
Rules Of Surviving

M woke up stretching, she use her hands to wipe her eyes clear, then hear and growling and chewing sound coming from the other side of the bed . She stood up and move close to the sound and saw Anna lying down with her stomach ripped open and a zombie kneeling beside her eating her organs. She closed her mouth with her hands, tears falling from her eyes moving backward slowly, suddenly the zombie stop and turn to it head slowly at her...M stand in a place ….suddenly turn to run but the zombie cut up with her and bite her neck open


M woke up breathing heavily with sweat over her body

Anna : hey you good

M : ( still breathing heavily ) ye….yeah just a nightmare

Anna : zombies?

M : ( nod )

Anna : it's a normal thing now beside we are living in it . Cheer up you will get over it

M : it felt real

Anna: it will stop soon. Freshen up and come downstairs and your breakfast is on the table

M : okay

10 mins laters after she was done having her bath and breakfast, she went outside Anna was sitting on the porch cleaning her gun

M : hey

Anna : hey… you had breakfast

M : yes just finish, where's everyone

Anna : out working or just moving around

M : oh okay . I had no idea you can still get bread

Anna : yeah well team 10 was lucky to storm upon flour they brought it back to town and we traded with them, gave them something they want for flour . Nisa baked it

M : cool …. It not that good but thankful

Anna : thankful right

M : hmm came you show me around

Anna : yeah sure am not doing anything for now

M : thanks

Anna : and teach you

M : teach me what ?

Anna : first let's get you familiar with the environment

M : sure

Anna : let go

She carried M around the town

Anna : that team 8 building don't mess with those guys they are not friendly

M : just like rose

The both of the laugh

M : i was expecting this place to be big

Anna : yeah it's small town , luckily there weren't much zombies, so Russell cleared out the few zombies and build a fence around it

M : the fence doesn't look that strong

Anna : that why they keep watch in every corner to keep zombies or bad people out

M : so this Russell his like the owner of the town

Anna : you can say that

M : you call those guys team 8, what about your team

Anna : we are team 20

M : everybody has their own team

Anna : yes , don't go around other teams they just love trouble

M : why is it divided like that

Anna : well before it's was more of unit then team. We use to be in unit 010, it's usually made up off 50 to 30 people

M : how many people ar in this town

Anna : a thousand or more

M : what happened to the unit

Anna : each unit goes out for supply run everyday and the food goes to the storage room, soon everyone began to notice someone or people were stealing from the store, fight broke out and the store was attacked, it was empty no supplies left. People starve after working hard then there was riots and people started backing out from their units forming a team so whatever supplies they bring belong only to them. Since then it's every man for himself. Some people left the town after

M : Russell does he go out for supplies run too

Anna : not really he has men for that and beside whatever every team bring back to town 10% is his . After everyone started going on self mission with there team, they started going out of control, so he put a law, what ever any team bring back to town 10% is his, if you don't agree to the law then you have no business in the town. You will be forced to leave

M : that's cheating, why don't you guys do something about it

Anna : ( chuckle ) it's either here or out there

Till walking

Anna : over there ( pointing to a building ) that the clinic, they lack some kind of drugs and equipment but it better than not having . Nisa works there

M : cool. Can I ask a question

Anna : sure what it

M : why bring me back here when it will put you at risk

Anna : I don't know, can't leave you there and if I had turned you over to Russell, you won't be here . They will give you supplies to last for two days and send you away. This place is populated and we trying to survive. Maybe if it was back there I would leave you

M : really

Anna : yes I had trust issues, still do but not has before only have faith in my team

M : why are they looking at me ( turning her head to the people standing by the road )

Anna : guessing they haven't seen you before, just act natural okay

Chuck walks up to them

Chuck : hey ladies..... woah you look beautiful Anna

Anna : good morning chuck

Chuck : when you say my name, it sound like a music filled with love

Anna : ( chuckle ) really

Chuck : You know I won't lie to you. Oh look it the faint girl how are you ( talking to M )

M : am okay

Chuck : nice, so where are you guys going

Anna : show her around and where are you going

Chuck : going for a drink ( raise a bottle of alcohol ) team 13 brought it last night

Anna : good for you

Chuck : wanna join me

Anna : thank for the offer, we be going now

Chuck : hm run away princess.. okay sure catch you later ( lean in and try to kiss Anna )

Anna step back and push his face aside

Anna : Jesus Chuck what the fuck

Chuck : I know you like me and I love when you play hard to get, don't worry am all us and waiting for you ( he winked at her, turn around and left )

M : he likes you

Anna : come on we are almost there

Finally the arrived at a filed not far

M : what was your life like before everything

Anna : funny enough it was super boring unlike now having fun killing zombies

M : why… did you have a family

Anna : then only difference between you and I is you had a family, as for me I never had one. I was an orphan

M : how sure are you I have a family

Anna : come on from the way you are, you look like a only child being spoiled by both parents

M :hm.. so what did you do before all this, like work

Anna : any guess

M : hmmm the military or a police officer

Anna : hmm why that

M : because of the way you act, give order and act in charge

Anna : why think so

M : well John is funny and doesn't takes things seriously, his the clown of the team, makes everyone happy, nisa she cooks and works in the clinic, taking care of everyone… the mother of the team, Steven is really quite, focus and smart…the brain of the team i guess, Mike I don't know much about him but almost like John but not close, and rose the serious one, always reminding everyone what they are to do, joy killer

Anna : nice you are very observant, I like that. Mike is the team driver his very skilled, if we are going on a tough mission his always reliable, he knows the road like his back of his hands . And you are right I was in the military

M : that cool were you are high rank officer

Anna : well that story is for another time.

M : okay why are we here ( looking around the field )

Anna : do you know how to shoot

M : I don't think so

Anna : well it's your lucky day here ( gave her a gun )

M : ( taking the gun in her hand ) wow it weight a lot for a small gun

Anna : you will get use to it. You see those bottles, I want you to imagine they are zombies coming your way, now kill them

M use both hands to hold the gun and shoot the bottle, she fell down after pulling the trigger and after 5 try's she missed every shot

Anna : come on you can do this here let me show you ( stood behind her holding the gun hand in hand with her ) hold on, first of all you learn to use one hand, hold it firm like that, one finger on the trigger, make your it comfortable in your hands like you holding a baby

M : this no baby

Anna : it is your baby from now on. Now aim for the target, take a deep breath now shoot

M shoot and the bottle shattered in pieces

M : wow that was nice

Anna : it is but if the was a zombie it would still be alive and you will dead

M : how, what do you mean

Anna : zombies are mindless beings , they are already dead….walking corpses, all they want is to feed on fresh..human or animal as long it's breathing. The only part in their body alive is the brain and once a bullet hit the brain, they are dead . That's why always aim for the head. Head shot and they are attracted to sound and smell of the body and blood

M : how do you know this things

Anna : unlike like you I was here when it started and leant the ways

M : head shot, got it

Anna : do you know the rules of surviving

M : have no ideal

Anna : let get the lecture then. Number one rule of surviving.. alway have a weapon on you

M : what about if there is no bullet in the gun

Anna : gun is not the only weapon there is…. You can turn anything into a weapon like a wood, sharp the edge it's a weapon, knife and dagger

M : dagger ?

Anna : yes my favorite you know why

M : why

Anna : Blade don't need reloading and like I said zombies are attracted to sound and smell of the body and blood. Using gun only put you in more danger

M : you're right but is it possible to find it

Anna : it's not, I have a dagger and their is a weapon room, you find any kind of weapon there. After teach you how to use a gun, you learn how to use a dagger

M : okay

Anna : now rule two… have a good hide out from zombies and humans

M : why will humans want to hurt themselves

Anna :Choose a location that's defensible. Look for a location with few entry points and high walls or fences to make it easier to defend against zombies and humans. It has always been hard to control people but with the power of the government and the military and all things was put in place but that doesn't mean people stopped crime and when the zombies virus break out it's turn everyone into outlaws. No body care about the government or military, that what ruin the country, everyone hard a power of their own. Zombies won't attack if you are far from them, all they want is to feed but humans…. We just love to destroy

M : what about if the place is really safe

Anna : I know I said it's safe here but no where is really safe, we got attacked by a group of refugees last two months, don't worry everything is okay, that why we keep watch at every corner so zombies or unwanted people won't come in and attack. Where you feel is the most safest place is actually the most risky place. Find somewhere you can keep out zombies and humans, more preferable somewhere high, like a tall building

M : the world really changed

Anna : it has always been like this, just the apocalypse bought out the bad side of everyone even people they think they are the nicest on the planet

M : no one except these to happen

Anna : no one ever did . Rule three…Have supply especially water .Food and water are essential for human survival. Without them, you won't have the energy or hydration necessary to survive, let alone fight off zombies.
If you're well-stocked with food and water, you'll be able to travel more freely without worrying about where your next meal will come from or how you'll stay hydrated. This can be especially important if you need to flee from a horde of zombies. Thirdly in a world where resources are scarce, food and water are more valuable commodities for trading with other survivors. Having a stockpile of food and water can give you an advantage when bartering for other necessities, such as weapons or medicine.

M : jezzz so much rules, it's making me feel dizzy

Anna : then prepare yourself to faint, thieve just half of it. Rule four Have a ride. Maintain a low profile. Avoid flashy or loud vehicles that may attract attention from zombies or other survivors.

Avoid vehicles with loud engines or noisy parts that could draw unwanted attention and stay off the main roads, Stick to back roads and less populated areas to avoid running into roadblocks or other obstacles.
Make sure to keep your vehicle stocked with supplies, such as food, water, and weapons. Sometimes you can't make it back to your safe zone

M : what's about bikes

Anna : yeah you can use that but can you use it for supplies runs

M : I did not think of that

Anna : rule five. Never run out of supplies before you restock. It's important to plan ahead and stay on top of your supplies .Rotate your supplies, use the oldest supplies first to ensure that you always have fresh food and water on hand.
Maintain an inventory, keep a list of your supplies and update it regularly so you know when it's time to go on a supply run.
Plan ahead, try to anticipate when you will need to go on a supply run, and schedule runs accordingly. Not only good and water, both weapons, guns okay

M : what if I have more than I can use

Anna : there's no such thing like more than you can use during this times, everything is important. Understand

She gave a nod

Anna : rule six Always have a backup plan. Having a backup plan is crucial for survival .Some guidelines for creating a backup plan, identify alternate route, Know several ways to get to and from your primary locations, in case your usual routes become blocked. Choose multiple rendezvous points, Identify several meeting points for your group, in case you become separated or need to regroup.
Have multiple safehouses, identify several locations where you can seek shelter, in case your primary safehouse becomes compromised

M : you said choose a meeting point for your group in case you become separated. But I don't have a group

Anna : you are a memento of my team, you have a group and maybe later in the future you will have a team of your own

M : I like your team better

Anna : am sure you do. Rule seven Trust No one. Trust must be earned and not freely given. Assume that any survivor you encounter could be dangerous, and approach them with caution.Trust your instincts when it comes to other survivors, if someone seems untrustworthy, it's better to err on the side of caution.
Keep a low profile try to avoid drawing attention to yourself or your group, as this could make you a target for other survivors

M : but I can trust right?

Anna : yes would have been a nice answer to given but as we have it no. Don't trust anyone in the town or anywhere not even me

M : but you trust your team don't you

Anna : I have faith in them not trust. Anyone can betray you at anytime even your team

M : But trusting make us stronger

Anna : you will learn with time. Rule eight Have more than one exits. Having multiple exits can mean the difference between life and death.Do a perimeter check before entering any location, walk around the perimeter to look for potential exits.
Plan your escape routes, identify at least two routes out of any location, in case one becomes blocked or unsafe.
Always have a way out, keep a weapon or tool on hand that can help you create an exit if needed, like a hacksaw. These because if you encounter or where you stay is been swamped by zombies or bad people

M : do you have another exit here in town

Anna : they do but I have mine personal and there's a escape car there with supplies in it and weapons

M : ohh

Anna : don't worry will show you some other time Lastly keep moving, keep low, keep quiet, keep alert! Don't stay in a place for a year, least 7 months. Staying in a place for too long can be dangerous,. Like one day you can go out for supplies run and coming back to same place everyday, can put you in high risk, someone can be watching watching your every move and when you feel too safe and comfortable they attack. That's what happen, we got too comfortable and felt safe then we were attacked at night. Keep moving, keep low, keep quiet and keep alert . These are my nine rules of surviving. Don't you understand

M : yes but too many

Anna : if you want to keep safe then add to it. ( she look up at the sky ) come on it's getting late, let's go back

M : how did you know so, the like the rules and what to do

Anna : well it's just like the military, going on mission to the enemy base, we can only keep moving staying in same place only puts us in high risk. Food and water is less so we can only ration it. Well it's almost same but different, the enemy knows what they're doing but zombies just mindless bodies walking around

M : okay …. Am pretty sure you had a high rank in the military from the way you lecture me . It's really cool ( gave her a thumbs up )

Anna : ( smiled and led the way ) let's go

M woke up stretching, she use her hands to wipe her eyes clear, then hear and growling and chewing sound coming from the other side of the bed . She stood up and move close to the sound and saw Anna lying down with her stomach ripped open and a zombie kneeling beside her eating her organs. She closed her mouth with her hands, tears falling from her eyes moving backward slowly, suddenly the zombie stop and turn to it head slowly at her...M stand in a place ….suddenly turn to run but the zombie cut up with her and bite her neck open


M woke up breathing heavily with sweat over her body

Anna : hey you good

M : ( still breathing heavily ) ye….yeah just a nightmare

Anna : zombies?

M : ( nod )

Anna : it's a normal thing now beside we are living in it . Cheer up you get over it

M : it felt real

Anna : it will stop soon . Freshen up and come down stairs and your breakfast is on the table

M : okay

10 mins laters after she was done having her bath and breakfast, she went outside Anna was sitting on the porch cleaning her gun

M : hey

Anna : hey… you had breakfast

M : yes just finish, where's everyone

Anna : out working or just moving around

M : oh okay . I had no idea you can still get bread

Anna : yeah well team 10 was lucky to storm upon flour they brought it back to town and we trade with them we give them something they want we got flour . Nisa baked it

M : cool …. It not that good but thankful

Anna : thankful right

M : hmm came you show me around

Anna : yeah sure am not doing anything for now

M : cool thanks

Anna : and teach you

M : teach me what ?

Anna : first let's get you familiar with the environment

M : sure

Anna : let go

She carried M around the town

Anna : that team 8 building don't mess with those guys not friendly

M : just like rose

The both of the laugh

M : i was expecting this place to be big

Anna : yeah it's small town , luckily there weren't much zombies, so Russell cleared out the few zombies and build a fence around it

M : the fence doesn't look that strong

Anna : that why they keep watch in every corner to keep zombies or bad people out

M : so this Russell his like the owner of the town

Anna : you can say that

M : you call those guys team 8, what about your team

Anna : we are team 20

M : everybody has their own team

Anna : yes , don't go around other teams they just love trouble

M : why is it divided like that

Anna : well before it's was more of unit then team. We use to be in unit 010, it's usually made up off 50 to 30 people

M : what happened

Anna : each unit goes out for supply run everyday and the food goes to the storage room, soon everyone began to notice someone or people were stealing from the store, fight broke out and the store was attacked, it was empty no supplies left. People starve after working hard then there was riots and people started backing out from their units forming a team so whatever supplies they bring belong only to them. Since then it's every man for himself. Some people left the town after

M : Russell does he go out for supplies run too

Anna : not really he has men for that and beside whatever every team bring back to town 10% is his . After everyone started going on self mission with there team, they started going out of control, so he put a law, what ever any team bring back to town 10% is his, if you don't agree to the law then you have no business in the town. You will be forced to like

M : that's cheating, why don't you guys do something about it

Anna : ( chuckle ) it's either here or out there

Till walking

Anna : over there ( pointing to a building ) that the clinic, they lack some kind of drugs and equipment but it better than not having . Nisa work there

M : cool. Can I ask a question

Anna : sure what it

M : why bring me back here when it will put you at risk

Anna : I don't know, can't leave you there and if I had turned you over to Russell, you won't be here . They will give you supplies to last for two days and send you away. This place is populated and we trying to survive. Maybe if it was back then I would leave you

M : really

Anna : yes I had trust issues, still do but not has before only have faith in my team

M : why are they looking at me ( turning her head to the people standing by the road )

Anna : guessing they haven't seen you before, just act natural okay

Chuck walks up to them

Chuck : hey ladies..... woah you look beautiful Anna

Anna : good morning chuck

Chuck : when you say my name, it sound like a music filled with love

Anna : ( chuckle ) in your dreams

Chuck : You know I won't lie to you. Oh look it the faint girl how are you ( talking to M )

M : am okay

Chuck : nice, so where are you guys heading

Anna : show her around and where are you going

Chuck : going for a drink ( raise a bottle of alcohol ) team 13 brought it last night

Anna : good for you

Chuck : wanna join me

Anna : thank for the offer, we be going now

Chuck : hm run away princess.. catch you later ( lean in and try to kiss Anna )

Anna step back and push his face aside

Anna : Jesus Chuck what the fuck

Chuck : I know you like me and I love when you play hard to get, don't worry am all us and waiting for you ( he winked at her, turn around and left )

M : he likes you

Anna : he better finds someone else

M : what cause the virus break

Anna : A team of scientists and doctors are conducting an experiment on humans to extend their lifespan to 200 years. They start with animals and are successful in extending the animals' lifespans, but when they move on to human trials, things take a dark turn.The human subjects begin to show signs of insanity and start craving human flesh, eventually becoming mindless, bloodthirsty zombies. The virus spreads rapidly through the urban setting, causing panic and chaos.

M : oh my God, was it that bad

Anna : you were lucky to be asleep then

M : so what did the president do about

Anna : to save his family first, there was a lockdown but it didn't stop the virus spreading. People were hungry, they had to go out and from there everything falls apart

M : I can't imagine

Anna : come on we are almost there

Finally the arrived at a filed not far

M : what was your life like before everything

Anna : funny enough it was super boring unlike now having fun killing zombies

M : why… did you have a family

Anna : then only difference between you and I is you had a family, as for me I never had one. I was an orphan

M : how sure are you I have a family

Anna : come on from the way you are, you look like a only child being spoiled by both parents

M : do you think so

Anna : you are licid, someone can read you easily

M :hm.. so what did you do before all this, like work

Anna : any guess

M : hmmm the military or a police officer

Anna : why that

M : because of the way you act, give order and act in charge

Anna : think so

M : well John is funny and doesn't takes things seriously, his the clown of the team, makes everyone happy, nisa she cooks and works in the clinic, taking care of everyone… the mother of the team, Steven is really quite, focus and smart…the brain of the team i guess, Mike I don't know much about him but almost like John but not close, and rose the serious one, always reminding everyone what they are to do, joy killer

Anna : nice you are very observant, I like that. Mike is the team driver his very skilled, if we are going on a tough mission his always reliable, he knows the road like back of his hands . And you are right I was in the military

M : that cool were you are high rank officer

Anna : well that story is for another time.

M : okay…why are we here ( looking around the field )

Anna : do you know how to shoot

M : I don't think so

Anna : well it's your lucky day here ( gave her a gun )

M : ( taking the gun in her hand ) wow it weight a lot for a small gun

Anna : you will get use to it. You see those bottles, I want you to imagine they are zombies coming your way, now kill them

M use both hands to hold the gun and shoot the bottle, she fell down after pulling the trigger and after 5 try's she missed every shot

Anna : come on you can do this, here let me show you ( stood behind her holding the gun hand in hand with her ) hold on, first of all you learn to use one hand, hold it firm like that, one finger on the trigger, make your it comfortable in your hands like you holding a baby

M : this no baby

Anna : it is your baby from now on. Now aim for the target, take a deep breath now shoot

M shoot and the bottle shattered in pieces

M : wow that was nice

Anna : it is a real zombie would you will dead by now

M : how, what do you mean

Anna : zombies are mindless beings , they are already dead….walking corpses, fast but not that fast, all they want is to feed on fresh..human or animal as long it's breathing . The only part in their body alive is the brain and once a bullet hit the brain, they are dead . That's why always aim for the head. Head shot and they are attracted to sound and smell of the body and blood

M : how do you know this things

Anna : unlike like you I was here when it started and learned the ways

M : head shot, got it

Anna : do you know the rules of surviving

M : have no ideal

Anna : let get the lecture then. The number one rule of surviving.. Always have a weapon on you

M : what about if there is no bullet in the gun

Anna : gun is not the only weapon there is…. You can turn anything into a weapon like a wood, sharp the edge it's a weapon, knife and dagger

M : dagger ?

Anna : yes my favorite you know why

M : why

Anna : Blade don't need reloading and like I said zombies are attracted to sound and smell of the body and blood. Using gun only put you in more danger but when there are more zombie approaching use gun

M : you're right but is it possible to find it

Anna : it's not, I have a dagger and their is a weapon room, you find any kind of weapon there. After teach you how to use a gun, you learn how to use a dagger

M : okay

Anna : now rule two… Have a good hideout from zombies and humans

M : why… will humans want to hurt themselves

Anna : Choose a location that's defensible. Look for a location with few entry points and high walls or fences to make it easier to defend against zombies and humans. It has always been hard to control people but with the power of the government and the military and all things was put in place but that doesn't mean people stopped crime and when the zombies virus break out it's turn everyone into outlaws. No body care about the government or military, that what ruin the country, everyone had a power of their own. Zombies won't attack if you are far from them, all they want is to feed but humans…. We just love to destroy

M : what about if the place is really safe

Anna : I know I said it's safe here but no where is really safe, we got attacked by a group of refugees last two months, don't worry everything is okay, that why we keep watch at every corner so zombies or unwanted people won't come in and attack. Where you feel is the most safest place is actually the most risky place. Find somewhere you can keep out zombies and humans, more preferable somewhere high, like a tall building

M : the world really changed

Anna : it has always been like this, just the apocalypse bought out the bad side of everyone even people they think they are the nicest on the planet

M : no one except these to happen

Anna : no one ever did . Rule three…Have supply especially water .Food and water are essential for human survival. Without them, you won't have the energy or hydration necessary to survive, let alone fight off zombies. If you're well-stocked with food and water, you'll be able to travel more freely without worrying about where your next meal will come from or how you'll stay hydrated. This can be especially important if you need to flee from a horde of zombies. Thirdly in a world where resources are scarce, food and water are more valuable commodities for trading with other survivors. Having a stockpile of food and water can give you an advantage when bartering for other necessities, such as weapons or medicine.

M : jezzz so much rules, it's making me feel dizzy

Anna : then prepare yourself to faint, these are just half of it. Rule four Have a ride. Maintain a low profile. Avoid flashy or loud vehicles that may attract attention from zombies or other survivors. Avoid vehicles with loud engines or noisy parts that could draw unwanted attention and stay off the main roads, Stick to back roads and less populated areas to avoid running into roadblocks or other obstacles.
Make sure to keep your vehicle stocked with supplies, such as food, water, and weapons. Sometimes you can't make it back to your safe zone

M : what's about bikes

Anna : yeah you can use that but can you use it for supplies runs

M : I did not think of that

Anna : rule five. Never run out of supplies before you restock. It's important to plan ahead and stay on top of your supplies .Rotate your supplies, use the oldest supplies first to ensure that you always have fresh food and water on hand.Maintain an inventory, keep a list of your supplies and update it regularly so you know when it's time to go on a supply run.
Plan ahead, try to anticipate when you will need to go on a supply run, and schedule runs accordingly. Not only food and water, both weapons, medication and cloth okay

M : what if I have more than I can use

Anna : there's no such thing like more than you can use during this times, everything is important. Understand

She gave a nod

Anna : rule six Always have a backup plan. Having a backup plan is crucial for survival. Some guidelines for creating a backup plan, identify alternate route, Know several ways to get to and from your primary locations, in case your usual routes become blocked. Choose multiple rendezvous points, Identify several meeting points for your group, in case you become separated or need to regroup.
Have multiple safehouses, identify several locations where you can seek shelter, in case your primary safehouse becomes compromised

M : you said choose a meeting point for your group in case you become separated. Does this apply to me

Anna : you are a member of my team, you have a group and maybe later in the future you will have a team of your own

M : I like your team better

Anna : am sure you do. Rule seven Trust No one. Trust must be earned and not freely given. Assume that any survivor you encounter could be dangerous, and approach them with caution.Trust your instincts when it comes to other survivors, if someone seems untrustworthy, it's better to be on the side of caution.Keep a low profile try to avoid drawing attention to yourself or your group, as this could make you a target for other survivors

M : but I can trust you right?

Anna : yes would have been a nice answer to be given but as we have it no. Don't trust anyone in the town or anywhere not even me

M : but you trust your team don't you

Anna : I have faith in them not trust. Anyone can betray you at anytime even your team

M : But trusting make us stronger

Anna : you will learn with time. Rule eight Have more than one exits. Having multiple exits can mean the difference between life and death.Do a perimeter check before entering any location, walk around the perimeter to look for potential exits.Plan your escape routes, identify at least two routes out of any location, in case one becomes blocked or unsafe.
Always have a way out, keep a weapon or tool on hand that can help you create an exit if needed, like a hacksaw. These because if you encounter or where you stay is been swamped by zombies or bad people

M : do you have another exit here in town

Anna : they do but I have mine personal and there's a escape car there with supplies in it and weapons

M : ohh

Anna : don't worry will show you some other time Lastly rule number nine keep moving, keep low, keep quiet, keep alert! Don't stay in a place for a year, least 7 months. Staying in a place for too long can be dangerous,. Like one day you can go out for supplies run and coming back to same place everyday, can put you in high risk, someone can be watching your every move and when you feel too safe and comfortable they attack. That's what happen, we got too comfortable and felt safe then we were attacked at night. Keep moving, keep low, keep quiet and keep alert . These are my nine rules of surviving. Don't you understand

M : yes but too many

Anna : if you want to keep safe then add to it. ( she look up at the sky ) come on it's getting late, let's go back

M : how did you know , the like the rules and what to do

Anna : well it's just like the military, going on mission to the enemy base, we can only keep moving staying in same place only puts us in high risk. Food and water is less so we can only ration it. Well it's almost same but different, the enemy knows what they're doing but zombies just mindless bodies walking around

M : okay …. Am pretty sure you had a high rank in the military from the way you lecture me . It's really cool ( gave her a thumbs up )

Anna : ( smiled and led the way ) let's go