
Reaper system in another world

Reaper System in Another World follows the journey of Mortis, an ordinary man who gains access to the eponymous system and embarks on a path of constant improvement. As he strives to reach the pinnacle of power and master the art of reaping souls, Mortis faces numerous challenges and battles formidable foes. Along the way, he forms alliances, falls in love, and uncovers the secrets of the world around him. With each step, Mortis grows stronger and closer to his ultimate goal of becoming the most powerful reaper in the land.

BlueScarlet · Fantasie
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287 Chs


In hell there was no night day Ziklus why Mortis did not know how long he has been in hell. So weeks passed in the forest without him seeing anyone or anything but he felt as soon as he rested a little murderousness or here and there something like a sting was fired at him. So he was constantly under stress and tension which drained him with time and he became more and more tired because he was always running mentally at full speed.

When Mortis thought that this test might just help him to sharpen his senses to better sense danger he felt a powerful tremor and from the ground rose something like a bull covered with bark but when Mortis saw the creature from the front he was a little scared the creature could have arisen from his nightmare from the front it was like a black dead tree with a wide grin that has massive pointed teeth with fiery red eyes Behind where the tail of the bull was 2 snakes. "What is that? I would say a wood chimera, I'll call you Woodära."

The Woodära opened its mouth and ran against the tree on which Mortis was sitting, crushing the trunk of the tree with its teeth. Mortis toppled over with the tree but managed to hang onto a branch of another tree just before hitting the ground to avoid being crushed by the previous one. He then let go and faced the monster that was about 3 meters tall. The nasty evil smile could really scare you from this tree monster but Mortis only cared about surviving against his enemy no matter how hideous the creature is and he wanted to get it over with quickly because he was exhausted and exhausted now he understood what he was constantly feeling but that annoyed him even more because he was playing in the monster's cards.

But when Mortis thought about how to attack it and where this creature might have a blind spot, he saw 2 snake heads spitting wooden spikes at him. Mortis was just able to dodge them and charged at the Woodära with this monster running at him with a big mouth and its mouth was so wide open that it could have chewed Mortis whole. Mortis didn't think twice and jumped with a scythe swivel 2 times to get past the creature without landing in its throat. He hit the side of the monster but it didn't seem to do him any harm so Mortis used his position and hit the monster a few more times but it suddenly went on 2 legs and tried to trample Mortis as if he were an insect.

With a ghostly retreat, Mortis managed to avoid the danger, realizing that the force of the bull's part was so powerful that even the trees in a radius of 20 meters were bending and the ground was shaking. On the trembling ground Mortis could hardly hold himself and so he was at the mercy of the needles that were shot at him by the snakes. The first few shots he was able to fend off with a lot of concentration but these beasts kept shooting at him so mortis decided to jump but because of the shaking ground he jumped sideways instead of upwards and the needles followed him which were as big as a forearm so he used sideways double jump to get behind a row of trees which he managed but he slithered along the ground and burned his skin and scraped his skin off. The pain woke him up and made him realize that this opponent was not an easy one and that he really had to get everything out of himself.

As soon as Mortis stood up, the Wood era came at him with its mouth wide open and tore trees out of the ground as if they were just paper standing in the way. Mortis ran away from the monster towards a thick tree jumped high used double jump supported himself from the tree used double jump and managed to land on the monster the problem was only the tree pieces and branches flew at him because the creature just keeps running and always seems to take more with him. Mortis tried to dodge and land some hits on the creature but the creature was hard you could say Mortis didn't even leave any scratches.

The Moodära stopped and the snakes activated and tried to tear Mortis apart, but Mortis managed to dodge or block while also landing some hits against them, but then Mortis felt his movement restricted as vines tied themselves around his legs and seemed to hold him down. When his legs were completely wrapped the creature staggered and started to fall to the right Mortis realized that this creature wanted to roll and crush him.

Mortis used Fallen Comet to get the vines off his legs and then jumped up to land on his belly. After all, this creature must have some kind of weakness, Mortis thought. But again it was only scratches that he inflicted on the creature.

There the Woodära turned around again to come on its legs thereby Mortis jumped from him and tried the short time to use itself something to think out however on the fast nothing fell to him so he played with the monster cat and mouse and hoped that its perseverance at least something would decrease. When it looked like Mortis had enough distance he threw his ghost scythe because it actually penetrates everything and so this creature would have to suffer damage but it didn't flinch when it was hit.

The monster was getting faster and faster and there were less and less standing trees in the arena as Mortis noticed that all the seats on the revolving stage were full as if they knew when this creature was going to appear and the Demons were enjoying watching it despair.

You bastards, you want to make fun of me because we are here in hell, I will show you the abyss of hell! Mortis roared in his mind. His eyes lit up and he involuntarily gave off that silver mist again, which left Mortis wide open mouthed, having forgotten again that he is not only bound to the abilities of his system.

So Mortis spread the fog and let the temperature sink further and further so that it was about to be a huge iceberg that he sent around the monster hoping to slow down the monster and if possible to penetrate the bark of this creature that if he cools down his fog even further it will burst open from the inside especially if he hits it with force. The fog first unsettled the beast tree monster and made it stop and look around in panic.

Mortis took the chance and jumped on the wood and swung with his scythe again and again on the same place, but he realized that even if he let the fog become ice at this point and has some success, he still needs months to get through and the monster was slowly getting used to the situation and the snakes attacked again.

Mortis had no more time to create the fog and to change it demanded him almost all the mana he has even if hell has a lot and he tries to collect it during the fight it was not much and the exhaustion was so great that he even barely managed the last blows so he put everything on one last card.

Mortis created more ghost plats like a spiral staircase against the sky and blast far up the fog he made ice to keep the Woodära on the spot. Far up in the sky Mortis gained momentum then all that could be heard was I hate it but it has to be done and so Mortis Fallen Comet kicked in and like a falling star it flew towards the monster.

The monster recognized danger and tried to bite itself free which also succeeded in the front part and when the monster saw Mortis flying towards it, it lifted its head to the side and opened its mouth wide to eat it in flight. With sharp teeth it wanted to kick Mortis but this was like a circular saw that cut through the teeth and the rest of the monster and so cut the beast in two halves but this was not entstaion but the floor of the arena was completely caught and from Mortis spread a wave of logs and earth that rolled on the spectators.

Mortis saw what he had done and he smiled and his thoughts were. Hope you pigs die. Then his eyes closed and he fell asleep.