he didn't dare to get up.

In this way, he buried his struggling face on the ground.

"wa wow!"

Sasuke in the cradle, after seeing the reaction of Itachi, burst into tears.

"You talk, what happened, tell mother."

Mikoto held one of Itachi's arms, his brows were close, but he still kept a soft tone in persuading Itachi.

It is impossible for her to know that the struggle of Itachi at this time is naturally impossible.

Mikoto Yesterday, genius just gave birth to Sasuke, plus today I have to go to the important meeting of the family early in the morning, and go home to see the look of Itachi, a moment of anxious emotions poured into my heart.

Her body suddenly softened and she would fall to the side.

At this time, a strong palm appeared to help Mikoto, and it was Fugaku.

"Mikoto, are you okay?" Fugaku asked worriedly.

"mother, what's wrong with you?"

When he heard the voice of Fugaku, Itachi immediately raised his head and worried.

On his forehead, because of the move just now, the redness of the cockroach.


At the same time, Fugaku and Mikoto saw the look of Itachi at the same time.

"I am fine."

Mikoto saw Itachi's injury, looked confused, directed at Itachi extend the hand, and asked: "What happened?"

Itachi is difficult to start to talk, his face is struggling and there is no answer.

With the help of Fugaku, Mikoto stood up and she wanted to continue to ask.

Fugaku suddenly patted her shoulder and said, "Let's see how Sasuke is going. I will ask him about the rest."

Mikoto frowned, looking at Fugaku and Itachi father and son, nodded, and went to the cradle.

"stand up."

Fugaku overlooks Itachi, said solemnly lying on the ground.

Itachi's body was still shaking slightly at the moment, and he didn't think about it.

He doesn't know how to make up for his parents at the moment, so he has always been smart and alert, but he chose this most stupid way.

"You want your mother because you continue to worry, the younger brother will cry next?"

"I will say it again, give me up!" Fugaku gradually frowned.

Itachi realized that what he is doing now will make parents feel worried and will stand up immediately.

But when he was kneeling, he was too hard, so when he stood up, his knee felt soft.

Fugaku's timely extension of the hand helped him.

After a few seconds of pause, he looked-at Itachi and said, "Can you stand up?"

"Un." Itachi nodded.

Fugaku withdrew his palm and turned to walk outside the door and said, "Follow me."

Itachi stunned startled in place and followed Fugaku out.

At this time, Mikoto took Sasuke into his arms and slowly stroked his back with his hands and let him calm down.

After Sasuke's crying weakened a little, she returned to the scorpion, gaze at the back of Itachi just out, and her brows were still close.


But she doesn't keep up with Fugaku and Itachi, Mikoto believes that the former will handle this matter well.


Fugaku took Itachi out of the room and came to the courtyard.

"I am sorry…"

Itachi stood in front of Fugaku and didn't dare to look up. He could only apologize for the stupidity he had just made.

"He lifted his head, looks-at me." Fugaku said awkwardly.

This is exactly the same as the father in Itachi's memory. He slowly raised his head, and the escape and embarrassment in his eyes did not ease.

"You are not going to explain to me and your mother?" Fugaku asked.

"father, me..."

Itachi clutched his fist tightly.

Although it is not completely clear whether it is in reality or Genjutsu, in any case, Itachi can't tell the story.

Otherwise, he does not know how to face his parents.

Seeing that Itachi was arrogant, Fugaku wrinkled frowned and said: "It seems that you are not going to explain the reasons to me."

"Then I will not ask."

He did not entangle too much in this matter, nor did he continue to ask Itachi.

Fugaku just looked at Itachi.

When he completely understood the embarrassment, escape, and struggle in his eyes, Fugaku took a deep breath and closed his eyes slightly.


He swayed his palm and forced a slap on Itachi's face.

Itachi has a slap print on his face, but the mood is not at all much changed.

"I don't remember my sect over you, use this treatment when dealing with things." Fugaku said solemnly.

He embraced his arms and continued: "What? You intend to keep this status, and then let your family worry about it?"

"of course not!"

Itachi was touched and looked towards Fugaku.

"If not, just take me back to the ugly face on your face!"

Fugaku suddenly shouted: "My son and Mikoto will never be the kind of waste that will only cry and apologize when I meet things!"

"Uchiha Itachi, I don't know what you think about now, but I want you to remember that as a man, the most important thing is to learn to endure and endure."

"Repentance also doesn't help, the most important thing is not to let things you don't want to see, once again."

His words, like a nail, straight into the heart of Itachi.

"What's wrong with me?"

Itachi asks himself, he obviously can bear the conviction of his parents and Willpower, and endure prejudice and pain.

Why did you see your parents again and become like a coward?

As Fugaku said, he does this, not like father and mom damn it child, not even like a ninja.

"Yes, what I should do now is not regrets and jealousy, but to stop things that I don't want to see happen again!!"

Originally, Itachi's temper is almost impossible to appear in the mood just now, but exactly what he just faced is the only weak spot and soft underbelly in his heart.

Fugaku's words, Iwakened Itachi.

He should be glad that he has returned to this time, and the situation is not as bad as it was later.

There are many things that can change!

The feelings in the eyes of Itachi are no longer, and the cheeks with scars gradually emerged with firmness.

"I won't let the tragedy that happened again happen, I will stop them and change everything in memory!"

"village, friends, brother, father and mother, I will guard the good, absolutely!"