
Reaper system in another world

Reaper System in Another World follows the journey of Mortis, an ordinary man who gains access to the eponymous system and embarks on a path of constant improvement. As he strives to reach the pinnacle of power and master the art of reaping souls, Mortis faces numerous challenges and battles formidable foes. Along the way, he forms alliances, falls in love, and uncovers the secrets of the world around him. With each step, Mortis grows stronger and closer to his ultimate goal of becoming the most powerful reaper in the land.

BlueScarlet · Fantasie
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The Search for a Raid Team

Mortis reached the border of the land and found himself in front of a huge wall that delimited the entire area and seemed to divide the continent. He then walked in an easterly direction to reach a small town where the dungeon for adventurers was also located, to test if he was ready to face the challenges in the south. He didn't know if it was a solo dungeon or a dungeon for a larger group, but he was sure that this dungeon shouldn't be too much of a challenge. However, he had to find people if this dungeon was designed for several adventurers.

After arriving in the small town of Nordgrenz, Mortis went directly to the Adventurers Guild to get information or find a team that still needed members to clear the raid. As in most guilds, there were at least two women at the front desk to receive people and provide information. From the clerk, Mortis learned that this was not a solo dungeon, but a raid that needed ten people to clear. But he was lucky, because a guild made up of adventurers wanted to clear the raid and was looking for people this afternoon. She said that he should try his luck, even if the chance was slim, because he was only a D-rank adventurer and most were looking for someone with experience in dungeons and teamwork. Mortis looked at his medal and only now realized that he had forgotten something important: to take care of missions and dungeons to increase his rank.

Since Mortis still had some time, he went to the market to look around. He was surprised at how expensive everything was here, but after careful consideration, that was only to be expected. After all, a lot of adventurers came here, and if they wanted to successfully clear the raid, they needed more equipment and potions. So it was no wonder that blacksmiths and merchants had higher prices here, almost like at a gas station. Mortis had enough potions, which Lumina and her apprentice Zara had provided. But he wanted to see if he could find something more special. But again he was disappointed, so Mortis headed for an inn to get something to eat.

As he ate, he thought about how it was that he could get really good equipment in a village or small town, but here everything was just up to the normal standard. Then it occurred to him that there are always people who aspire to higher things, but probably don't enter the world to spread their wares. So surely some have treasures at home of which they know nothing, and especially have nothing. But the bad thing is that they do not promote each other, and only because everything stays in the family and trade routes are too uncertain.

Mortis almost jumped for joy, yelling in his mind, "System, note an auction house run with mages who can open portals to bypass the trade route."

"I could note that down or also inform Leonie about it, since she is noted as your partner since your wedding. Or have you forgotten that?" the system asked.

"Yes, I did. But it's good that you're here. Please send her this message to sit down with Merlin and the others to plan something," Mortis replied.

"Thanks to you, Fidelia," he added.

Near the market there is a meeting place, which is more like a small training ring, where the equipment and class of the adventurers are evaluated, who must join a group, as they wander the world alone. Mortis was there early, but he was far from the first, as a whole group of adventurers were already there to compete. Mortis found this interesting, he wondered if this method of rating classes and equipment was introduced by an old gamer before there were programs that could convey everything about a character. What shocked him, however, was that there were many healers and tanks looking for a group instead of banding together and forming one themselves. Operating in an established group is like getting pulled, Mortis didn't want that, but he understood that the chance of survival in a newly formed group was slim.

Some adventurers and citizens on the sidelines were talking about whether the raid would be accomplished or whether it might be that several people would have to be replaced, since this raid had already cost many a life or destroyed guilds.

After a while, a group appeared where everyone was wearing a tabard with the same symbol and colors: a golden bull on a green background. Mortis found this interesting, since this was the first guild he saw and he thought it was cool to show his affiliation this way, even if it was unusual.

A fat, tall man with a brown, long beard and hair stood in the middle and spoke to those gathered. He had a stable and confident demeanor about him, which immediately silenced the crowd and made them listen intently. The man explained that they needed two people for this raid: a DD and a healer. But as a reserve, they would like to have two more, as casualties should be expected. The tanks were a bit disappointed, but they left quietly while the DDs and healers rejoiced. The man waited a bit and when it became emptier and quiet again, he said just like that, those who would like to apply should line up and present themselves.

Mortis watched as a line of adventurers lined up to apply for the two vacant spots in the raid group. Some of them were already marked with their tabards of guilds or factions, while others appeared in plain traveling robes.

The first applicant was a young man with short blond hair and a carefully trimmed beard. He introduced himself as "Hans, the Blade Master" and explained his experience with two-handed swords. He boasted that he was capable of single-handedly defeating a horde of monsters. The crowd murmured in approval as he drew his weapon and whirled it through the air with a flourish.

Next, a young woman in a fine blue robe stepped forward. She introduced herself as "Leah, the Archmage" and explained her skills in fire and ice magic. She presented a small, sparkling orb that she pulled out of her pocket and let it float in the air before exploding it. The crowd clapped enthusiastically as they admired her magic skills.

Several other suitors followed, including an old warrior with a huge hammer, a cunning thief with a mask, and a young priest with a holy symbol around his neck. Each of them had their own strengths and abilities, but Mortis could see that the man in the middle was still waiting.

Finally, the time had come. The man with the staff stepped forward and explained his name as "Magna, the Guildmaster". He introduced his group as the "Golden Bulls" and explained their successes in past raids. Then he turned to Mortis and the other potential candidates and said, "We're looking for people with experience and skill. But most of all, we're looking for people who are willing to work as part of a group and work together to beat the Raid. Who among you has what it takes?"

Mortis stood quietly and watched as the others lined up and presented themselves. He was still thinking about what skills he should present to convince.

Mortis went over his abilities and got a grin on his face. He stood in the middle of the field and summoned his 3 spirit companions, 2 of which are former demons. This startled the crowd considerably. But when he ordered the ghosts to attack him, they thought Mortis had run into a cabinet or something.

But when they saw how his 3 spirits fought with all kinds of attacks and without restraint, everyone was even more amazed. When Mortis gained the upper hand and was able to accomplish such a thing with his scythe without realizing it, he again advertised his church and the new classes it offers.

But as the fight heated up and Mino was already doing damage to the ring and the surrounding area, Magna stopped the fight. He had a maniacal smile on his face as he did so. How lucky could he be to have a hero by his side in his first raid?

Many of the damage classes made off after the performance. They didn't even expect to get a seat. But when it was Mortis von Bamberg's turn, there was whispering and singing of praises just because of his name. A DD in the corner did not whisper, but took out paper and wrote like a world champion. For him as a bard, such a display from a more reserved hero was a blessing, and he tried not to omit any detail from the battle he was about to be given. As a substitute, Leah, the mage, was chosen by Magnus and his guild. After that, the healers were judged.

Magna, the guild leader, wanted to make sure that the healers in his guild could perform well. Therefore, he developed a test for them to put their skills to the test.

First, he had a few members of his guild split into groups and gave them the task of fighting various enemies. Meanwhile, Magna watched the healers and paid attention to how effectively they could restore the group members.

Then Magna presented the healers with various challenges to test their responsiveness. For example, he would suddenly unleash a monster on them or deliberately damage the equipment of the party members to see how quickly and effectively the healers could react.

Next, Magna checked the healers' ability to think strategically. He gave them difficult scenarios where they had to quickly decide which party members to heal and which spells or items to use to win the battle.

Finally, Magna observed the healers working with other classes in the guild. He wanted to make sure they were able to work effectively with the damage classes and tanks and make the most of their abilities in combat.

After Magna completed all the tests, he evaluated each healer's performance and gave them feedback to further improve their skills.

In the end, he chose Aria of Silverrock and Thorne of Darkholm, with Aria being the first choice and Thorne acting as a replacement. With that completed, the Golden Bull guild headed to an inn with the new members to go over bosses and strategies so the raid could start the next morning.