
Reaper: The Paranormal Adventures of Zach and Evelyn

A student by day and the Grim Reaper by night! Follow the paranormal adventures of Zach Reaper, son of Grim Reaper (the Grim Reaper) and the next in line to become Head of the Reapers, who doesn’t want to reap human souls. Instead, Zach works as a paranormal investigator, dealing with the occurrence of mythical and magical beasts in his hometown, Nestant Town, by reaping their souls. From ghosts, to Devils, to Supernatural Investigators after Zach’s bounty, NOTHING is off limits here in this supernatural action-comedy! Chapters every Monday/Friday at 4pm EST, starting January 1st, 2024!

Palewhale · Aktion
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49 Chs

Case #10-Hell on Earth, Part 3




A lone Angel sits at the edge of Heaven, watching Earth below as a swordsman fights a fearsome eight-headed dragon. "What is it, Aries?" Satan sighs as he turns around to face the other Devil approaching him from behind.

"Why are you sitting around watching humanity's turmoil all day long?" Aries snaps. "We have work to be doing!" 

Satan sighs, then peers down at earth again. "Do you ever think that it's...fair, Aries?" He asks. "That humanity prays to God but never the Angels?"

"Why…are you asking me this?" Aries asks.

"Come, take a seat next to your old friend," Satan orders as he pats the cloud next to him, and Aries apprehensively sits down next to Satan. "For decades now, Yamata no Orochi has been tormenting this town. Stealing their women, drinking their sake, trampling over their homes. Every time Yamata no Orochi tormented this town, the villagers of this town prayed to God. They prayed and they prayed and they prayed. They crafted crosses and set up shrines dedicated to God, but not once did God intervene to help this town. If God loves his creations, then wouldn't he have intervened in order to save them? Rather than letting Yamaya no Orochi screw over their lives year after year?"

Aries is silent.

"And this isn't the only example of God's deistic rule. Death, war, famine, pestilence, if God loves its creations as much as it says it does, then wouldn't none of these things exist?" Satan asks. "Wouldn't God allow for his creations to live up in Heaven, where there is no violence or poverty, and everyone is happy and at peace?" This time, Aries speaks up.

"You know how the story goes, Lucifer," the Angel replies. "When God created the first humans, Adam and Eve, he allowed them to stay in Heaven, and live in the Garden of Eden. The only rule was that Adam and Eve weren't allowed to eat the garden's fruit. But when a rogue Angel tempted Eve to eat the fruit, rather than living in bliss ignorance, Adam and Eve grew to learn shame, misery, and suffering. And as God said, if humanity can be persuaded to go against God by an Angel lesser than itself so easily, then they don't deserve to be in Heaven. Hence why humanity was banished to earth, and why that Angel was punished."

"But that's the thing, Aries," Satan replies. "God created humanity in his image, yet God only created beings lesser than it, thus proving that humanity's and Angelkind's only purpose in life is to rule under God, to be lesser than it. And I just find that ludicrous, is all."

"I…I do agree, somewhat," Aries replies. "I also find it strange that God created lifeforms just to serve under it and devote their lives to it. There must be some other reason for their, no, our creation other than that, no?"

"It is often said that humanity's purpose in life is to discover their own purpose in life," Satan explains. "But Angels were created to serve under God. God created humanity yet apparently doesn't want anything to do with them, so it created us in order to persevere humanity, to devote our lives to bringing them joy and bestowing them with miracles. But no matter how good Angels do, no matter how much joy we bring to humanity, Angels are never prayed to! And another thing, how come after death, humanity gets to spend eternal bliss in Heaven, even the bad ones, while us Angels only experience constant work? The most wicked human will have a better entirety than the holiest Angel."

"What...what are you getting at, Lucifer?" Aries nervously asks.

"I…" Lucifer begins to say as he stands up and stares down at Earth below. "Am going to defy God."


Seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years, decades, centuries, millennium, those are the units of which humanity uses to measure time. But Angels don't age. Angels have no conception of time, so time doesn't affect them. Thus, Satan had not a singular clue how long he spent trying to gain followers for his unholy revolution. But one day…Satan found himself ready enough to stand up to God.

"I'd like to speak with God," Satan commands an Angel guarding the golden castle where God resides.

"One does not have the right to demand an audience with God, especially not a lowly Angel such as yourself," the guard replies.

Satan clenches his hands into fists. "Let me rephrase my question then," Satan growls through grit teeth. "I am not asking you to speak with God, I'm telling you that I am going to go speak with them."

The Angel sneers at Satan then leans in close to his ear. "Don't think that I don't know what you're up to, Satan," the Angel spits. "I know your schemes. You will never be able to overthrow God, it will never happen." The Angel then retracts his face from Satan's

"And you think this is fair?" Satan asks. "God sits up on its golden throne doing nothing all day while Angels slave away serving humanity just to get no rewards!"

"Fair or not, it is my duty to obey God, as is yours," the Angel replies as it holds a hand out to Satan. "Which is why, Satan…you are banished from Heaven, as well as your follower, Aries!"

Satan's eyes widen. "Banished…but I didn't do anything!"

 "Yet, at least," the Angel replies. "But for attempting to overthrow God…you shall be banished from Heaven!"

A glowing light begins to emanate from the Angel, causing Satan to flinch. "Come on, Aries, let's get out of here!" Satan cries as the two Angels begin running away. But then, the white light flashes from the Angels body, causing Satan to grunt as he and Aries are blinded by the lights.

"Satan!" Aries cries.

"Aries!" Satan grunts."

"God is fond of your idea of a negative afterlife for wicked humans, Satan," A mysterious voice booms. "From this day onwards, Satan shall be banished to the underworld known as Hell, where he'll serve God by watching over and punishing the wicked humans who get deemed unworthy of attaining Heaven!"

Satan's eyes widen. "G-God…?"

 "Satan will serve God for entities, but rather than serving God in his Holy grace, he'll serve God in the depths of despair!" The voice continues. "You, Satan, wanted to be prayed to like God, but instead, you'll be despised by humanity as the one true evil and the opposite of God. Aries is to be stripped of his status as an Angel, this becoming a fallen Angel, as well!"

"Please, don't punish Aries, he's innocent!" Satan wails. "It was all my plan!"

"No, Satan, it's alright," Aries replies with a sad smile as his feathery white wings turn black. "I was in this all the way with you."

No, please!" Satan wails. "All I wanted was for life to be fair to everyone…"

And then…the white light overtakes Satan's vision.


When Satan awakes, he finds himself lying on the ground of a huge cavern of red, jagged rock, with no sky above, only a rocky ceiling a few hundred feet above him. Laying on the ground next to Satan, is Aries. Satan sighs as he stands up and looks around. "Well…where do I go from here?"



Upon stepping through the portal to Hell, I find myself free-falling through the air.

"Crimson, why are we falling?!" I cry to the Devil.

"The Portal to Hell always transports you to a random location in Hell!" Crimson answers

After a few seconds of falling, I land to the ground with a thud, as Crimson and Aunt Lucine land next to me. I then stand up and look around, finding myself standing in a huge cavern of red, jagged rock, with no sky above, only a rocky ceiling a few hundred feet above us. The cave that we were in had green howling winds, purple rivers, and dark red flames.

"Are we...in Hell…?" I ask.

"We've made it," Crimson answers.

I then look ahead of us, where I see Uncle Grim standing there with his scythe drawn. "Uncle Grim!" I excitedly exclaim. "We were looking everywhere for you! I guess you got a head start on us, huh?"

Uncle Grim doesn't answer me. Instead, he slowly lifts his scythe up as its blade begins glowing purple.

"Huh…?" I ask as I pause in my tracks. "Why are you-"

Aunt Lucine's eyes then widen. "ZACH, LOOK OUT!" She cries as Uncle Grim swings his scythe towards me, firing off a projectile of Soul Energy.



A clap rings through the air, and instantly, I find myself staring at Aunt Lucine's back. "Aunt Lucine!" I cry. Aunt Lucine brungs her hands up and infuses them with Soul Energy, using it to block against my uncle's Grim Reaper's Hunt. Aunt Lucine grunts as Uncle Grim's attack slowly pushes her back, and then, with a roar, Aunt Lucine knocks my uncle's Grim Reaper's Hunt away.

"Uncle Grim, what are you doing?!" I cry.

My uncle looks away in shame. "I can't…let you three go any further…" he softly says, causing my eyes to widne.

"What…do you mean…?" I tremble.

"My wife, my family, and my son died at the hands of the Reapers," Uncle Grim answers. "Satan will complete his transformation and he will overthrow Heaven and Purgatory. And if all of humankind and Agnelkind need to die for that to happen...then so be it!"

"Do you realize how crazy you sound?!" I cry.

"You don't understand anything, Zach!" Uncle Grim shouts back. "MY WIFE DIED IN FRONT OF MY OWN EYES, DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT'S LIKE?! The Harvesters may not have been planning a coup d'etat against the Reapers but I am!"

"So what, you're going to kill us too?" I growl.

"No…" Uncle Grim growls back. "All I have to do is keep you here until Satan awakens."

"You two go on ahead," Aunt Lucine says as she takes a step forward. "I'll keep Grim occupied."

"You should be on my side, Lucine!" Uncle Grim cries. "Your entire family was murdered by the Reapers, as well!"

"This isn't the way to go about things," Aunt Lucine replies. "Clarabella… Rosalind…Sol…none of them would want this."

"The opinion of the dead doesn't matter now!" Uncle Grim roars as he swings his scythe towards us, firing off another Grim Reaper's Hunt.

"Yes," Aunt Lucine answers. "Now go, Zach, Crimson!"

"Right!" Crimson and I reply as we dash forwards.

Aunt Lucine throws two souls behind Uncle Grim and claps her hands. "Soul Displacement!" She shouts as Crimson And I swap places witht he souls, which are shredded to pieces behind us.

"Zach, please, don't go!" Uncle Grim cries as he spins around to face me. "If you stay here, I won't kill you! But if you go fight Satan…you will die!"

"I'm sorry, Uncle," I reply. "But I must do this."

And then…Crimson and I are gone.


The journey through Hell was a gurling one. Crimson leads me over flaming mountains, through violent rivers, and past hordes of Devils. But eventually, we finally made it. And the castle of Hell is standing before us.

"Here we are," Crimson says, and I notice her shifting unfortunately from foot to foot.

"What's wrong?" I ask. "Nervous to be home?"

"Yeah…" Crimson answers as she takes a step forwards, but before we can enter the castle, the door swings open, and Crimson and I instinctively jump backwards.

And there he stands.

"Ezra…" I growl.

"Been a minute, Zach," Ezra smirks.

My eyes widen when I notice the dirty white bandages with splatters of red blood wrapped around Ezra's left eye. "Your eye…" I growl.

"Yep," Ezra smirks as he pats his bandages. "The Eye of Garuda."

"So you're here to stop us from getting to Satan, huh?!" I ask as I draw my sickle -sword.

Ezra flinches and takes a step backwards. "Woah woah, just the opposite!" Ezra cries as he waves his hands at us. "I'm here to help you!"

"Help us?" I ask as I lower my sickle-sword.

"Yeah," Ezra answers. "I want to kill Satan, too."

Mine and Crimson's eyes widen.

"First my Uncle, and now this?" I ask. "What is it…opposite day, or something?"

"But you've been helping my father all this time…" Crimson growls. "Why now all of a sudden do you turn on him, in the final stages of his plan?"

"Because I didn't realize how far Satan's plans would reach," Ezra sighs. "I only joined with Satan because he told me his plan to overthrow Heaven and Purgatory. Of course, I know that overthrowing Heaven is obviously no good, but God will never allow that to happen, anyway. As for Purgatory, Satan told me that if I help him, he'll allow me to rule over Purgatory, so long as he gets half its property. And so, I obliged. I figured that if I become the Head Reaper, I can lead the clan into a better place, a place that wouldn't massacre the Harvesters."

"That's…like what Uncle Grim told me to do…" I softly say.

"Like father, like son," Ezra replies with a sad smile.

"Zach, you don't really believe him,do you?" Crimson whispers to me.

"I can't quite explain it, but Ezra…seems genuine," I whisper back. "Like all of the evil things he did were out of necessity, not out of desire."

"So are we-" Crimson begins to ask, but I cut her off.

"Yes," I answer. "We'll team up with Ezra. the two of us alone have no chance of standing up to Satan, but witht he three of us, just maybe…we can win."

Crimson sighs. "You're the boss."

"Alright," I say as I turn to Ezra and stick a hand out to him. "You're on the team."

"Pleasure to be working with you," Ezra smirks as he takes my hand, and the two of us shake. Crimson leers at Ezra. "Alright, let's go," Ezra orders as we turn around.

And then…the three of us enter Hell's Castle.


"Satan is this way," Ezra orders as he leads us through Satan's castle, then down a long, winding staircase.

"I don't care about where Satan is," I growl. "Where's Evelyn?!"

"Evelyn?" Ezra asks. "Ah, your friend!" Ezra then smirks at me. "Evelyn is in her prison cell, she's safe now. You won't be able to rescue her until Satan is dead, so let's just focus on killing Satan."

Swiftly, I grab Ezra by the shirt collar and shove him against a wall. "Show me where Evelyn is," I growled. "OR I'LL KILL YOU NOW!"

Ezra peers down his nose at me and smirks.

"Zach," Crimson says as she places hand on my shoulder. "As much as ( hate to admit it…Ezra's right. We have to kill Satan anyway, if we try to find Evelyn now, we'll just be putting her in danger."

"FINE!" I sigh as I let go of Ezra.

"Come on," Ezra orders as he fixes his shirt collar. "Let's go."

Eventually, the three of us find ourselves in a dimly lit basement, where there is nothing in the room, other than a large bed with a pulsing, transparent purple cocoon. In the cocoon…is Satan.

"Father…is metamorphosing…" Crimson marvels.

"Yes," Ezra answers. "We only have a few hours left, so the cocoon is in its weakest stage. We must kill Satan quick." Ezra peers over to me. "I'll follow your lead," he says. "You're the leader."

"Alright," I reply as I take a step forward. "We'll attack on three."

I pop a few Souls into my mouth and waves my hands throught he air before chambering them at my hip. Crimson's body engulfs in white-hot Hellfire, which raises intot he air and condenses, taking the form of a miniature sun above the Devil's head. As for Ezra, he draws his sickle-bow as Soul Energy bursts out of it, taking the form of a mighty. Soul Energy bow. Ezra knocks back a giant purple arrow.

"One!" I shout, as the tree of us ready our attacks.


I take a deep breath in…then out.





With a roar, the three of us launch our attacks forwards with all our might. Our attacks blast into the cocoon in a mighty explosion of purple, blue, and red. By the time that the explosion subsides, shattered chunks of the cocoon are lying on the ground all around Satan's bed.

"It…actually worked!" I exclaim as my eyes widen.

"We're not done yet," Ezra replies. "We still need to kill Satan."

I peer over at Crimson. "This is your goal," I say. "You do the honors."

"Thank you," Crimson replies as she nods at me. Crimson then turns towards the sleeping Satan, and takes a deep breath in…then out. Crimson approaches Satan and brings a hand up, igniting it in white-hot Hellfire. "Well father, this is it," Crimson sighs. "You used me and my sisters as slaves for years and threatened to kill my friends and this world. And now...it's time to say goodbye." And then…Crimson thrusts a hand towards Satan.

But then…a wave of nausea flows through my entire body.

Something feels horribly wrong.


But it's too late. Satan's four eyes shoot open, and then, one of his hands shoots up and grabs Crimson by the neck, causing Crimson's flames to fizzle out as Satan hoists Crimson off of her feet. Crimson gags and flails in protest as the life is strangled out of her by her own father.

"CRIMSON!" I cry, before turning to Ezra. "YOU SAID THIS WOULD WORK?!"

"I-I-!" Ezra stammers, his eyes widened. "I thought it would!"

"Hello, daughter," Satan smirks. Obviously, Crimson is too busy being strangled to reply, but she manages to brung a second fist up as she coats it in hellfire, before launching it towards Satan, who in response, reaches a second hand up and catches Crimson's fist, extinguishing her flames instantly. "Tsk tsk, naughty daughter," Satan scolds. "You need a time-out." Maroon red Hellflames then explode from Satan's hand, engulfing Crimson, causing the Devil to howl in pain as she's sent flying backwards, slamming into the basement wall behind her.

My eyes widen. "Satan's flames…flames…can hurt Crimson?!"

Crimson lands on the ground, charred-black and coughing frantically.

Slowly…Satan gets out of bed and stands up, then cracks his back from one side, and then to the next. Satan then turns to face Ezra and I, who flinch backwards in response and aim our respective Reaper-weapons at the King of Hell.

"I thought that you would betray me someday, Ezra," Satan sighs.

"That obvious eh?" Ezra smirks back as he quickly aims his sickle-bow at Satan and fires off a Soul Energy arrow. In response, Satan simply brings a hand up and snatches the arrow out of the air, before tossing it to the ground and stomping on it.

Mine and Ezra's eyes widen. "He caught…Soul Energy…?"

"Very well," Satan sighs, before aiming all four of his eyes on Ezra and I. "It seems that you three will be the first three that I eat on my path to world domination with my new Consumer body."


"That's right, Satan…is a Consumer now…" Ezra trembles. "Which means…that he can grow stronger by consuming us."

My eyes widen.

Crimson, Ezra, and I...we made a horrible mistake. We thought we were coming here in order to kill Satan, but instead…

We were just hand feeding ourselves to him.


Satan has woken up. So now, the war of Hell versus the world has officially begun. Satan waking up was the signal for his minions to begin their assault on the world. All across the world, at one singular moment, the Devils leaped out of all of the portals to Hell scattered across earth. Devils ransacked the Earth, slaughtering every last human that they came across as per Satan's orders. Within a matter of mere seconds, thousands of humans had already died. But also within seconds, Heaven saw what was happening, and so, all of the Angels were dispatched to Earth to begin fending off the Devils in order to preserve humanity. 

But that's not all. Heaven informed Purgatory as to what was happening, and Reapers, each in their own designated areas, began to aid the Angels by fending off the Devils as well.

And through this long battle, one very major thing happened. Supernatural creatures, whether they be from Heaven, Hell, Earth, or Purgatory made their way out of hiding, making their presence known. And thus, through news broadcasts and social media posts all across the world, the existence of supernatural truths was undoubtedly confirmed. Humanity now knew for sure that they were not alone in this world.

And thus…the world was thrown into chaos.


As Zach and Crimson run on ahead, Lucine turns to face Grim, who aims his scythe right at her.

"So you think that you're stronger than me, huh, little sis' in-law?" Grim asks.

"Yes," Lucine apathetically answers.

The fight between the strongest Harvester and the Head of the Reapers begins when Grim swings his scythe towards Leucine and shouts: "Grim Reaper's Hunt," firing off a purple, crescent-moon shaped Soul Energy projectile towards her.

In response, Lucine reaches into her messenger bag and draws a Soul, before tossing the Soul behind Grim.

"I know your tricks!" Grim shouts as he swings his scythe towards the soul that Leucine had tossed, slashing straight through it.

Meanwhile, Grim's Grim Reaper's Hunt continues flying towards Lucine. In order to defend, Lucine shoves a hand into her messenger soul and draws another soul, before popping it into her mouth and swallowing, and a burst of Soul Energy explodes from Lucine's body.

"Soul Displacement!" Lucine shouts as she claps her hands together, and immediately, Grim finds himself staring down his own attack, as Leucine and him swap places.

"What a tricky ability," Grim grumbles as he brings his scythe up as its blade begins swirling with purple Soul Energy.

"Grim Reaper's Hunt!" Grim shouts as he slashes through his old Grim Reaper's Hunt with his new one, in a giant burst of purple Soul Energy.

Lucine throws a soul behind Grim, towards his blindspot where he can't see, then claps her hands together as she shouts: "Soul Displacement," swapping places with said soul.

Lucine's shoulder, arms, back, fist, and hips then begin swirling with blue Soul Energy.

"SOUL FLASH!" Lucine shouts as she launches her fist towards Grim.

As for Grim, he brings his scythe up, and -just as before- it begins glowing with purple Soul Energy.

"GRIM REAPER'S HUNT!" Grim shouts as he swings his scythe towards Lucine, and the two attacks collide in a massive explosion of Soul Energy.

Next, Lucine reaches back into her messenger bag and pulls out another three souls.

Lucine tosses the three souls over to Grim, one by Grim's head on his right, one in front of Grim's stomach, and the final by Grim's left leg.

Aunt Lucine then shouts "Soul Displacement," as she claps her hands together, changing places with the first soul.

"First Smash!" Lucine shouts as she aims a Soul Energy-infused punch towards Grim's stomach, and Grim's eyes widen as he just narrowly brings his scythe up to block, and Lucine's fist clashes against the staff of Grim's scythe.

Next, Grim brings his staff up to the side to block as Lucine claps her hands again and shouts: "Soul Displacement," swapping places with the second soul.

"Second Smash!" Lucine shouts as she launches a Soul Energy-infused punch towards Grim's side, colliding against the shaft of his scythe, just as before.

"Damn," Grim grunts through grit teeth as he struggles against Lucine's fist. "Even if I know where she's going to attack, Lucine's Soul Displacement is too fast to counter."

"Soul Displacement!" Lucine shouts as she claps her hands together, swapping places with the third soul.

"Soul Flash!" Lucine shouts as she launches a Soul Energy-infused fist towards the top of Grim's head.

Grim attempts to bring his scythe up to counter, but he's too slow to block, and Lucine's Soul Energy-infused fist smashes into Grim's head, causing his knees to buckle as he crumbles to the ground, before being sent flying backwards.

Lucine then draws a Soul and leaps into the air, before flinging it towards Grim like a bomb. "Soul Grenade!" She shouts.

In order to defend, Grim slams the blade of his scythe into the ground. "Soul Shockwave!" Grim shouts as purple waves of Soul Energy explode outwards, countering Lucine's attack.

"Kage Reaper's Whirlwind!" Grim shouts as he lifts his scythe above his head and begins twirling it, and as he does so, the purple Soul Energy swirling around Grim's scythe bursts outwards, forming a tornado of Soul Energy.

"Soul Flash!" Lucine shouts as she slams a Soul Energy-infused fist into Grim's attack, which is powerless to do against his whirlwind, and only succeeds in bloodying up Lucine's arm.

"Damn," Lucine winces as she tosses a soul behind her, using it to put some distance between her and Grim' who's attack fizzles out soon after.

Lucine then reaches into her messenger bag and pulls out five souls, tossing them Grim's way, and the five souls surround Grim.

Lucine then sticks one of her arms out at one o'clock and the other at seven o'clock.

"The cultivation of all my souls…" Lucine begins to say as she brings her arms in a circle before, cupping them to her right hip. Lucine then thrusts her hands outwards, keeping her fingers apart as she touches her palms together.

As for Grim, he raises his scythe above his head and begins twirling it. As he does so, the blade of Grim's scythe begins to glow purple and extend outwards, forming a giant scythe blade.

Grim then brings his scythe out to the side as he raises his right knee up, before slamming it into the ground, and forming a crater in his wake. Grim then swings his scythe towards Lucine with all of his might.



A giant beam of blue Soul Energy then flies from Lucine's palms, but then, Lucine claps her hands together, and rather than flying forwards, Lucine's Soul Cannon swaps with the five souls that she had tossed around Grim, and Lucine's Soul Cannon is split up into five different pieces as it flies towards Grim from five directions at once.

"WHAT?!" Grim cries as he looks around frantically. "How am I supposed to counter this?!"

Grim frantically swings his scythe around, and manages to slash through one of Lucine's souls, but four more blasts of her Soul Cannon fly towards Grim, before exploding in a giant burst of blue Soul Energy.

As Grim's Grim Reaper's Hunt Mega flies towards Lucine, she sticks her hands out again and waves them through the air.

"The cultivation of all my souls…Soul Cannon!" Lucine shouts as she thrusts her hands outwards, firing off a beam of Soul Energy, which collides with Grim's grim Reaper's Hunt Mega, in an explosion of purple and blue Soul Energy.

By the time of Lucine's explosion of soul Energy subsidies, Grim is laying on the ground, defeated.

"So I...lost…?" Grim softly asks.

"I told you, Grim," Lucine replies. "I'm stronger than you."

"So what will you do now?" Grim asks.

"You know what I'm going for," Lucine answers. "I am going to go on ahead to aid Zach and Crimson in their battle to save the world. The question is…what will you do?"

"I did what I wanted to do and I failed," Grim replies as he looks away. "There's no place left for me now."

"That's not true," Lucine replies as she sticks a hand out to Grim. "Join me, Grim, and together, we will aid our nephew in his fight against Satan."

Grim peers up at Lucine, and then…he takes her hand.

"That's better," Lucine says as she helps Grim up to his feet. "Your plans will never come to pass. Your revenge will never come to pass. As much as I want to massacre all of the Reapers just as much as you do, it won't happen. Because I'm not so selfish that I value my revenge over the world."

"I know," Grim replies. "I knew that all along. But…I just feel like I can't look Clarabella in the eyes in the afterlife if I don't do all that I can to save her…"

"You still can," Lucine answers. "Come. Let's enter the battle and create a world where Reapers and Harvesters can live in peace, instead of either side massacring one another."

"Yes," Grim replies with a sad smile. "Let's go."

And then…Leucine helps Grim walk as the two head towards the battle against Satan.