
Reaper system in another world

Reaper System in Another World follows the journey of Mortis, an ordinary man who gains access to the eponymous system and embarks on a path of constant improvement. As he strives to reach the pinnacle of power and master the art of reaping souls, Mortis faces numerous challenges and battles formidable foes. Along the way, he forms alliances, falls in love, and uncovers the secrets of the world around him. With each step, Mortis grows stronger and closer to his ultimate goal of becoming the most powerful reaper in the land.

BlueScarlet · Fantasie
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287 Chs

Unexpected visit to Merlin's realm

Mortis wandered around his mother's church, holding his glowing red eye. "It can truly be a nuisance to possess the hot-blooded blood of my father, and the more my spirit enters divinity, the more it seems I become more like my parents," Mortis said as he tried to calm himself further and leave the church to approach Merlin's castle. His clothes were also becoming commonplace again, though his scythe still had an ominous aura hovering around him, as if ready to face more soldiers at any moment. The city grew much larger with the shift, offering new projects, but it seemed Merlin took advantage of the large gap for more trees and plants, which gave the city an even more natural charm, something Mortis noticed but couldn't really judge right now. But the citizens immediately recognized their old count and current king, who approached the castle slowly and gloomily.

Soldiers and citizens quickly rushed to the castle and greeted Mortis with reverence and love. He returned the greetings with small gestures. When he finally reached the castle, his voice echoed darkly through the walls: "Merlin, the bum, is here and he's really hungry."

The soldiers looked confused and some of them couldn't help but grin. At that moment, Merlin appeared from the castle, accompanied by Opera and another young woman. Merlin didn't know what was going on, but he could see Mortis' upset mood. He gulped as if he had done something wrong. A servant was already hurrying over with small delicacies and lovingly offered them to Mortis on a tray. Mortis took it immediately and ran past Merlin to the dining room, munching away.

After Mortis had sat down, numerous servants brought food and drink and served him. Over time, not only his stomach but also his mood improved. Merlin, who was seated opposite him, finally dared to speak to Mortis. Mortis, however, immediately became angry again and said: "I slept badly because of you, and some words are ringing in my head. Maybe it's the blow I took, but what was that about the bum again?"

Merlin's jaw dropped and he didn't know what to say. Then he explained with an angelic smile: "We're friends, we tease each other a bit. Besides, it was when you were in a fierce fight. That's when I got carried away." He smiled kindly.

Mortis also tried to smile friendly and then said: "You're right. And because you are my friend, you will accompany me. Death seems to roam the continent of the sands, and I could use you there. After all, Solaman and I can't do everything alone. I need more companions. I should also get William and Jochen in touch. They're at every skirmish anyway. The weather is really bad and the views are poor except for the cities, but it's going to be a lot of fun and my friends won't want to miss out. Oh, and who's that?" Mortis pointed to the young woman who had welcomed him, Merlin and Opera.

Merlin looked at Claudia and said: "That's my future second wife, Claudia. She is a countess's daughter from the south. It seems I need to learn how to negotiate, because I seem to have agreed to a marriage contract I didn't intend."

Mortis grinned nastily, leaned back and said, "Who are you telling the lie to, yourself or Opera? She won't rip your head off. The little one is truly handsome. So, should I congratulate you or rather pity you for having a cute second wife?"

Merlin would have loved to jump over the table and slap Mortis. At that moment, Opera also came to his side and said: "Yes, darling, who are you trying to fool? Your naive wife or your boyfriend, who already has nine, if not twenty wives? After all, he's off on another adventure, and he's always bringing new ones with him."

Mortis waved Claudia over and offered her a seat next to him. Although the young woman seemed intimidated, she followed Mortis. He noticed her shyness, laughed and offered her his hand in a friendly manner. Claudia was amazed at the man's openness and wondered whether he was testing her or scrutinizing her. But before she could sink into her thoughts, Mortis peppered her with questions like a normal friend who is worried about his friend not putting his foot in his mouth. The shy woman could hardly keep up, so Opera spoke for her when Mortis was satisfied and his mood took on the highest form.

Mortis stood up, thanked him for the nice conversation and indicated to Merlin that they had to go. Merlin didn't want to, but Opera told him that she should contact Jochen, William and the others, as they would obviously be needed soon. The servants brought food for Merlin and Mortis, which visibly pleased the latter. Then they made their way to the church, where Daniel was already waiting for them. The high priest explained that he was traveling with them to see more and to consecrate the temples of the new continent. He was also to find a young man called Thomas. Mortis was pleased to have another companion, raised his amulet and disappeared with both of them from Bamberg back to the tomb where the battle against the large number of undead was taking place.