
Reaper system in another world

Reaper System in Another World follows the journey of Mortis, an ordinary man who gains access to the eponymous system and embarks on a path of constant improvement. As he strives to reach the pinnacle of power and master the art of reaping souls, Mortis faces numerous challenges and battles formidable foes. Along the way, he forms alliances, falls in love, and uncovers the secrets of the world around him. With each step, Mortis grows stronger and closer to his ultimate goal of becoming the most powerful reaper in the land.

BlueScarlet · Fantasie
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287 Chs

Meeting of the Highborn: Unveiling Different Races

While Lillia looked at Nora with a smile, the other nobles also became attentive. For even though these three children were only wards, they represented a direct link to the future king, should the rumors spread four hours ago by couriers and transmission crystals be true.

So other nobles made their plans and tried to get into conversation with Mortis' wives, while Mortis stood in front of the throne and wanted to open the feast. But no sooner did Shiva or Mortis open their mouths than the gates to the throne room swung open and more and more nobles in their finest robes rushed in.

"What is the meaning of this?" whispered Shiva to one of her servants. But the servant also seemed to be uninformed. At that moment, another servant came running and reported, "My lady, I'm afraid the beginning will have to wait. More than 50 carriages have arrived, including even some from outside our country. It seems they all want to take part in the festivities."

"Participate even though they didn't take part in the battle?" asked Shiva, confused, almost angry. The servant replied, "It's not for me to say, but I guess it's their fault. After all, it was their stories and romance that swept the land in the last 24 hours and made people rush here."

Shiva opened her mouth to reply something, but no sound came out at first. Finally, she just nodded and then turned to the servant, "You should then make sure that everything is well prepared. After all, I can't embarrass myself any further. You will have to take the blame now."

The servant bowed respectfully and replied, "Rest assured, mistress, the guests will want for nothing."

Mortis went to his wives and to Opera, who in the meantime had joined Merlin in the celebration. Then he said, "It seems there is more of a crowd than expected. This will probably be a big party, as it seems nobles have invited themselves as well. Check on the other soldiers and adventurers to see who can help so that everyone is taken care of. We must not allow our reputation and that of my future wife to be dragged through the mud. If necessary, also take meat from magical beasts to satisfy the nobles."

Helga and Opera immediately headed for the kitchen while the other women searched for the adventurers and soldiers of Franken. Edna and Kathrin stood indecisive, not knowing what to do. Although they wanted to help, Mortis held them and said, "You just stay here and watch the children and me. After all, it would be strange if all the women fled from me. I think the queen and the others would like to talk with you." With that, he pushed the two of them toward the queen.

While Lumina, who was already a fixture in Mortis' harem and held a high rank, eyed Elara and Elysia musingly, Lumina peppered Elysia with questions. Lumina, in particular, found Elysia a bit peculiar, though she couldn't put her finger on why. Lumina's direct manner made Elysia nervous and even angry. But no matter how stubborn and haughty Elysia could be, she felt threatened by Lumina's superior attitude. When they both looked deeply into each other's eyes, Elysia snorted briefly and finally gave in, which angered her even more. However, she did not let her anger show. Something about Lumina caused Elysia to fear her more than anything she had experienced before.

Sure of victory, Lumina grinned and said, "Now you know your place. And if you want to have a better one, you have to work like all of us. Our man doesn't care about status, and only if you have permission from everyone will you be accepted. So learn humility and obedience. None of us will be your lickspittle. You would not be the first to learn that your standing does not matter with us. So, either you learn or your love was really fleeting. Now go to your family. It seems your mother has something to tell you."

Elysia turned to Lillia and saw her trying to discreetly and surreptitiously beckon Elysia to her. Annoyed, Elysia went to her mother. As Elysia left, Elara also wanted to follow, but Lumina stopped her and said, "Wait. You haven't proven your worth yet either. But I think I'm the wrong person for that. It's best you report to Marina and Valeria, since they are similar to you." Elara looked at Lumina, a little startled, then at Mortis. But Mortis just shrugged his shoulders and turned his gaze to the guests who had dared to invite themselves, further delaying all the planning and the celebration.

Counts and barons with wives and children entered one by one, so that the adjoining rooms had to be quickly opened and also quickly prepared to accommodate everyone. But before they dispersed and took their seats, they all had gifts for the Queen and the Margravine.

Although the Margravine would have preferred to speak with the other women immediately to learn what their duties would be and what was required of them in order to be at Mortis' side, she along with Mortis were asked by the Queen to come to the throne with the other women to be seated. Mortis thus took the place of the Margrave, while the Queen was enthroned in the seat of the first woman, the 2nd woman Elara took the seat next to her, Lumina took the seat of the 3rd woman, and Kathrin sat further back with Edna in the seats for the concubines.

Mortis didn't feel entirely comfortable with this, as if he would have to serve as some sort of protective wall and weapon. But giving up or lowering his head was not something he knew how to do. So he sat down proudly, his left hand resting on the backrest as he did so, while his right hand rested on his chin, seemingly making him brood. He looked anxiously waiting. Everyone in the room, whether they were already inside or still entering, might think that Mortis was born for royalty and was just waiting to carry his orders to the world. His scythe hovered around him, almost as if enjoying it as well.

After a few minutes, however, it suddenly became quiet, and a whisper spread at the gate, surprising both Mortis and those present. Suddenly, noble families of Adamite humans and other races such as elves, dwarves, vampires and beastmen entered the throne room. This unexpected appearance shocked almost everyone present, except Shiva. She rather frowned when she saw these nobles from another continent. But she quickly resumed her usual impassive face and waited to see what this appearance meant at this time. Mortis, on the other hand, eyed the guests for other features. After all, it would not be too long before he would change his race. Now they stood before him, and he could examine exactly which suited him better.

Even though he never thought of himself as an elf, he had to admit that they suited him best. And not just because of their beauty, but because of their athletic bodies. These showed that elves are creatures that are adept at agility and speed, and can perform any of their movements smoothly. The beastmen seemed agile as well, but most of those here seemed a bit bulkier and seemed more specialized in taking damage with their bodies. To Mortis, vampires were a mixture of adamites, humans, and elves. They seemed to relate to both: Agility and magic. Adamite humans were taller, had more muscle, and a different bone density. They probably had more bones, too, but they seemed more likely to fill the air with magic. And dwarves, well, they were born warriors with their broad crosses and a strong connection to nature. They were also good druids, which made them excellent tanks. While Mortis surveyed the new guests, they in turn eyed the man on the throne, who had the Queen as well as the Margravine at his side.