
The Awakening, a story retold.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The everlasting sound of the heart monitor echo's throughout the room. Unheard by the woman, age 21, peacefully laying on the hospital bed in a sleep like coma. Medium brown hair lays naturally around the woman's rounded face. Her rosy complexion peaks though her pallid skin. Creating an illusion of a sleeping beauty, who came out from a Disney book.

Suddenly, the woman's unmovable fingers twitched and the heaving of her chest becomes more notable. The nurse's mouth rounds, witnessing the unexpected movement. Restlessly, the nurse runs out of the room, abandoning her original task to check up on the patient. At the thud of the door closing, the serene sleeping beauty eyes fluttered open.

The door clicks open, with a doctor and a nurse following behind, walking into the room. Only to be momentarily stopped short in their tracks, as their gaze turns into a stare of awe at the sight before them. A petite woman, nobly sitting straight, peering outside the window. Her clear hazel eyes are undisturbed with haziness, displaying the woman's intelligence and confidence. However, if one would look closer, they would notice a tear slipping through her aloof mask. A tear, if seen, that would've broken the tranquil scene. Finally, the woman's luscious lips moves. "How long have I been asleep for?"

"Miss Lucia Hild, you have been in a coma for 100 days." The doctor quickly responds professionally, as he falls out of his daze, as he hears the silvery and soft-spoken words.

A soft chuckle suddenly fills the room, sending the doctor's and the nurses heart pounding. "Quite fitting... Instead of 100 years like in the Disney story, it was shortened to 100 days..." Lucia quietly mutters to herself. "Now leave me," she sternly stated, as Lucia leans onto her elbow, closing her eyes.

At the sound of the sudden coldness in her words the doctor and the nurses backs unconsciously straightens, a cold sweat threatening to break out as they hurriedly walk out of the room with the click of the door softly closing. Afraid to disturb the woman seemingly lost in her thoughts.

Moments later, Lucia reopens her eyes and a sigh escapes from her lips. Her sight trails to her bedside table and settles onto her laptop. Picking it up and settling it onto her lap, Lucia opens it, turns it on and immediately goes onto Microsoft words. A wave of emotions, complicated to explain flashed through her eyes as she starts to type. Typing what she experienced. Typing the illogical events which occurred that's out of world's logic. Typing the 100 days spent with him...


Hey guys! This is my first proper novel I am writing on Webnovel ^^

Please be considerate with any errors I may make. My current writing schedule will be trying to upload chapters at least twice a week or perhaps more.

I welcome you guys to my story: Reap my soul.

honeyyumAcreators' thoughts