
Realms Reborn: The Legends Left Behind

In the world of magic, a young warrior was born. His youthful tribulations sent him on a quest to spread the word about his mother. Dive into the world of pain, suffering, and resolve.

Pixelrexgunner · Fantasie
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297 Chs

Trapped Within the Intangible

The next morning they headed right into the forest.

The forest was dense, much denser than either Amukelo or Eliss had anticipated. The canopy above was a thick tapestry of leaves, allowing only the faintest rays of sunlight to pierce through. The air was thick and humid, filled with the musky scent of decaying leaves and damp earth.

Every step they took was muffled by the underbrush. It was so silent that even the softest rustle seemed to echo, creating an almost hypnotic rhythm. The tall trees surrounding them appeared identical, their gnarled branches and thick trunks standing as silent sentinels, watching their every move.

Hours seemed to pass, and while Amukelo's instincts kept them moving forward, an unsettling feeling gnawed at him. The same large boulder, the same bend in the path, the same distinctive tree with a peculiar knothole — were they walking in circles?

"I think we've been here before," Amukelo murmured.

To confirm his suspicions, he took out hi sword and carved a distinct mark on one of the trees. They continued walking, hoping to shake the eerie déjà vu.

But as they trudged on, Eliss felt a growing heaviness in her mind. The whispers returned, this time more insidious than before.

"*Betray him... He's leading you to your doom... You will fail anyway, so why even try...*"

The voices began to drown out everything else. She glanced at Amukelo, her trusted companion, and suddenly, he seemed like a stranger. Doubts swirled in her mind, intensified by the voices that urged her to forsake him. The trust they had built over their journey was being tested.

"*He's the reason you're trapped... Only by betraying him can you leave safely...*"

Eliss clenched her fists, trying to focus on the path ahead, willing the whispers away. But their pull was strong, and she began to drift into her thoughts, wrestling with the barrage of doubts and fears.

It wasn't long before Amukelo's suspicion was confirmed. The marked tree stood before them again, its scar mocking their disoriented journey. The realization hit them hard, but for Eliss, the internal battle was even more intense.

Amukelo looked at her, sensing the storm within. "Eliss, talk to me," he implored, unaware of the treacherous whispers that plagued her mind.

Eliss hesitated, torn between confiding in him and keeping the insidious voices to herself. The forest's labyrinthine deception was only the beginning of their challenges.

As the weight of their predicament bore down on them, Amukelo realized that traditional navigation methods were futile in this enchanted forest. "I need to meditate," he told Eliss, determination evident in his eyes. "I'll tap into the mana surrounding us, see if I can sense a way out. But while I do this, I'll be completely vulnerable. Can you watch over me?"

Eliss, still shaken from her internal struggles but barely able to think properly, nodded. "Of course, just... be careful."

Amukelo settled down cross-legged on the forest floor, taking deep breaths as he centered himself. As he delved deeper into his meditation, a shimmering azure hue emanated from his form, signifying his communion with the mana around him.

Eliss stood guard, her senses heightened, scanning the quiet forest for any sign of danger. Every rustle, every distant bird call, put her on edge.

Within the ethereal plane of mana, Amukelo soon noticed a peculiar aura emanating from Eliss. It was discordant, dark, and clearly out of place. Drawing from his exceptional mastery over mana, he reached out and began to purge the foreign essence. It was like trying to separate oil from water, demanding every ounce of his concentration. But eventually, with a final forceful tug, he managed to dispel it.

Refocusing his efforts, he cast his senses outward, trying to perceive the layout of the forest. As his awareness expanded, he soon came across an intangible barrier, a sort of magical perimeter. It felt both solid and ethereal, and he could sense it encapsulating them, like birds trapped in a cage. Tentatively, he touched the barrier with his mana. In an instant, he was propelled across to the other side. The sensation was disorienting, akin to being pulled through a fast-moving stream, only to be deposited on the bank.

Coming back to his physical senses, he opened his eyes and looked at Eliss. "I found something," he began, explaining his discovery of the magical barriers and the teleportation effect. "It's like this forest is encased in a magical cage. Whenever we approach the barrier, we're teleported to the opposite side, creating the illusion of an endless loop."

Eliss's eyes widened in realization. "The voices... they stopped after you meditated. Did you do something?"

Amukelo nodded, recounting the strange aura he'd found around her and his efforts to expel it.

Relief washed over Eliss. "Thank you," she whispered, her trust in him reaffirmed.

Amukelo grasped her hand. "We're in this together," he assured her. "Now, let's find a way out." The two adventurers, armed with their newfound knowledge, prepared to confront the challenges of the Whispering Forest of Elarth head-on.