
Reaper of the Nine Worlds

A Lonely Cultivator a being forsaken by the Creator, a Broken Soul Without a Soul, a mortal without a Destiny, not bound by Fate or Karma. A perfect anomaly who cultivates body, soul, and mind to imperfection. With the power to transcend Samsara, distinguish the illusions of Reality, shatter space with a palm and reverse time with a glance. Yet, what's the point of wielding such power if you can’t protect your loved ones from a dictator, who hides within the darkness controlling the lives of trillions across the Omniverse? Or the inevitable fate that awaits you the moment you try to break free of the shackles placed upon you by Fate and Destiny? Forged to stop anyone and everyone from uncovering the truth and halting the gradually collapse of the Cosmos. So join us as we unravel the secrets of Rin’s enigmatic past and the truth behind his persist pursuit of freedom from Elizabeth. While traveling through the Cosmos like a Wanderer without a path.

CJE_Reaper · Fantasie
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152 Chs

Final Battle - Part 1

Swoosh! Boom! Clash!

"Hmph, for a variant you are quite strong, Jack? However, I cannot afford to lose, so either you are going to admit defeat, or else I'm going to have to break that spirit of yours," Wendell claimed after the first clash as she put on a pair of gauntlets and started at Jack like an eagle whose found their target.

"While that sounds great, Wendell," Jake smiled, "Not many have ever been able to break my~"

He was about to say before a fist appeared before his eyes and punched him to the farthest corner of the arena.

Whoosh! Boom! Thud! 

"Sorry, but I'm not in the mood to talk right now," Wendell muttered as she began to walk slowly toward Jake before shifting into a full-on sprint as fire energy began to coat her gauntlets and traces of lightning revolved around her feet.

Giving her a boost in speed as she instantly appeared before Jack and began to attack like a raging tempest.

'Damn for a person no taller than 5'1 she surely packs a punch, man,' Jake thought as he stood up and noticed a human bolt of lightning quickly approaching him, "Please tell me this is a joke?"

He muttered before bracing himself for impact as one punch after another was consecutively thrown at him. Without pause as if she was trying to turn him into a human punching bag.


"So, who do you think is going to win, Mister Kurama?" The announcer asked Rin as they watched the ongoing battle which honestly was taking a turn for the worse as Jake was sure to lose to our little fiery maiden if things continued the way they were.

"Not sure, but I have faith Jake will be able to turn things around," Rin replied as he kept his gaze focused on the fight.

"Hmm, and why is that? Considering for most people in attendance they would pick Wendell over Jake any day due to disparity in cultivation and seniority."

"While true, I have learned never to judge a book by its cover as nothing is set in stone, Mister Announcer."

"The names Roderick and while true, Rin… sometimes you can judge a book by its cover as there's no chance Jake can win in his current state," Roderick stated considering while what Rin said holds an ounce of truth there is just some things that cannot be changed no matter how talented or gifted someone is.

"I believe otherwise, Roderick but I can see why you would say that, so would you like to make a bet to see who would win between the two?" Rin asked as he took his eyes off the fight and gazed at the announcer with interest.

"Sure, why not so what shall we bet on?"

"You can set terms as I'm sure you won't ask for anything too extreme or shallow," Rin laughed.

'Just what makes you so confident, Rin Jasper Kurama?' Roderick thought as he glanced at Rin with weariness and hesitation before setting the terms of their bet, "If Jake wins, I'll gift you a low-tier Law stone of your choosing, but if Wendell wins you must do me a favor, how does that sound?"

"Okay, I can work with that, but do beware if it's something obscene or weird the bet is off," Rin had to say in case Roderick placed him in a situation that could ruin his family's image and reputation.

"Relax, while I may not like the Kurama family, I promise the favor will not be anything cannot accomplish, Rin."

"If you say so…"


Meanwhile within the arena…

"So do you finally give up, Jake?" Wendell asked as she towered over a beaten and bloody Jake who could barely stand as he leaned on his sword for support.

"Cough, while my body may be broken my spirit still shines bright," Jake said as he grinned from ear to ear still finding hope that he would be able to succeed.

"Sigh, while commendable, Jake reality has proven that you can't defeat me so put down that stubborn pride of yours and give up!"

"Tsk, sorry baby but… Giving Up Isn't the Style of This King," Jake uttered as his body began to heat up causing the temperature around them to rise as steam rose from his body, "… sorry, Master but it seems I'm still too prideful to lose to a little girl."

He laughed as his voice got deeper, his body grew taller, his hair turned as white as snow and his eyes turned completely red. Followed by the star pattern on Demise shining brightly leading to the weapon undergoing another transformation as a cluster of eyes appeared on the surface of the blade.

'Just who are you Jack as even in Tera weapons that could transform were rare and sought after by even All-Father?' Wendell wondered as she distanced herself from Jake and waited for him to power up as regardless of what hidden or forbidden technique, he employed the result would still be the same defeat.

"Aww, now this is what I'm talking about!" Jake exclaimed, 'Truly, just where did Mater acquire Vampirical Rage of Dawn? As there is no way a human could have made such an overpowered forbidden technique with such few restrictions.'

"So, are you finally ready to bow down and accept your defeat, Jake as this has gone on long enough?"

"Damn, am I that weak to you Wendell?!" Jack shouted as he disappeared from his position and reappeared before Wendell with Demise already in his hand as he did a downward slash.

Whoosh! Slash! Clang!

"Yes," Wendell muttered as she brought her gauntlets together producing a soundwave that collided with Jake's attack and nullified as it blasted him away. 

However, that was not the end of it as soon afterward while Jake was still in mid-air, Wendell silently appeared above him and sighed before dragging her fist back and punching downward.

As she said, "K.O." with a smile and landed with a victorious grin while the sound of a sonic boom could be heard behind her. Following Jake's descent from the air like a cannonball as he slammed into the ground.

Swoosh! Kaboom! Thud! Crack!

"I told you so," Wendell chuckled as she gazed behind her and shook her head disappointedly.