
Reaper system in another world

Reaper System in Another World follows the journey of Mortis, an ordinary man who gains access to the eponymous system and embarks on a path of constant improvement. As he strives to reach the pinnacle of power and master the art of reaping souls, Mortis faces numerous challenges and battles formidable foes. Along the way, he forms alliances, falls in love, and uncovers the secrets of the world around him. With each step, Mortis grows stronger and closer to his ultimate goal of becoming the most powerful reaper in the land.

BlueScarlet · Fantasie
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287 Chs

A miracle for gift

The next morning the great event dawned, and not even the sun had lit up the horizon when the townspeople already got up full of anticipation. They had dressed up in their best clothes and were ready to celebrate the upcoming feast with abandon. The bakers and butchers had had their hands full in the last few days, providing enough food for the market and decorating the city festively. It was obvious how happy the people were that their queen had finally found a life partner, and the feast promised to be a huge event.

Even in the castle, most everyone was up early to get dressed up, from the children to everyone else who was brought along for the feast. The entire town could hardly wait, and the excitement was palpable.

Shiva was especially taken by the preparations. Nervousness had kept her up all night, and in the morning she sat nervously in front of her mirror trying out different hairstyles and makeup looks. She was afraid that nothing would turn out right.

Early in the morning, Elara came to Shiva's room along with Elysia and the Elf Countess. The elf countess felt it was her duty to help the half-elf. Together with the private servants, they calmed Shiva and led her into a bath filled with special herbs from their homeland. This was supposed to help the queen relax and make her shine extra bright.

Mortis, on the other hand, was not so excited. Although he looked forward to this day, he had gradually grown accustomed to it. Instead, he preferred to help dress the children in their festive outfits and help tie ties so that John and Bernard would look their best. Zara and Nora would also dress up, and the boys were to be in no way inferior.

Jasmine, who had sewn the dresses for the party, was proud of her work. As she watched the women fill the guest room with their creations, she could feel satisfied.

The sun shone a warm orange and purple light over Rome, and from the temple as well as the small churches of the city, the bells began to ring louder than ever, as if they too were joyfully celebrating this special day.

The great gates of the castle opened, and Mortis stepped out along with Shiva. She was wrapped in a veil that made her beauty even more mysterious. Together they strode proudly forward as guests, family members and friends followed them.

The main street was lined with cheering citizens who enthusiastically cheered the royal couple and watched in anticipation as the two strode toward the temple. The city pulsed with excitement and joy on this memorable day.

At the temple, the couple separated to make final preparations in various rooms while guests and family members took their seats. Merlin and Jochen stayed with Mortis, as they were his groomsmen. With Shiva it was Elara and Leonie. 

While Shiva was checking her veil and making sure everything fit perfectly, a portal suddenly opened behind her. Through this portal entered Primus, the mother of Mortis, together with her husband. Primus wore fine clothes and greeted Shiva warmly, "Sorry I'm late, but I had some things to do. As with each of my daughters-in-law, I will be present with you, my child. I have thought long and hard about what to give you, and on this special day I will give you a miracle."

Out of the portal stepped the old king, accompanied by his wife, the elf Leyla. Elara and Shiva froze in surprise and could hardly believe what they saw. But the king and the elf were also amazed and slowly approached their children. The emotional atmosphere at that moment was overwhelming, as the two families united on such an important day. 

Elara saw her mother for the first time in her life and froze. She had grown up knowing that she came from a man other than the king. When the man stood before her, he took them both in his arms and wept pitifully. "I'm so glad both my daughters are okay," he said, barely able to calm himself. But he was quickly pushed back by Leyla, who hugged her children and patted them down as if it were a dream. She tried to be composed, but even her tears did not stop flowing as she held her children.

Elara just managed to ask in her astonishment what the former king meant by saying that she was his daughter. But the king bowed with tears and said, "I am sorry that I was such a weak king that I had to leave my wife and second child in the care of my friend. But yes, you are also my beloved child."

The revelation struck Elara and Shiva like a bolt from the blue. Elara, who had believed all her life that she came from a man other than the king, was now face to face with her biological father. Her emotions swirled, and she felt a mixture of confusion, joy, and sadness. Her eyes also filled with tears as the former king bowed to them and offered his apology.

"I am sorry that I was such a weak king that I had to take my wife and second child to safety with my friends. But yes, you are also my beloved child," he confessed through tears.

Shiva was also overwhelmed with emotion and could hardly believe what she was hearing. But her mother's embrace felt so familiar and warm that she knew this was her family.

Elara and Shiva embraced their parents, and a wave of reconciliation and love flowed between them. The past could not be changed, but the future offered the opportunity to come together as a family and make up for the lost years.

Primus, who was present to witness this moving encounter, smiled with satisfaction. She had managed to reunite her daughter with her true family, and that was a gift that was priceless.

Primus had a good sense of the right moment and carefully waved her magic wand over Shiva's face to make sure her precious makeup was not smeared. She pointed out that today was a solemn day and that Elara could ask her parents questions later. At present, however, they should concentrate on Shiva's and Mortis' day.

With Leyla accompanying them, they entered the wedding hall and the presence of the two gods silenced the entire gathering. Those who recognized Leyla knew that this was an extraordinary moment, but the elfess made no explanations. Instead, she took her seat and looked at Mortis, who was waiting at the altar for his bride.

The hall was gradually filling up with the guests, who were waiting expectantly for the bride's arrival. Mortis was nervous and excited at the same time. This day marked a significant turning point in his life, and he could hardly wait to take Shiva as his wife.

As excitement hung in the air, guests awaited the bride's arrival. The wedding hall was festively decorated, and the sun shone brightly through the windows to illuminate this special moment.